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21. MusicMoz - Composition: Composers: S: Stamitz, Anton: Links anton stamitz (1750?) - Brief biographical sketch and summaries of his orchestral and chamber music. Johann anton stamitz - Musica http://musicmoz.org/Composition/Composers/S/Stamitz,_Anton/Links/ | |
22. Ccm :: Stamitz, Anton Stamitz stamitz, anton Johann Baptista 1754c1809 Germany, Mannheim - France, Paris http://composers-classical-music.com/s/StamitzAnton.htm | |
23. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Arts > ... > Composers > S > Stamitz, Anton stamitz, anton Subjects Arts Composers S stamitz, anton. Sort by Most Popular. Bestselling Products in stamitz, anton. http://www.alexa.com/browse/general?catid=548124&mode=general |
24. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Arts > ... > Composition > Composers > S Louis (6); Spratlan, Lewis (4); stamitz, anton (2); stamitz, Carl (4); stamitz, Johann (4); Stanchinsky, Alexei Vladimirovieh (5); Stanford http://www.alexa.com/browse/categories?catid=124668 |
25. :: WWW.HUNGAROTON.HU :: Op. 39 PÉTER CSABA, VILMOS SZABADI (violins). stamitz, anton (1750-1796) + - 8 CAPRICES DE FLUTE - PÁL NÉMETH (flute). STEFFANI http://www.hungaroton.hu/classic/eng_info.php?info=1383&vez=s |
26. :: WWW.HUNGAROTON.HU :: Translate this page SPOHR, Louis (1784-1859) -. SPOHR, Louis (1784-1859) -. stamitz, anton (1750-1796) + -. STEFFANI, Agostino (1654-1728) -. STOLTZER, Thomas (c. 1480-1526) -. http://www.hungaroton.hu/classic/info.php?info=1383&vez=s |
27. ♫ Sheet Music For Sale : Stamitz, Anton - Flötenkonzert D-dur ♫ Translate this page score Flötenkonzert D-dur from stamitz, anton. Flötenkonzert D-dur stamitz, anton Flötenkonzert D-dur stamitz, anton Flötenkonzert D-dur Euro buy. http://www.music-sheet-for-sale.com/score/BREIT11005_Stamitz_Anton.html | |
28. ♫ Sheet Music For Sale : Stamitz, Anton - Violakonzert Nr. 3 G-dur ♫ Translate this page score Violakonzert Nr. 3 G-dur from stamitz, anton. Sheet music for sale. 3 G-dur stamitz, anton Violakonzert Nr. 3 G-dur stamitz, anton Violakonzert Nr. http://www.music-sheet-for-sale.com/score/BREIT11009_Stamitz_Anton.html | |
29. Musica Viva: Musica Viva: The Encyclopedia Of Music Search results for stamitzanton . stamitz, anton. 1750 - a809? Composer. Back to top. Back to top, http://www.musicaviva.com/encyclopedia/display.tpl?phrase=stamitz-anton |
30. Musica Viva: Musica Viva: The Encyclopedia Of Music stamitz, anton; stamitz, Carl; stamitz, Johann; Standard http://www.musicaviva.com/encyclopedia/alpha.tpl?phrase=S |
31. Johann Stamitz - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Johann Wenzel anton stamitz (Czech Jan Václav Stamic) (baptized June 30, 1717 March 27, 1757) was a composer and violinist. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johann_Stamitz |
32. MSN Encarta - Stamitz, Johann Wenzel Anton http://de.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761560307/Stamitz_Johann_Wenzel_Anton.htm | |
33. MSN Encarta - Suchergebnisse - Stamitz Johann Wenzel Anton stamitz Johann Wenzel anton . Seite 1 von 2 weiter. Weitere Ergebnisse der MSN-Suche zum Thema stamitz Johann Wenzel anton . http://de.encarta.msn.com/Stamitz_Johann_Wenzel_Anton.html | |
34. Johann Stamitz Johann stamitz. Johann Wenzel anton stamitz (Czech Jan V?lav Stamic) (baptized June 30, 1717 March 27, 1757) was a composer and violinist. http://www.fact-index.com/j/jo/johann_stamitz.html | |
35. Fnac.com - Disques Classiques - Anton Stamitz Johann Wenzel anton stamitzVirginia Tech Multimedia Music Dictionary Composer Biographies. Johann Wenzel anton stamitz. Born 1717. Died 1757. Nationality Czech. Era Main genre http://www.fnac.com/404972/rcwwwp/Stamitz-Anton.html | |
36. Bodensee-Musikversand Suche Translate this page Hiermit können Sie die Druckansicht aufrufen! Artikel Nr. 1 bis 3 von 3 Artikeln für stamitz, anton (Seite 1 von 1). NOTEN. Klavier und Flöte. http://www.bodensee-musikversand.de/suchergebnis.asp?komponist=Stamitz, Anton |
37. Johann Wenzel Anton STAMITZ http://www.ifrance.com/100MUSIQUE/Histoire/Compostr/Stamitz.htm | |
38. Detailed Record anton Filtz ; Franz Xaver Richter ; Johann stamitz ; Karl stamitz ; anton stamitz ; Carl Joseph Toeschi Publisher http://worldcatlibraries.org/wcpa/ow/111914105571116c.html | |
39. Johann Stamitz:Lots Of Good Music (Classical) The History of the Clarinet in Words and Music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Christoph Graupner, George Frideric Handel, Johann stamitz, anton Stadler, Hector http://classical.lotsofgoodmusic.com/us_classical-mode-classical-search_type-Art | |
40. Carl Ditters Von Dittersdorf Johann Wenzel anton stamitz, one the most influential figures in European music during the midEighteenth Century, was born in Nemecky Brod (German Deutschbrod http://www.artaria.com/Composer/FullBios/JStamitz_Full.htm | |
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