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         Volans Kevin:     more books (17)
  1. Jurgen Partenheimer, Discontinuity, Paradox and Precision
  2. Kevin Volans: String Quartet No. 1 White Man Sleeps (Score) (Music Sales America) by Kevin Volans, 1998-01-01
  3. South African Composers: John Joubert, Hendrik Hofmeyr, Priaulx Rainier, Surendran Reddy, Solomon Linda, Thomas Rajna, Kevin Volans
  4. Gershwin for Two: 1pv4h (Music Sales America) by Kevin Volans, 2001-01-08
  5. Hey, Man! Sheet Music by Kevin Volans, 2009-11-25
  6. Sheep marketing in Scotland (Economics and management series) by Kevin Volans, 1981
  7. String quartet no. 2: Hunting, gathering by Kevin Volans, 1997
  8. Kevin Volans: String Quartet No.3 'The Songlines' (Score) by Unknown, 2009-01-01
  9. Kevin Volans: Asanga For Solo Percussion by Unknown, 2009-01-01
  10. Kevin Volans: String Quartet No.3 'The Songlines' (Parts) by Unknown, 2009-01-01
  11. Kevin Volans: She Who Sleeps With A Small Blanket by Unknown, 2009-01-01
  12. Kevin Volans: Into Darkness (Score) by Unknown, 2009-01-01
  13. Kevin Volans: Into Darkness (Parts) by Unknown, 2009-01-01
  14. Kevin Volans: Cicada For Two Pianos (Score) by Unknown, 2009-01-01

1. Kevin Volans - Biography
Home Composers Kevin volans kevin Volans. updated 23 July 2001 KevinVolans has lived in Ireland since 1986 and is an Irish citizen.
Home Composers
Kevin Volans
updated 23 July 2001
Many hundreds of concerts and broadcasts of his work have been given worldwide. Performances of the last few years include the Berliner Festwoche, the Salzburg Festival, Lincoln Center (NYC), Next Wave Festival (New York), New Music America (Miami), Interlink Festival (Tokyo), World Music Days (Bonn), Belfast Festival, Adelaide Festival, Montreal Jazz Festival, the QEH, ICA etc (London), the Turin Opera House and the Vienna State Opera. In 1996 he was the featured composer in the Netherlands Wind Ensemble's New Year's Day live television broadcast from the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam.
Fourteen compact discs which feature his music have been released, one of which, 'Pieces of Africa', became the second biggest selling classical CD in the USA in 1993.
Some 20+ dance companies worldwide have featured his music, including the White Oak Dance Company, Daniel Ezralow and Judith Marcuse (USA); Shobana Jeyasingh, Jonathan Burrows, Rambert Dance Company and Siobhan Davies (London); The Vienna State Opera (Zanella); Roberto Costello (Italy); and Ballet North (Australia).
Recent commissions include music for 'Sound on Film' for BBC2; a piece for the Swedish percussionist Jonny Axelsson; a cello concerto for Bayerischer Rundfunk; a new dance piece for the Frankfurt Ballet (choreographer: Jonathan Burrows); a two-piano piece for Double Edge (New York); a piano concerto for Peter Donohoe and the Netherlands Wind Ensemble (which received its UK premiere at the 1996 BBC Proms) and music for 'Blue Yellow' - a short dance film for Sylvie Guillem. Current projects include dance works for Siobhan Davies and Shobana Jeyasingh and a series of six

2. Kevin Volans
Kevin Volans composer. ( Compiled February 1999) Kevin Volans has lived in Ireland since 1986 and is an Irish citizen. He was born July 26, 1949 in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa.

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BalletNotes Home Page Kevin Volans, composer (Compiled February 1999) Many hundreds of concerts and broadcasts of Volans' work have been given worldwide. Performances of the last few years include the Berliner Festwoche, the Salzburg Festival, Lincoln Center (NYC), Next Wave Festival (New York), New Music America (Miami), Interlink Festival (Tokyo), World Music Days (Bonn), Belfast Festival, Adelaide Festival, Montreal Jazz Festival, the Queen Elizabeth Hall (London), the Turin Opera House and the Vienna State Opera. In 1986 he was the featured composer in the Netherlands Wind Ensemble's New Year's Day live television broadcast from the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam. Fourteen compact discs which feature his music have been released, of which Pieces of Africa became the second best selling classical CD in the USA in 1993. More than twenty dance companies worldwide have featured his music, including the White Oak Dance Company, Daniel Ezralow and Judith Marcuse (USA); Shobana Jeysingh, Jonathon Burrows, Rambert Dance Company and Siobhan Davies (England); The Vienna State Opera; Roberto Costello (Italy); and Ballet North (Australia). Recent commissions include music for Sound on Film for BBC2; a piece for the Swedish percussionist Johnny Axelsson; a cello concerto for Bayerischer Rundfunk and the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Society; a new dance piece for the Frankfurt Ballet (Choreographer: Jonathan Burrows); a two piano piece for Double Edge (New York); a piano concerto for Peter Donohoe and the Netherlands Wind Ensemble; and music for

Kevin Volans is an internationally acclaimed composer of contemporary music living in Dublin.

