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81. Digital Collections - Music - Sullivan, Arthur, Sir, 1842-1900. Poor Wand'ring O sullivan, arthur, Sir, 18421900. sullivan, arthur, Sir, 1842-1900. Poor wand ring one music song in the comic opera The pirates of Penzance - Front Cover. http://nla.gov.au/nla.mus-an24793688 | |
82. Kultur Musik Genres Klassische Musik Komponisten S Sullivan Translate this page Top. Kultur Musik Genres Klassische_Musik Komponisten S sullivan,_arthur. Diese Kategorie in anderen Sprachen Englisch (13). » arthur sullivan-Forschung http://www.infopool-24.de/index.php/World/Deutsch/Kultur/Musik/Genres/Klassische | |
83. Sir Arthur Sullivan Sir arthur sullivan (18421900). William Terpening 98. ir arthur sullivan was successful during the late nineteenth century as a http://www.victorianweb.org/mt/sullivan.html | |
84. Best Of Gilbert & Sullivan - Arthur Sullivan, John Owen Edwards, John Pryce Jone Best of Gilbert sullivan arthur sullivan, John Owen Edwards, John Pryce Jones, Yvonne Barclay, Gordon Sandison, Janine Roebuck, Madeleine Mitchell, Yvonne http://www.store-directory.org/us/music/asin/B00004W5AD/ | |
85. Biography Of Sir Arthur Sullivan Sir arthur sullivan. Though the name arthur sullivan of his once great fame. On June 24, 1842, arthur sullivan was born in South London. http://www.lib.rochester.edu/camelot/sullivan.htm | |
86. LII - Results For "sullivan, Arthur, Sir, 1842-1900" http//www.lamplighters.org/ Subjects sullivan, arthur, Sir, 18421900 Gilbert, WS (William Schwenck), 1836-1911 Lamplighters (Operetta company http://www.lii.org/search?searchtype=subject;query=Sullivan, Arthur, Sir, 1842-1 |
87. Sir Arthur Sullivan Society Sir arthur sullivan Society. Founded 1977 Registered Charity no. 247022 THE AIM of the Sir arthur sullivan Society is to advance http://www.britnett.net/sirarthursullivansociety/ | |
88. The Musical Times: Arthur Sullivan 1842-1900 arthur sullivan 18421900. It is now time to refer to that remarkable series of comic operas that have made the name of arthur sullivan so famous. http://www.musicaltimes.co.uk/archive/obits/190012sullivan.html | |
89. Arthur%20Sullivan : Musik arthur sullivan 06. September 1993. 4. Musik sullivan Co. http://www.einkaufszentrum-online.com/browse_pop_music_de/query_Arthur Sullivan/ | |
90. Jpc - Music à La Carte - Sullivan, Arthur (1842-1900): Symphony In E "Irish" http://www.jpc.de/jpcng/classic/detail/-/iampartner/hillenbrand/hnum/3219511 | |
91. Jpc - Music à La Carte - Sullivan, Arthur (1842-1900): Princess Ida Translate this page CoverImage. Decca ADD/DDD, 65/82 Veröffentlichung geplant zum 23.6.2003 Bestell-Nr. 8004783, Hörproben. Empfehlung. sullivan, arthur (1842-1900). http://www.jpc.de/jpcng/classic/detail/-/iampartner/hillenbrand/hnum/8004783 | |
92. ULCC - Sullivan, Arthur Name sullivan, arthur. Born 1842. Died 1900. Works sung, Song The long day closes. Song - The lost chord (arr. Spark). Song - The lost chord (arr. Fagge). http://www.ulcc.org.uk/personinfo.php?person=98 |
93. Exodus Provisions - Catalog By Author Exodus Provisions Catalog by Author. List by Author S sullivan, arthur. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. 1 found. http://www.exodusbooks.com/Author.asp?aut=S&author=Sullivan, Arthur&authorID=962 |
94. Best Of Gilbert & Sullivan (Arthur Sullivan, Et Al) by arthur sullivan, John Owen Edwards, John PryceJones, Yvonne Barclay, Gordon Sandison, Janine Roebuck, Madeleine Mitchell, Yvonne Patrick, Richard Suart http://johnkeyes.com/a/B00004W5AD-best-of-gilbert--sullivan.html | |
95. Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan Sheet Music! Sir arthur Seymour sullivan Sheet Music, Christian, Catholic Sheet Music, Scores and Tabs. Paper scores tabs for Sir arthur Seymour sullivan!! Click Here. http://catholic-christian-sheet-music.com/cgi-bin/shmtitles.cgi?newtitle=Sir Art |
96. Musica.co.uk sullivan_Salute, sullivan_Salute Composer sullivan Orchestra Royal Military School of Music Band, Kneller Hall Conductor Frank Renton Price £12.95 Despatch http://www.musica.co.uk/index.php?screen=ADVSEARCH&dbselect=classical&ARTIST=Sul |
97. Who's Who In Musicals: So-Su He enjoyed fresh acclaim in his final years thanks to a hit revival of Gypsy. sullivan, arthur Seymour Composer b. May 13, 1842 (Lambeth, UK) d. Nov. http://www.musicals101.com/who8b.htm | |
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100. Arthur Sullivan - Classical Music Shopping Mall, Store, Coupon, Discount Bargain arthur sullivan Classical Music from Online Shopping Mall, Online Store, Classical Music Catalog, Discount Bargain Shopping. Classical Music arthur sullivan. http://www.klipsan.com/cgi-bin/amazon_products_feed-mode-classical-search_type-A | |
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