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41. Johan Stamitz Johann stamitz (17171757) Johann Wenzel anton stamitz was one the most influential figures in European music during the mid-18th century. http://www.artaria.com/Composer/JStamitz.htm | |
42. Nuotisto3 35 0000 0100 00 0 str Kalmus, 21 . stamitz, anton (1750n.1809), 1442, Alttoviulukonsertto nro 3, G str Breitkopf Härtel, 18 . stamitz http://www.sinfoniaorkesterit.fi/nuottikirjasto/saint.htm | |
43. Alapage.com - Plus De 3 Millions De Produits Culturels Et De Loisirs stamitz, anton FILS, JOHANN stamitz ET FRÄNZL) (Nouveauté) de WERNER MATZKE / CONCERTO KOLN http://www.alapage.com/b_ManheimLâgedorOeuvresdeChristianCannabichCarlStamitz | |
44. Alapage.com - Plus De 3 Millions De Produits Culturels Et De Loisirs stamitz, anton Fils, Johann stamitz et Fränzl) - WERNER MATZKE, CONCERTO KOLN - JOHANN stamitz http://www.alapage.com/b_JOHANN STAMITZ_L_2_DAGOOGL.html | |
45. Anton STAMITZ (Antonín STAMIC) (Havlíckuv Brod) 1754 - Paris (?) 1808(?) Translate this page anton stamitz (antonín STAMIC) (Havlíckuv Brod) 1754 - Paris (?) 1808(?). Fils de Jan anton et frère cadet de Carl, il fit lessentiel http://www.lamediatheque.be/TCHEQUIE/STAMITZ.htm | |
46. Le Choix De Nos Médiathécaires: Mannheim : The Golden Age Translate this page MANNHEIM THE GOLDEN AGE. Christian Cannabich - Carl stamitz - anton Fils Johann stamitz- Ignaz Fränzl Concerto Köln. Cote Médiathèque CA0900. http://www.lamediatheque.be/travers_sons/1200AG02.html | |
47. Stamitz/Sperger Translate this page Hörerlebnis für sich. Klassische Violakonzerte Johann stamitz, anton stamitz, Johann Matthias Sperger. Eine CD, Koch Classics http://www.baeng-2000.de/Unsere_Themen/Klassik-CD/Komponisten/Stamitz_Sperger/st | |
48. Sheet Music - Artists S Club Thru System Sorabji Soto De Langa, Francesco Soto De Langa Sousa, John Philip Sousa Spohr, Ludwig Spohr stamitz, anton Thadaus Johann Nepomuk stamitz stamitz, Carl http://laurasmidiheaven.com/s.shtml | |
49. Stamitz Family - Composers stamitz Family Search the Web stamitz Family Arts Music Composition Composers stamitz Family Go to Directory Home Categories stamitz, anton(2 http http://composition.composers.stamitz_family.wapadas.com/ | |
50. Composers ~ Sl MAR 1901)Eng; STALDER, Joseph Franz Xaver (17251765); STALHEIM, Jostein (1960 - ); stamitz, anton (1750 -1789); stamitz, Carl (SHTAH http://members.tripod.com/~musiclassical/compsl.html | |
51. Johann Stamitz -- Encyclopædia Britannica stamitz, Johann (Wenzel anton) Encyclopædia Britannica Article. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=71185&tocid=0&query=mozart&ct=eb |
52. Composer Stamitz,Johann Wenzel Anton - Tchaikowsky,Andre Translate this page Clarinet Compositions stamitz,Johann Wenzel anton - Tchaikowsky,Andre. stamitz,Johann Wenzel anton, stamitz,Karl. Stanford,Sir Charles Villiers, Starer,Robert. http://www.woodwind.org/Databases/Composers/Names/index23.html | |
53. Uncataloged Microfilm S 2 stamitz, anton. Concerto pour alto viola principal, violons 1 et 2 D major. 2 stamitz, anton. Concerto pour alto viola principal, violons 1 et 2 G major. http://www.lib.unc.edu/music/film/films.html |
54. NAWM 92, 7:27: Johann Wentzel Anton Stamitz (1717-57), Sinfonia A 8 In E-flat Ma NAWM 92, 727 Johann Wentzel anton stamitz (171757), Sinfonia a 8 in E-flat major (La melodia germanica¸no. 3). TG=theme group. S=subject. MM. Keys. Themes. http://www.arts.arizona.edu/mus330b/nawm92.htm | |
55. Johann Stamitz. Everything You Wanted To Know About Johann Stamitz But Had No Cl Johann stamitz. Johann Wenzel anton stamitz (Czech Jan Václav Stamic) (baptized June 30, 1717 March 27, 1757) was a composer and violinist. http://www.smartpedia.com/smart/browse/Johann_Stamitz | |
56. Stamitz - Encyclopedia Article About Stamitz. Free Access, No Registration Neede of which were Johann stamitz Johann Wenzel anton stamitz (Czech Jan Václav Stamic) (baptized June 30, 1717 March 27, 1757) was a composer and violinist. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Stamitz | |
57. Classical Music - Sheet Music Translate this page Sperger, Johann Matthias (1750-1812) Spohr, Ludwig (1784-1859), Stalder, Joseph Franz Xaver Dominik (1725-1765) stamitz, anton Thadaus Johann Nepomuk (1750-1796 http://www.byronhoyt.com/composers/s.html | |
58. Quartet Translate this page Shield, William. Sonnleithner, Christoph. Spech, Janos. Sperger, Johann M. stamitz, anton. stamitz, Carl. Starzer, Joseph. Steibelt, Daniel. Strebinger, Matthias. Teyber, anton. http://www.steglein.com/Database/Genres/Quartets/quartet.php | |
59. Composers Translate this page Ludwig 39 Schütz, Heinrich 99 Scriabine, Alexandre 100 - 34 Sides, Douglas 49 Smetana, Friedrich 83 Spohr, Louis 39 stamitz, anton 60 Stockhausen, Karl http://www.tacet.de/compe.htm | |
60. Viola-Repertoire - Composer P-S Translate this page stamitz, anton 6 Duos, D,G,C,B,G,F. Für Vl, Vla Le Menu. stamitz, anton 6 Duos, A,C,B,F,Es,E. op. 10 (P. Doktor). stamitz, anton Konzert Nr. 2, in F, 1779. http://www.presence.or.at/IVS/fr/VlaKompPS.htm | |
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