Kevin Volans is an internationally acclaimed composerof contemporary music living in Dublin.

5. Volans, Kevin At
Saturday, May 15, 2004 HOME COMPOSER AZ Kevin volans kevin Volans. (b.1949),Kevin Volans has lived in Ireland since 1986 and is an Irish citizen.
Home Composers Work Search Calendar ... Help Search by All Composer Work Title News Advanced Thursday, May 27, 2004
COMPOSER A-Z Kevin Volans
Kevin Volans
Many hundreds of concerts and broadcasts of his work have been given worldwide. Performances of the last few years include the Berliner Festwoche, the Salzburg Festival, Lincoln Center (NYC), Next Wave Festival (New York), New Music America (Miami), Interlink Festival (Tokyo), World Music Days (Bonn), Belfast Festival, Adelaide Festival, Montreal Jazz Festival, the QEH, ICA etc (London), the Turin Opera House and the Vienna State Opera. In 1996 he was the featured composer in the Netherlands Wind Ensemble's New Year's Day live television broadcast from the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam.
Fourteen compact discs which feature his music have been released, one of which, 'Pieces of Africa', became the second biggest selling classical CD in the USA in 1993.
Some 20+ dance companies worldwide have featured his music, including the White Oak Dance Company, Daniel Ezralow and Judith Marcuse (USA); Shobana Jeyasingh, Jonathan Burrows, Rambert Dance Company and Siobhan Davies (London); The Vienna State Opera (Zanella); Roberto Costello (Italy); and Ballet North (Australia).
Latterly he has turned his attention to writing for orchestra as well as collaborating with visual artists. He has recently completed a theatre piece with South African artist William Kentridge, for singers, actor, shadow puppets and string quartet, commissioned by the Chicago Institute of Contemporary Art. Other recent commissions have included a double string quartet for the Duke Quartet, a Concerto for Double Orchestra for the BBC Symphony Orchestra and a work for percussion for the Norwegian percussion group Sisu.

6. Kevin Volans
Anniversaries 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009. Website style Kevin Volans.(this composer submitted by Larry McGinniss mcginnissl(at) ).

7. Volans - Search69 - The Online Search Directory
BBC Classical Review - Kevin Volans hunting Kevin Volans - Biography Kevinvolans kevin Volans was born in 1949 in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa.

8. Kevin Volans
Kevin Volans. All Products. 2. Kevin Volans White Man Sleeps/Mibira/SheWho Sleeps With A Small Blanket. Your Price $13.98. Kevin Volans

volans kevin 4. i 5. gudacki kvartet / COLLINS; 14172 Dva su posljednja gudackakvarteta Kevina Volansa (4. i 5.), u interpretaciji Kvarteta Duke
Volans Kevin: 4. i 5. gudaèki kvartet
/ COLLINS; 14172
Dva su posljednja gudaèka kvarteta Kevina Volansa (4. i 5.), u interpretaciji "Kvarteta Duke", ponovila uspjeh ranijih (èiji su se nosaèi zvuka prodavali u iznimno velikoj tiraži) i doživjela njihovu neobiènu sudbinu. Naime inspirirali su koreografe mnogih plesnih grupa.
Oba nam kvarteta prezentiraju zrelu skladateljsku osobnost prepoznatljiva i prijemljiva idioma koja je u gudaèkim kvartetima našla svoju kreativnu mjeru. Sam je Volans istakao da su mu gudaèki kvarteti kralježnica skladateljskog rada.
Zamjerke o pretvrdim sastavnicama i dopadljivim efektima su nestale, a otprije prepoznatljivo izuzetno dobro Volansovo poznavanje moguænosti glazbala u ovim kvartetima briljira. Flažoletni tonovi, sordinirani zvuk i posebno ugaðanje instrumenata za pticolika zvuèanja kroz ritmièku jedinstvenost i melodioznost stapaju se u organsku cjelinu s autentiènim tonskim zapisima Južne Afrike, koji na specifièan naèin diktiraju kauzalnost glazbene teksture. Koreografi i baletani su zgodno opisali svoju oèaranost splinovitim, magiènim i ritualnim ovih kvarteta nazivajuæi se taocima Volansovog glazbenog opijata.

