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81. Search Result Search result. (4716) Penelope, julia; wolfe (Robins), Susan J. 1983 Toward a Feminist Aesthetic. Author, Penelope, julia; wolfe (Robins), Susan J. http://db.genderinn.uni-koeln.de/cgi-bin/recherche/englisch?w=tab&id=4716 |
82. FIE 2000 Author Index: W ASSIGNMENTS FOR TECHNICAL COURSES F3B Caroline Carvill, Anneliese Watt and julia M. Williams. Rose M. Marra, John C. Wise and Thomas A. Litzinger. wolfe, Harvey http://fie.engrng.pitt.edu/fie2000/authors/W.htm | |
83. Visit The North Carolina Mountains Thomas mother, julia wolfe, a shrewd real estate investor, bought it around 1906 to run as a boardinghouse. Not that the family needed the money. http://www.visitnc.com/mnts/mnts_article.asp?articleid=671§iongroupid=1 |
84. Bios: Thomas Wolfe wolfe s Mother, julia E. wolfe, was a woman of the mountain. She was ahead of her time as a successful female real estate speculator. http://histclo.hispeed.com/bio/w/bio-wolfe.html | |
85. Walling / Wolfe Married julia Maria wolfe 4 Jul.1895 Hampton SC. My grandmother, julia Maria wolfe was born in a house accross the street from the Methodist Church in Hampton. http://sciway3.net/clark/hampton/walling.html | |
86. Girlcomic.net - Feminist.funny. My Poor Poor Dentist julia wolfe. I hated going to the dentist. julia wolfe is an improviser, actor, and writer living in Chicago. She also swings on trapezes. http://www.girlcomic.net/may2k3_readthis_wolfe.php | |
87. In The First Person julia wolfe So much has been the stuff for the festival, like for festival planning David Lang I ve been listening to Bob Dylan. julia wolfe Well, yeah. http://www.newmusicbox.org/first-person/may99/interview11.html | |
88. Julia Wolfe: Arsenal Of Democracy - £16.98 - Music; - Joynd.co.uk/ julia wolfe Arsenal of Democracy £16.98 - Music; - joynd.co.uk/, julia wolfe Arsenal of Democracy. julia wolfe Arsenal of Democracy. http://www5.joynd.co.uk/Julia_Wolfe-Arsenal_of_Democracy,B0000040V2/ | |
89. Howe, Julia Ward -- Howell's A Modern Instance: In Cornell University's Making O 11, issue 65 (March 1863). Howe, julia Ward, Mrs., A New Sculptor. The Atlantic Monthly, vol. 10, issue 59 (September 1862). Howe, MA De wolfe, The Death. http://cdl.library.cornell.edu/moa/browse.author/h.196.html | |
90. Rocky Mountain News: Columnists Antiques admirers and CCOHA supporters included Marcy and Bruce Benson; Susan and Michael Shank; Nancy and Fred wolfe; julia and Earl Banks; Pam and Louis http://www.rockymountainnews.com/drmn/lifestyles_columnists/article/0,1299,DRMN_ | |
91. Julia - Pazsaz Entertainment Network Who s A Freud Of Ginger wolfe? The Grass Is Sometimes Greener; The Eve Of Adam; Romeo And julia; Hilda s No Help; So s Your Old Uncle; http://www.pazsaz.com/julia.html | |
92. Alibris: Thomas Wolfe Letters Mother browse BOOKS, Browse for title thomas wolfe letters mother matched 2 titles. Sometimes it pays off to expand your search to view http://www.alibris.com/search/books/title/thomas wolfe letters mother | |
93. Wolfe Video http://www.wolfevideo.com/search.asp?searchterm=wave+babes |
94. Wolfe Video http://www.wolfevideo.com/search.asp?searchterm=wave babes |
95. Wissmer,Pierre The Database Home Page. To the Index. Wiszniewski Zbigniew Wissmer Pierre (1915) Sex. Male. Comments nbsp. Concerto. Written. Duration. Comments. Publisher. G. Ricordi. Inst. 2 Clarinet in http://www.woodwind.org/Databases/Composers/Names/010955.html | |
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