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Spratlan Lewis: more detail |
61. Music Composers Translate this page Sorensen, Bent. Sousa, John Philip. Sowerby, Leo. Spohr, Louis. spratlan,lewis. Stäbler, Gerhard. Stamitz, Anton. Stamitz, Carl. Stamitz, Johann. http://www.artistactoractress.com/composers/ | |
62. Izatta Society Directory Society Pages lewis Morris Society Pages Gilbert Laird Jessop - Society PagesJim Dombrowski - Society Pages lewis spratlan - Society Pages Gilbert Ledward http://www.izatta.com/society/site_map/index79.shtml |
63. Arts Music 7) Shankar, Ravi@ (0) Sheng, Bright@ (4) Sheriff, Noam@ (2) Sierra, Roberto@ (4)Silvestri, Alan@ (5) Sondheim, Stephen@ (8) spratlan, lewis@ (4) Stevenson http://www.1arbeer.com/related/Arts Music | |
64. The Center For New Music 67 Sunflowers 03/12/78 04/16/78 Two Pieces for Two Flutes 11/13/66 03/12/78 Songayllo,Ray Bio Sonata for Viola and Piano 10/13/00 spratlan, lewis Bio Moments http://www.uiowa.edu/~cnm/comp3.html |
65. CNM -- 2001-02 Concert Schedule A concert of Russian and American composers including lewis spratlan, Alexey Sioumak,Michael Daugherty, Michael Torke, Roman Ledenev and Charles Wuorinen. http://www.uiowa.edu/~cnm/CNM36.html | |
66. ArkivMusic | Composers Spoliansky, Mischa (9). Spong, Jon (1). Spontini, Gasparo (43). spratlan,lewis (1). Spratling, Huw (2). Sprenkle, Elam (1). Springer, Paulina (1). http://www.arkivmusic.com/classical/NameList?role_wanted=1&alpha=Sp |
67. Living Composers Research Pages - Pulitzer Prize Winners In Music 2, musica instrumentalis . 1999, Wagner, Melinda (b. 1965), Concerto for Flute,Strings and Percussion. 2000, spratlan, lewis (b. 1940), Life is a Dream (opera). http://www.baggaleymusic.com/research/Awards/Pulitzers.html | |
68. Living Composers Catalog Research Pages: Composers Index Composers S. spratlan, lewis (b. 1940) Won the Pulitzer Prize in2000 for Life is a Dream - Pulitzer Prize Winners in Music. Starer http://www.baggaleymusic.com/research/ResearchIndex.html | |
69. The Opera Is A Dream? -- Music Review By Lou Wigdor Sixtyone-year-old Pulitzer Prize winning composer lewis spratlan has perfecthearing, but has gained deeper empathy with Beethovens predicament. http://www.filbert.com/pvfs/LousReviews/0204.htm | |
70. PVFS Happenings -- April 2002 Lou s Reviews lewis spratlan s Pulitzerwinning Life is a Dream; Calendar. Lou sReviews lewis spratlan s Pulitzer-winning Life Is a Dream. http://www.filbert.com/pvfs/news/0204.htm |
71. SearchBug Directory: Arts: Music: Composition: Composers: S Padre Antonio (6) Sondheim, Stephen (23) Sor, Jos Fernando Macarurio (11) Sousa,John Philip (15) Sowerby, Leo (6) Spohr, Louis (6) spratlan, lewis (4) Stamitz http://www.searchbug.com/directory.aspx/Arts/Music/Composition/Composers/S/ | |
72. Brahms' Horn Trio: Background And Analysis For Performers-Abstract kappa. At Amherst, Joshua studied composition with lewis spratlan andRoger Reynolds, and had a secondary focus in ancient Greek. He http://www.osmun.com/reference/brahms/Abstract.html | |
73. Spratlan, Lewis Website Results From Linkspider UK Arts Directory spratlan, lewis Websites by Linkspider UK, Helping you find what your lookingfor. spratlan, lewis And Related Subjects. Directory Topic spratlan, lewis. http://linkspider.co.uk/Arts/Music/Composition/Composers/S/Spratlan,Lewis/index. |
74. HighIndex - Arts: Music: Composition: Composers: S: Spratlan, Lewis Category Search Engine Directory / Arts / Music / Composition / Composers/ S / spratlan, lewis. This Month s Showcase Debt Consolidation http://www.highindex.com/Arts/Music/Composition/Composers/S/Spratlan,_Lewis/ | |
75. Spratlan, Lewis : Art Directory (Rating 0.00 Votes 0) Rate It. spratlan, lewis (1940 Living), United StatesBiographical data, recommended CDs, books and sheet music, bibliography, and http://www.123artist.com/Music/Composition/Composers/S/Spratlan__Lewis/ | |
76. The Ensemble Sospeso - Lucy Shelton The Bells; Gerard Grisey s L Icone Paradoxiale; Ned Rorem s Schuyller Songs; SallyBeamish s Monster; James Yannatos s Trinity Mass; lewis spratlan s Of Time http://www.sospeso.com/contents/musicians/shelton.html | |
77. Contemporary American Opera. September 15, 2000. The Connection With Christopher conductor and pop pianist Andre Previn is writing music for A Streetcar Named Desire ;and the composer lewis spratlan won a Pulitzer this year for Life is a http://archives.theconnection.org/archive/2000/09/0915b.shtml | |
78. Wuup.de - /Arts/Music/Composition/Composers/S Louis; spratlan, lewis; Stamitz, Anton; Stamitz, Carl; Stamitz, Johann; http://wuup.de/index.php/Arts/Music/Composition/Composers/S |
79. Koussevitzky Music Composition Commissions Announced Symphony; Edwin London and the San Francisco Contemporary Music Players; Harvey Sollbergerand the New York New Music Ensemble; lewis spratlan and the Dinosaur http://www.loc.gov/loc/lcib/9807/kous.html | |
80. Welcome To The Department Of Music NOVEMBER 2003. 5 November 2003, 4106pm in 620 Dodge WORK AND WORKSa talk by Professor lewis spratlan from Amherst College. He http://www.music.columbia.edu/events_announce/colloq_fall03.html | |
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