volans kevin Koncert za klavir i gudace / CHANDOS; 9563 Kevin Volans porodenju je Južnoafrikanac a po mjestu življenja naturalizirani Irac.
Volans Kevin: Koncert za klavir i gudaèe...
/ CHANDOS; 9563
Njegova zadnja kompaktna ploèa s kraja godine 1997. demonstrira sve spomenute znaèajke Volansova idioma skupa s upuæenim prigovorima. To su: ritmièka jedinstvenost plesni karakter djela, snena melodioznost, ingeniozna orkestracija uz spomenuto proèišæavanje idioma. Ipak, ostaje dojam hinjenog rearanžiranja uspjelih suzvuèja ili uzoraka bez èvršæeg uoblièivanja a, prema minimalistièkom principu, popunjavanjem odreðenog vremena; svaka od skladbi mogla je biti i duža ali i kraæa.
Volansova ideja kako dobra skladateljska tehnika omoguæava instinktivni pravi pokret-pomak u reduciranoj glazbenoj graði kredo je ove kompaktne ploèe, koji ponajviše dolazi do izražaja u skladbi "Untitled (In memoriam G.H.V.)" iz godine 1996. Spomenimo da u intervjuima Volans istièe dobru proðu nosaèa zvuka s njegovom glazbom i to da preko dvadeset plesnih grupa trenutno koreografira i pleše njegova djela.

Mouvement Kevin Volans, compositeur (KRONOS QUARTET, VOLANS Un nouveau souffle à la musique classique.Kevin Volans, compositeur. Kevin Volans est natif d Afrique du Sud. Kevin

12. Volans - Finda Gadget - The Gadget Resource
Kevin Volans Biography Kevin volans kevin Volans was born in 1949 in Pietermaritzburg,South Africa. BBC - Classical Review - Kevin Volans hunting

13. Xtreme Musician: Kevin Volans
Kevin Volans. Born July 26, 1949, Instruments Played / Skills Composer. GenresClassical Music. Do you have additional information on Kevin Volans? Click Here!
Kevin Volans
Born: July 26, 1949
Instruments Played / Skills:
Classical Music
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"I don't know what a rock star is, but I are one." Joe Walsh
Do you have additional information on Kevin Volans? Click Here!
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14. KunstenFESTIVALdesarts - Kevin Volans
Kevin Volans. Confessions of Zeno. 2030. Kaaitheater.Kevin Volans was born in South Africa. From 1973 to 1981
Guide Alejandro Tantanian Musical theatre Toneelgroep Ceremonia
Eric De Volder
Het muziek Lod
Dick van der Harst
... William Kentridge Kevin Volans Handspring Puppet Company ZT Hollandia
Johan Simons

Paul Koek
The Syrian Choir and Ensemble
Dance Lynda Gaudreau
Compagnie De Brune
Emio Greco
Pieter C. Scholten
... Les Ballets du Grand Maghreb Theatre Forced Entertainment Tim Etchells Meg Stuart
Damaged Goods
... Gilbert Peyre Film An van. Dienderen Giovanni Cioni Nedjma Hadj Marta Bergman ... Rajae Essefiani Expo Didier Volckaert Vincent Fortemps Wang Jianwei Multimedia Constant vzw Kevin Volans Confessions
of Zeno
Kaaitheater Kevin Volans was born in South Africa. From 1973 to 1981 he lived in Cologne where he studied with Karlheinz Stockhausen, later becoming his teaching assistant. He is now an Irish citizen and lives in Dublin. In the late 1970s, following several field recording trips to Africa, he embarked on a series of pieces based on African compositional techniques which quickly established Volans as a distinctive voice on the European new music circuit. Since the mid-80's his work has been extensively performed and broadcast worldwide. Sixteen compact disks which feature his music are currently available, two of which, performed by Kronos have reached the top of the classical charts.

15. Volans
Kevin Volans. Links to more information about Kevin Volans General Information.
Kevin Volans
Links to more information about Kevin Volans

General Information

16. Volans, Kevin At
Wednesday, May 12, 2004 HOME COMPOSER AZ Kevin volans kevin Volans. (b.1949),Kevin Volans has lived in Ireland since 1986 and is an Irish citizen.
Home Composers Work Search Calendar ... Help Search by All Composer Work Title News Advanced Thursday, May 27, 2004
COMPOSER A-Z Kevin Volans
Kevin Volans
Many hundreds of concerts and broadcasts of his work have been given worldwide. Performances of the last few years include the Berliner Festwoche, the Salzburg Festival, Lincoln Center (NYC), Next Wave Festival (New York), New Music America (Miami), Interlink Festival (Tokyo), World Music Days (Bonn), Belfast Festival, Adelaide Festival, Montreal Jazz Festival, the QEH, ICA etc (London), the Turin Opera House and the Vienna State Opera. In 1996 he was the featured composer in the Netherlands Wind Ensemble's New Year's Day live television broadcast from the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam.
Fourteen compact discs which feature his music have been released, one of which, 'Pieces of Africa', became the second biggest selling classical CD in the USA in 1993.
Some 20+ dance companies worldwide have featured his music, including the White Oak Dance Company, Daniel Ezralow and Judith Marcuse (USA); Shobana Jeyasingh, Jonathan Burrows, Rambert Dance Company and Siobhan Davies (London); The Vienna State Opera (Zanella); Roberto Costello (Italy); and Ballet North (Australia).
Latterly he has turned his attention to writing for orchestra as well as collaborating with visual artists. He has recently completed a theatre piece with South African artist William Kentridge, for singers, actor, shadow puppets and string quartet, commissioned by the Chicago Institute of Contemporary Art. Other recent commissions have included a double string quartet for the Duke Quartet, a Concerto for Double Orchestra for the BBC Symphony Orchestra and a work for percussion for the Norwegian percussion group Sisu.

