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41. Arthur Seymour Sullivan Brief biographical note; 20 MIDI files of hymn tunes. http://cyberhymnal.org/bio/s/u/sullivan_as.htm | |
42. Project Gutenberg Titles By Sullivan, Arthur Project Gutenberg Titles by. arthur sullivan. The Complete Plays of Gilbert and sullivan. You can also look up this author on The Online http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/author?name=Sullivan, Arthur |
43. Amazon.com: Music / Styles / Classical / Featured Composers, A-Z / ( S ) / Sulli sullivan, arthur. edifyingspectacle.org Thanks for helping. Click here for more Browse sullivan, arthur. All Works by sullivan. Browse more http://edifyingspectacle.org/thanks/type_browse/mode_33453/ | |
44. Sullivan, Arthur At Edifying Spectacle sullivan, arthur. Edifying Spectacle Thanks for helping, Richard. http://edifyingspectacle.org/thanks/type_bestsellers/mode_33453/ | |
45. Arthur Sullivan (1842 - 1900) Translate this page arthur sullivan. (1842 - 1900). Die Biographie von arthur sullivan. Englischer Komponist sein Vater war Militärkapellmeister, der http://www.karadar.com/Worterbuch/sullivan.html | |
46. MusicMoz - Composition: Composers: S: Sullivan, Arthur arthur sullivan. From England Period Romantic Years 1842 1900 the entire directory. http://musicmoz.org/Composition/Composers/S/Sullivan,_Arthur/ | |
47. MusicMoz - Composition: Composers: S: Sullivan, Arthur: Links sullivan, arthur (1842 1900), United Kingdom - Biographical data, recommended CDs, books and sheet music, bibliography, and link to biographical essay from Dr http://musicmoz.org/Composition/Composers/S/Sullivan,_Arthur/Links/ | |
48. Biblioteca Virtual - Sullivan, Arthur Seymour (1842-1900) Translate this page Ficha de autor secundario, Foro de debate Foro, Añadir a mis autores preferidos Marca. sullivan, arthur Seymour (1842-1900). Entrada secundaria de http://cervantesvirtual.com/FichaAutor.html?Ref=3363 |
49. ClassicalPlus Composer - Arthur Sullivan sullivan, arthur Biography sullivan, Sir arthur (Seymour) (Born; London, 13 May 1842; Died; there, 22 Nov 1900). English composer. http://classicalplus.gmn.com/composers/composer.asp?id=496 |
50. SULLIVAN, Arthur Percy sullivan, arthur Percy. Deed, On 10 August 1919, at Sheika River, North Russia, the platoon to which Corporal sullivan belonged, after fighting a rearguard http://www.victoriacross.net/award.asp?vc=1194 |
51. Sullivan, Arthur : Queer Pop Culture sullivan, arthur. queerpopculture.com Thanks for helping. In association with. Browse sullivan, arthur. All Works by sullivan. Browse more http://queerpopculture.com/entertainment/type_browse/mode_33453/ | |
52. Arthur Sullivan | Felix Bloch Erben GmbH & Co KG Translate this page Wir nehmen Auffuehrungs- und Senderechte wahr und vertreten deutsche und auslaendische Buehnen- und Fernsehautoren.arthur sullivan, FBE, Felix, Bloch, Erben http://www.felix-bloch-erben.de/autoransicht.php/nav/aumu/iAuthorId/153/iType/3/ | |
53. Boosey And Hawkes: The Home Of Contemporary Music Vocal Score (Original Version). Details, sullivan, arthur Cox and Box. Category opera....... Number of records returned 8. sullivan, arthur Cox Box. http://www.boosey.com/pages/cr/catalogue/cat_results.asp?composerid=3300&stype=1 |
54. Boosey & Hawkes Teaching Music To Everyone Music Finder Search. Music Finder Results. Number of records returned 6. sullivan, arthur , Cox Box. sullivan, arthur arr. Tate -, Hornpipe Fr Ruddigore. http://www.boosey.com/pages/teaching/catalogue/musicfinder_results.asp?composeri |
55. Sullivan, Arthur - Informationen Und Links arthur sullivan-Forschung http://kultur.trampelpfad.de/nv1/0/Sullivan__Arthur/ | |
56. Sullivan, Arthur At Musicroom.com - Sheet Music For Musicians - Search Results Search Results There are 67 titles that match your search term arthur sullivan as an Artist or Composer. Search compilations for songs by arthur sullivan. http://www.musicroom.com/search.aspx?contribid=1354&searchtype=artist |
57. Filmlexikon FILME Von A-Z - Arthur Sullivan arthur sullivan ergab 1 Treffer. Darunter aus folgenden Kategorien http://www.filmevona-z.de/filmsuche.cfm?sucheNach=Musik&wert=60855 |
58. Amazon.com: Music / Styles / Classical / Featured Composers, A-Z / ( S ) / Sulli sullivan, arthur. youwantthisstuff.com Product Guide. Click here for more Browse sullivan, arthur. All Works by sullivan. Browse more http://youwantthisstuff.com/amazon/type_browse/mode_33453/ | |
59. Sullivan, Arthur Artists, id A2T. sullivan, arthur (b. 1842, London d. 1900, London) Keywords Lyricist. Compositions And shoyne (Adaptation) Double http://www.dedocsoft.com/keynote/pag/A2T.htm | |
60. Gilbert, William S. And Sullivan, Arthur At ChesterNovello.com Saturday, May 15, 2004 HOME COMPOSER AZ William S. and sullivan, arthur, Gilbert William S. and sullivan, arthur, Gilbert. Dramatic Works, Top of Page^. http://www.chesternovello.com/composer/557/main.html | |
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