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41. Wagner Society Of New York Link To New Web Site performance and understanding of the music of richard wagner through events such as seminars, lectures, recitals The richard wagner Society of New York P.O http://www.wagnersocietyny.com/ | |
42. Richard Wagner Archive richard wagner ARCHIVE To get to the home page, click here. This page is maintained by Hannu Salmi. http://www.utu.fi/~hansalmi/wagner/ | |
43. Rich & Margie Wagner | WildNaturePhotos - Professional Wildlife And Nature Photo Stock photo collection specializing in raptors, birds, reptiles, venomous animals, medicinal plants, and the Sonoran Desert. http://WildNaturePhotos.com | |
44. Richard Wagner Home Page basic information. http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/Strasse/2906/wagner.html | |
45. Richard Wagner Postkarten-Galerie Eine Sammlung historischer Postkarten mit Motiven aus richard Wagners Opern. http://www.richard-wagner-postkarten.de/ | |
46. LA WALKYRIA 1.1 / EN PRUEBAS Proyecto de animaci³n para representar en la web la tetraloga de richard wagner. (Muestra de animaci³n) http://www.perdigallos.com/walkure.html | |
47. Richard Wagner Translate this page Wilhelm richard wagner. Born Leipzig, Kingdom of Saxony, 22 May 1813 Died Venice, Italy, 13 Feb. 1883. Operas. The dates and locations http://opera.stanford.edu/Wagner/main.html | |
48. Wagner Genootschap Nederland Studiegenootschap dat zich verdiept in de muzikale en cultuurhistorische waarden van de muziekdrama's van richard wagner. Jaarprogramma, praktische informatie en links. http://www.wagnergenootschap.nl/ | |
49. Abizeitung . Net - Treffpunkt Für Abiturienten Im Netz Abizeitung. http://www.abizeitung.de | |
50. Wagner Society Of Washington DC Membership organization devoted to the music of richard wagner. Plans and supports lectures, workshops, symposia and operatic performances in the Washington area. http://www.wagner-dc.org/ | |
51. Richard Wagner (1813 - 1883) Translate this page richard wagner. (1813 - 1883). Die Biographie von richard wagner. 1813. Geburt richard Wilhelm wagners am 02. Mai in Leipzig als jüngstes http://www.karadar.com/Worterbuch/wagner.html | |
52. Monsalvat richard wagner's musicdrama 'Parsifal' synopsis, libretto, analysis, sources, performance history, reactions plus religious, philosophical, cultural and political aspects. Contains also some links to other opera interest sites. http://home.c2i.net/monsalvat/index.htm | |
53. POINTER- Richard Wagner: A Discography This page has a new URL. If the new page does not appear in a few seconds, CLICK HERE. http://www.ffaire.com/rwdisc.html | |
54. BarberGenealogy.com Home Page Family history of William James (Bill) Barber, Bowling Green, OH USA. Includes surnames Cleaves, Dazey, Hoover, Knoll, Kunesh, Miller, Null, richard, Schindler, Streit, Umbs, wagner and Wight. http://www.barbergenealogy.com/ | |
55. Gustav-Eberlein-Forschung E.V. Der Berliner Bildhauer, Maler und Poet geh¶rt zu den bedeutendsten K¼nstlern der Berliner Bildhauerschule des 19. Jahrhunderts . U.a. schuf er das GoetheDenkmal in Rom, die richard-wagner- und Albert-Lortzing-Denkm¤ler im Berliner Tiergarten und das Nationaldenkmal Argentiniens in Buenos Aires. http://www.g-r-i-m-m.de/ | |
56. Richard Wagner - Artist Painting Prices, Art Appraisal, Artist Paintings [AskART richard wagner AskART, an artist directory with richard wagner and 32000+ American painting and other artists - richard wagner artwork prices, valuations http://www.askart.com/artist/W/richard_wagner.asp?ID=104749 |
57. Richard Wagner Translate this page wagner, Wilhelm richard * 22. Mai 1813 in Leipzig 13. Febr. 1883 in Venedig. Bühnenwerke. Das Liebesverbot (Die Novize von Palermo) 29. http://www.operone.de/komponist/wagnerr.html | |
58. Richard Wagner - Biografie Rasscass Translate this page richard wagner. Der Deutsche richard wagner zählt als Komponist der musikalischen Romantik zu den größten europäischen Musikdramatikern. http://www.rasscass.com/templ/te_bio.php?PID=519&RID=1 |
59. Sing Faster: The Stagehands' Ring Cycle Chronicles the making of richard wagner's Ring Cycle from the point of view of the union stagehands at the San Francisco Opera. Includes overview, broadcast schedule, and biographies of the filmmakers. http://www.itvs.org/singfaster | |
60. Wagner, Richard. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. wagner, richard. 181383, German composer, b. Leipzig. 1. Life and Work. wagner was http://www.bartleby.com/65/wa/Wagner-Ri.html | |
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