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61. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Oscar Straus (Music: History, Composers, And Performers, AllRefer.com reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete informationon oscar straus, Music History, Composers, And Performers, Biographies. http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/S/Straus-O.html | |
62. :: EMI MUSIC GERMANY :: EMI CLASSICS :: OSCAR STRAUS :: Hoppe Various 27.06.2003 Album, Das http://www.emiclassics.de/xml/6/800060/ | |
63. :: EMI MUSIC GERMANY :: EMI CLASSICS :: OSCAR STRAUS :: Walzertraum, Ein :: Translate this page oscar straus, Walzertraum, Ein oscar straus Willy Mattes 04.03.1996.5659652 Compact Disc. Mitwirkende Anneliese Rothenberger * Nicolai http://www.emiclassics.de/xml/6/800060/5659652.html | |
64. Template Composer oscar straus. title. type. orch. Abrakadabra-Hexerei. Leise, ganz leise (Ein Walzertraum). Menuet. Nixchen-. Rheingold-. Schlüssellied. Polka Français. http://www.viennese-music-library.com/start/s/straus(oscar).html | |
65. Oscar Straus - Online Kaufen/bestellen, Musik (Klassische) Translate this page Musik (Klassische) oscar straus In Kooperation mit Amazon.de Februar 2004. Musik(Klassische) oscar straus Ein Walzertraum (Gesamtaufnahme) (Aufnahme 1970). http://www.eshopxxl.de/index-mode-classical_de-search_type-ArtistSearch-input_st | |
66. All Music Cd Reviews Of Oscar Straus ManaZucca G Zuccamana, David Guion John Charles Thomas An American Classic, Songsfrom Operettas Johann II strauss, Carl Millocker, oscar straus, Franz Lehar http://www.cd-reviewers.com/search_artist/Oscar Straus | |
67. Statue / Monument Of Oscar Straus In Washington DC By Sculptor Adolph Alexander Statue / monument of oscar straus in Washington DC by Sculptor Adolph AlexanderWeinman. oscar straus (18501926) was one of America s first career diplomats. http://www.kittytours.org/thatman2/search.asp?subject=120 |
68. Miscellaneous Items In High Demand: Subjects: 498 straus, oscar S.(oscar Solomon),18501926. straus, oscar S.(oscar Solomon),1850-1926Homes hauntsNew York (State)Tarrytown. straus, Sarah. http://lcweb2.loc.gov/pp/cphSubjects498.html | |
69. Oscar Straus Query oscar straus query. Is there an oscar straus fan out there who can pointme to some straus authority or the place holding the straus papers? http://palimpsest.stanford.edu/byform/mailing-lists/arsclist/2001/04/msg00001.ht | |
70. Oscar Straus At Basic Music oscar straus. Music of oscar straus. Search for sheet music by oscar strausat Sheet Music Plus. Recomended Recordings. 1 10 of 33, More Results. http://basicmusic.net/MusicianDisplay.php/musn/1800 | |
71. Straus Composer s Composition S. straus, oscar (, ) Austria / 1870.3.6 Vienna ~ 1954.1.11 Bad Ischl. Colombine http://www9.plala.or.jp/dxc_opera/comp/s/straus.html | |
72. EntWagon.com : Famous Quotations From Oscar Solomon Straus, Famous Sayings, Quot Quotations From oscar Solomon straus. The Jew is on Plymouth Rock. Judaism And Jews. oscar Solomon straus. Prev 1 Next . http://www.entwagon.com/cgi-bin/quotes/author.pl?auth=Oscar_Solomon_Straus |
73. Famous Quotations Form Great Authors, Author's Profile, Proverbs At EntWagon.com Orway Tead, oscar Ameringer, oscar Hammerstein, oscar Homoka. oscarLevant, oscar Solomon straus, oscar Wilde, Oswald C. Hoffman. Oswald http://www.entwagon.com/quotes/authors/O/ | |
74. Allegro Musik ÅTER TILL. oscar straus. oscar straus föddes den 6 mars 1870 i Wien. På grundav sin judiska härkomst tvingades oscar straus att 1940 emigrera till USA. http://www.allegromusik.com/bibliotek/kompositorer_straus_oscar.htm | |
75. DARABCÍMMUTATÓ 771. A bájos ismeretlen (straus, oscarJacobsen, LeopoldStein,Leo; Die schöne Unbekannte) 624. A bajusz (Vero György) 187. http://php.arcanum.hu/xsl/szinhaztort_2/index-div2-id739601.html | |
76. Iclassics.com - Classical Music And More Newsletter SignUp Visit iClassics LIVE Herbert von Karajan Gramophone sChoice Timeline. oscar straus. Hilde Gueden Sings Operetta Evergreens. http://www.iclassics.com/iclassics/artists_result.jsp?entityId=16007 |
77. Spielplan_pa Translate this page Jean-Philippe Rameau Prem.-Abo/Freier Verkauf, Premiere Sonntag, 9. Mai, 19.30 UhrDie lustigen Nibelungen, Burleske Operette von oscar straus Freier Verkauf http://www.suedostbayerisches-staedtetheater.de/passau/spielplan_pa.htm | |
78. Musikergedenkstätten Translate this page Jean Wien Stadler, Maximilian 3390 Melk Stadlmayr, Johann 6020 Innsbruck Stöhr,Richard Wien Stolz, Robert 8020 Graz Stolz, Robert Wien straus, oscar 4820 Bad http://www.music.at/index/mg.html | |
79. MUSEUM & EVENTS - Art Museum Austria - StadtMUSEUM Bad Ischl Translate this page Ein Abend mit oscar straus. Samstag 15. Mai 2004, Beginn 19.30 Uhr. Mai 2oo4 miteinem Abend, der speziell oscar straus gewidmet ist. oscar straus ist am 11. http://www.stadtmuseum.at/home.php | |
80. Agi Straus , Por Oscar D'Ambrosio Translate this page de o artista estar sempre melhorando o seu trabalho, Agi straus mostra, em oscar DAmbrosio,jornalista, integra a Associação Internacional de Críticos de http://www.artcanal.com.br/oscardambrosio/agistraus.htm | |
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