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41. Welcome To Ambitious Music Publishing In Austria johann Baptist wanhal (Vanhal) (1739 1813) THE COMPLETE PIANO CONCERTOS in C (1785?),A (1785), D (1788) and C (1795?) edited 1998 - 2001 by Virginia F. and http://members.klosterneuburg.net/handerle/ | |
42. Johann Baptist Vanhal (1739-1813) - Klassiekemuziekgids.net klassiekemuziekgids.net. johann Baptist Vanhal (ook wanhal, Van Hal) Nechanicz1739 Wenen 1813 Tsjechisch componist, organist en violist. http://www.klassiekemuziekgids.net/componisten/vanhal.htm | |
43. Wanhal Links to sites associated with johann wanhal Vanhal (will open newbrowser windows). johann wanhal, Viennese Symphonist Back to http://www.secm.org/links/composers/wanhal.html | |
44. Search Results johann wanhal, Viennese SymphonistHis Life and His Musical Environment by Paul BryanCo-Author Edited by ISBN 0-945193-63-7 Price (US Funds) $95.00 cloth http://www.pendragonpress.com/cgi-bin/bl.cgi?isbn=0-945193-63-7 |
45. Cutter Numbers For Composers: W W241, Walton, William, 1902. W247, wanhal, johann Baptist, 1739-1813 see Vanhalfor correct form of name. W262, Ward, Robert, 1917-. W271, Ware, Peter, 1951-. http://www.library.yale.edu/cataloging/music/cutterw.htm | |
46. Index Of Composers Translate this page Top. WAGNER, Richard (1813-1883). wanhal, johann Baptist (1739-1813). WEBER, CarlMaria von (1786-1826). WERNER, Josef (1695-1766). WIENIAWSKI, Henri (1835-1880). http://www.violinman.com/Violin_Family/history/composer/content.htm | |
47. VIOLIN SOLO 3 in A minor (PRIMROSE) _ 1361 Sonata No. 6 in B 6 major (PRIMROSE). wanhal,johann Baptist (17391813) _ 2566 Concerto in C major (PUCHTA). http://www.violinman.com/Violin_Family/history/composer/composition/viola1.htm | |
48. Willkommen Bei Adobe GoLive 5 wanhal (johann) - Er ist geborenzu Nechanitz in Böhmen und ein Schüler des Hrn. von Dittersdorf. http://www.lacetra.ch/mittsommernacht/Vanhal.html | |
49. Johann Hopf Violin Copy Musician's Resource trip to Trio 3 for piano, violin and cello, Jan Krtitel Vanhal johann Baptist wanhal (1739-1813 Martin Jakubícek (piano http://www.sleepyhollowrecords.com/violin-resources/johann-hopf-violin-copy.html | |
50. Applied Clarinet Repertoire Lower Level Music Major MUP 190 And Stamitz, Karl, Concerto in Eb, Sikovski. Stamitz, johann, Concerto in Bb,MCA Music. wanhal, johann, Sonata, McGinnis Marx. Szalowski, Sonatina,Omega. http://www.sou.edu/music/BenderFolder/ClarinetRep.html | |
51. Famous Classical Composers Index -- W -- Music Resources At Harmonicity.com Obscure Contemporary Women , Use the Index. Wagner, Richard;wanhal, johann; Weber, Carl Maria von; Webern, Anton von; Weill, Kurt; http://www.harmonicity.com/composers/famous_classical_composers_w.htm | |
52. Uncataloged Microfilm -- H-K Zisterzienserstift. MS ?. wanhal, johann Baptist. Concerto per Viola Concertanteviolino primo F major. 55M1224 Hle, Georgio de la. Octo Missae. http://www.lib.unc.edu/music/film/filmhijk.html |
53. Uncataloged Microfilm W-Z Ph. D. diss. Yale University, 1984. 55ML977 wanhal, johann Baptist. Concertoper Viola Concertante violino primo F major. Heiligenkreuz, Austria. http://www.lib.unc.edu/music/film/filmwxyz.html | |
54. ON CLASSICAL. Fugue Lists: XVIII Century 1906, 1958). wanhal, johann Baptist (Nechanice 1739 Vienna 1831); Cz. Fuguesfor organ (Sm 16834 Vienne). Fugue for organ or harspichord (pub. 1785). http://www.kunstderfuge.com/700.htm | |
55. Clarinet Repertoire Voxman), Sonata in C minor, Rubank. Vaughan Williams, Ralph, 6 Studies in EnglishFolk Song, Stainer and Bell, Galaxy. wanhal, johann, Sonata No. 2, Southern Music. http://digilander.libero.it/dressler/Html/Clarinet Repertoire.htm | |
56. Säveltäjien Teosluetteloita Vanhal (Wanhal) Säveltäjäluettelo Vanhal, Jan Bryan, Paul johann wanhal, Viennese symphonist his life and music enviroment. Stuyvesant Pendragon Press, 1997. http://www.kaapeli.fi/~musakir/Verzeichnis/vanhal.html | |
57. :: Ez2Find :: W Emile (2) Walker, George (6) Wallace, William (2) Walther, johann (4) Walther,johann Gottfried (5) Walton, William Turner, Sir (8) wanhal, johann (1) Ward http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Arts/Music/Composition/Compo | |
58. All Composers WALDTEUFEL, EMIL (18371915) Works. WALTON, WILLIAM (1902-) Works. wanhal,johann BAPTIST (1739-1813) Works. WANSKI, JAN (1760-1830) Works. http://www.gigfix.com/repertoire/composers-all.php | |
59. Komponisten-Daten: W Translate this page Friedrich K. (1929-1991) Wangemann, Otto (1848-1914) Wangenheim, Volker (1928) Wangnet,Paul (1897) wanhal, johann Baptist (1739-1813) Wannenmacher, johannes http://home.t-online.de/home/pfaelzer.saenger/07komp_w.htm | |
60. Artikelliste Translate this page wanhal Sonate D-Dur für Flöte, Cembalo oder Klavier von Jan wanhall (1739 2 a-moll(aus dem Journal du printemps) für 5 Stimmen von johann Caspar Ferdinand http://home.t-online.de/home/Dr.R.Bodensohn/katalog_edition-bodensohn.htm | |
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