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Subotnick Morton: more books (17) | |||||||||||||
41. Industrial.org EEEI Datasmasher Release Database location top // musical artist / s / subotnick, morton musical artist subotnick, morton. label Nonesuch. entry added 199903-02 000000. http://industrial.org/releases.php?a1=2&l=s&t2=1227 |
42. Industrial.org Gear Fetish location top / subotnick, morton musical artist subotnick, morton. label Nonesuch. musical release, Silver Apples of the Moon, label, Nonesuch. http://industrial.org/gear.php?a1=2&l=s&t2=1227 |
43. School Of Music Faculty - MORTON SUBOTNICK, Composition Back to Faculty Directory. The Music School main page. CALifornia Institute. of the, ARTS. morton subotnick, Mel Powell Chair in Composition. http://music.calarts.edu/faculty/msubotnick.html | |
44. Ccm :: Subotnick, Morton Subotnick, Mort Subotnick subotnick, morton (Mort) 1933 USA, Los Angeles. Title, Parts. Liquid Strata. Piano, http://composers-classical-music.com/s/SubotnickMorton.htm | |
45. Morton Subotnick (1933- ) Library Of Congress Citations Saturnalis. 1981. subotnick, morton. First dream of light. 1981. Control No. 81750428 /R/r91 Author subotnick, morton. Uniform http://www.malaspina.edu/~mcneil/cit/citlcsubotnick.htm | |
46. Malaspina.com - Morton Subotnick (1933- ) Category in New Window. morton subotnick (1933 ) Postmodern EAM Music Scan © CCPA, Pop Classical. Discography Amazon Great Books http://www.malaspina.edu/~mcneil/subotnic1.htm | |
47. Jpc - Musik à La Carte ... Subotnick,morton (geb.1933) Translate this page Silver Apples of the Moon (Elektr.Komp.)subotnick,morton (geb.1933). Touch (Elektronische Komposition)subotnick,morton (geb.1933). http://katalog.jpc-verzeichnis.de/subotnick,morton__(geb.1933).html | |
48. Techno Guide: Morton Subotnick morton subotnick Born in Los Angeles (CA) in 1933, morton subotnick is an innovator in the use of electronic instruments and interactive computer music systems http://www.intuitivemusic.com/tguidemortonsubotnick.html | |
49. Fnac.com - Disques Classiques - Morton Subotnick morton subotnick SynthTopia Moog Music. morton subotnick. MP3.com.au. get an ipod. morton subotnick. morton subotnickmorton subotnick is one of the innovators of classical electronic music. http://www.fnac.com/156929/rcwwwp/Subotnick-Morton.html | |
50. Morton Subotnick - SynthTopia morton subotnick. morton subotnick is one of the great living composers. He Check for morton subotnick in the Synthtopia Store! Search http://www.synthtopia.com/artists/MortonSubotnick.html | |
51. EAR/Rational Music! $9.75 NO. subotnick, morton Silver Apples of the Moon WER2035 CD Wergo $18.50 NO. subotnick, morton - Touch/Jacob s Room WER2014 CD Wergo $18.50 NO. http://www.ear-rational.com/index.php?offset=760&searchparm=:S&order= |
52. EAR/Rational Music! subotnick, morton Vol. 1 Electronic Works MODE97 CD $14.75 All-time classic electronic works by morton subotnick, available http://www.ear-rational.com/detail.php?id=3165&searchparm=:S&order=&offset=760 |
53. Morton Subotnick Pionnier De La Création Musicale Par Ordinateur Translate this page morton subotnick a donné une impulsion majeure au développement des musiques électroacoustiques et électroniques aux Etats-Unis. morton subotnick. http://neospheres.free.fr/electro/subotnick.htm | |
54. DW3 Classical Music Resources - Browse Resources Browse Resources. Classical Music Composer Homepages Late Twentieth Century subotnick, morton. (1 resource). Resources morton subotnick s Home Page, http://www.lib.duke.edu/dw3/SPT--BrowseResources.php?ParentId=604 |
55. Morton Subotnick - Volume 2: The Electronic Works 2 morton subotnick Volume 2 The Electronic Works 2 Sidewinder (1976) for 4-channel tape, new 4.1 surround version 1. Side One (1436) 2. Side Two (1417 http://www.mode.com/catalog/132subotnick.html | |
56. Morton Subotnick Life. morton subotnick is one of the acknowledged pioneers in the field of electronic music and an innovator in works involving instruments and other media http://www.classical-composers.org/cgi-bin/ccd.cgi?comp=subotnik |
57. Morton Subotnick : The Key To Songs morton subotnick s The Key to Songs. morton subotnick is a man who has influenced, if not driven, the world of electronic music. http://csunix1.lvc.edu/~snyder/em/sub.html | |
58. Wauu.DE: Arts: Music: Composition: Composers: S: Subotnick, Morton http//www.eamdc.com/06.html. subotnick, morton (1933 Living), United States Biographical data, recommended CDs, books and sheet music, bibliography, and link http://www.wauu.de/Arts/Music/Composition/Composers/S/Subotnick__Morton/ | |
59. MUSICMATCH Guide Morton Subotnick 1999, Early Modulations Vintage Volts, 1989, Touch/Jacob s Room, Create morton subotnick MP3s from these CDs with MUSICMATCH Jukebox Plus! Click here. BIOGRAPHY http://www.mmguide.musicmatch.com/artist/artist.cgi?ARTISTID=604714 |
60. Avantgarde Music. Morton Subotnick: Biography, Discography, Reviews, Links morton subotnick (Copyright © 1999 Piero Scaruffi Legal restrictions Termini d uso ) Silver Apples Of The Moon (Nonesuch, 1967 http://www.scaruffi.com/oldavant/subotnic.html | |
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