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1. Sullivan,Arthur To the Index. Sullivan N. sullivan arthur (18421900) http://www.woodwind.org/Databases/Composers/Names/009754.html | |
2. Sugar,Rezso To the Index. sullivan arthur Sugar Rezso (1919) http://www.woodwind.org/Databases/Composers/Names/009748.html | |
3. Arthur Seymour Sullivan Arthur Seymour Sullivan. 18421900. http://www.cyberhymnal.org/bio/s/u/sullivan_as.htm | |
4. Arthur Sullivan - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Arthur Sullivan. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. SullivanGS.JPG. Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan (May 13, 1842 - November 22, 1900 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Sullivan | |
5. Arthur Sullivan - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Arthur Sullivan. (Redirected from Arthur S. Sullivan). SullivanGS.JPG. Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan (May 13, 1842 - November 22, 1900 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_S._Sullivan | |
6. Sullivan, Arthur S. At ChesterNovello.com Tuesday, May 11, 2004 HOME COMPOSER AZ Arthur S. sullivan arthur S. Sullivan. Orchestra, Top of Page^. Di Ballo Overture 12 mins. http://www.chesternovello.com/composer/1579/main.html | |
7. Malaspina.com - Gilbert Sullivan Arthur Sullivan (1842-1900) this Category in New Window. Arthur Sullivan (18421900) William Gilbert G S Scan © CCPA, Pop Classical. Etexts by this Author http://www.malaspina.edu/~mcneil/sullivan1.htm | |
8. SULLIVAN ARTHUR (FBI) sullivan arthur (FBI). Wise,D. Cassidy s Run. 2000 (10). pages cited this search 1 Order hard copy of these pages http://www.namebase.org/xstr/Arthur-_28fbi_29-Sullivan.html | |
9. Di-arezzo.com - L'univers De La Musique - Partitions De Sullivan Arthur Translate this page Vente de partitions de Musique de sullivan arthur Catalogue Mondial, Moteur de Recherche multi-critères (auteur,formation,instrumentation, ) Di-arezzo.com http://www.di-arezzo.com/france/sats_fr/compositeurs/partitions sullivan arthur. | |
10. Di-arezzo.com -A World Of Music - Scores, Parts And Sheet Music Of Sullivan Arth SheetMusic, Scores and Parts of sullivan arthur available by mail order. All sheet music, scores, parts and tabs of sullivan arthur are available here. http://www.di-arezzo.com/uk/sats_uk/compositeurs/sheet music sullivan arthur.htm | |
11. IPac2.0 Browsing results matching sullivan arthur Sir 1842 1900. Author, Titles. Sullivan, Arthur, Sir, 18421900. 123. Sullivan, Arthur, Sir, 1842-1900. Cox and box, 1. Art |
12. Arthur Sullivan Sheet Music! www.laurasmidi.com/SheetMusic/Arthur-S-Sullivan More results from www.laurasmidi.com sullivan arthur M (in MARION)sullivan arthur M. Record 1 of 1. Using research to improve teaching / Janet G. Donald, Arthur M. Sullivan, editors. San Francisco Jossey-Bass, 1985. http://www.laurasmidi.com/Sheet-Music/Arthur-Sullivan | |
13. DBLP: Arthur Sullivan Arthur Sullivan. List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server FAQ 1998. 1, Arthur Sullivan Singular Propositions and Singular Thoughts. http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/s/Sullivan:Arthur.html | |
14. Arthur Sullivan Arthur Sullivan. Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan (May 13, 1842 November 22, 1900) was a British composer best known for his operatic http://www.fact-index.com/a/ar/arthur_sullivan.html | |
15. Arthur Sullivan Arthur Sullivan. Gilbert Sullivan; The Mikado by Arthur Sullivan, John PryceJones, D Oyly Carte Opera Company 19 October, 1993. http://www.reversephonedirectory.com/products/?mode=classical&search_type=Artist |
16. Sullivan, Sir Arthur (1842 - 1900) sullivan, Sir arthur (1842 1900). The name of Sir arthur sullivan is indissolubly wedded with that of WS.Gilbert, with whom he http://www.hnh.com/composer/sullivan.htm | |
17. Sullivan, Arthur sullivan, arthur sullivan, arthur. Period Romantic. Born Friday, May 13, 1842 in London, England. Died Thursday, November 22, 1900 in London, England. http://stevenestrella.com/composers/composerfiles/sullivan1900.html | |
18. Www.sullivan-forschung.de Sehr aufwendig gestaltete wie umfangreiche Seite rund um den englischen Komponisten, der durch seine komischen Opern mit dem Lyriker W.S. Gilbert bis heute zum Repertoire vieler Theater geh¶rt. Biografische Daten, Analysen, Editionen, Inhaltsangaben der Open, Empfehlungen und Tipps. http://www.sullivan-forschung.de/ | |
19. The Mikado, Arthur Seymour Sullivan arthur Seymour sullivan. arthur Seymour sullivan was born in London on 13 May 1842. According to Leslie Ayre, arthur sullivan's older brother Frederic sometimes accompanied him to http://www.stcloudstate.edu/~scogdill/mikado/sullivan.html | |
20. Arthur Sullivan's Biography Gilbert and sullivan Archive. arthur SEYMOUR sullivan. ( 1842 1900) Sir arthur Seymour sullivan was born in Lambeth, London, in 1842 to a very musical family. http://diamond.boisestate.edu/gas/html/sullivan.html | |
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