17. The Contemporary Music Centre, Ireland
Biography, selected works list.

18. XEBEC SoundArts6: Kevin Volans
Interview. From Sound Arts.
sa Sound Arts vol. 6
XEBEC SoundCulture Membership Magazine
Beyond Stockhausen
Kevin Volans
(lecturer of psychology and contemporary music)
After studying with STOCKHAUSEN, Kevin VOLANS broke from the composer and attempted to stake out new musical territory. FUJISHIMA Yutaka discusses his meeting with Volans, and shares some thoughts on his electronic sounds. The delicacy one senses in his compositions is not merely an attempt to pursue self-identity, but arises from Volans' desire for perfection in his work.
In the fourth part of this series, the author deals with Volans as the composer who completely changed his conception of electronic music.
Stockhausen at Expo '70
I first heard Stockhausen's live electronic music at Expo '70 in Osaka; the German pavilion was built especially for it. At the time, Stockhausen, the composer of numerous live electronic and multi-channel compositions, had advocated the construction of halls for electronic music. The spherical pavilion at the Expo was the result of this. When I entered the building, I found Stockhausen seated in front of a mixing board positioned higher than the audience. I no longer remember in detail the music he played, but what impressed me was the way the sound moved in space, the voice of the soprano coming from such a high place ( ), and Stockhausen and the players bowing to the audience from an even higher position.

19. Kevin Volans - The Man With Footsoles Of Wind
Home Composers kevin volans The Man With Footsoles of Wind kevinvolans The Man With Footsoles of Wind. updated 20 August 1996
Home Composers Kevin Volans
Kevin Volans - The Man With Footsoles of Wind
updated 20 August 1996
Kevin Volans

The Man With Footsoles of Wind
fl(pic).cl(Ebcl).bcl(Bbcl)/tpt.2hn/btbn/2perc/pf(cel).hp/string quintet
Chamber Opera based on the life and work of Arthur Rimbaud
Originally conceived by Bruce Chatwin
Libretto (En): Roger Clarke
Arthur Rimbaud, tenor
Arthur as a boy, treble
Madame Rimbaud, his mother, soprano Isabelle Rimbaud, his sister, soprano Captain of the African steamer, spoken part Djami, his African servant, baritone World Premiere: 2 July 1993 Almeida Opera David Perry, conductor Peter Mumford, director Siobhan Davies, choreographer Neil Irish, designer Commissioned by ENO Contemporary Opera Studio and Dancelines Productions Ltd. Composer's note: Bruce Chatwin and I began collaborating on this opera in early 1987. It is the last of Bruce Chatwin's projects to be completed. It was conceived of as an extension of some of the ideas outlined in his book The Songlines , principally the idea that the natural state of man is nomadic. The main body of the opera is set in the Ethiopian desert and is like The Songlines , "an imaginary conversation on an imaginary journey." Roger Clarke's libretto draws on Rimbaud's "A Season In Hell," which, to some extent seems to prefigure Rimbaud's wanderings in Africa, like a kind of 'songline.' For me, the most interesting aspect of Rimbaud's life was his ceasing to write at the height of his powers, and spending the rest of his life travelling, (presumably in search of a fortune). This 'move to silence' made him a paradigm of modernism. I placed his death at the beginning of the opera as a symbol of his move to silence, and in the last act there are long sections where the singers do not sing, or where they take on more 'instrumental' roles, singing without words. In this age of intrusion of the media in our lives and homes, and the scramble for popularity, I think it is up to us to insist on the arts as a life-affirming force (rather than an up-market consumer product), even if it means withdrawing to silence altogether.

20. Ccm :: Volans, Kevin Volans
volans, kevin 1949 South Africa, Pietermaritzburg / Ireland. Title. Parts. Leaping dance. 2 Pianos and winds. 1984 rev 1996.
Volans, Kevin 1949- South Africa, Pietermaritzburg / Ireland
Title Parts
Leaping dance. 2 Pianos and winds. 1984 rev 1996

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