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Sinding Christian August: more detail |
41. Scomcond sinding, christian (august) (b. Kongsberg, Norway, 1856; d. Oslo, 1941). Norweg. composer and pianist. Studied at Leipzig (18748 http://lrs.ed.uiuc.edu/students/r-negin/scomcond.html | |
42. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results Helicon Publishing Ltd 9. sinding, christian august (18561941) The Hutchinson Dictionary of Music; January 1, 1998 composer. http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_dictiona |
43. Clue To Ponder: Composers Glass, Louis (christian august) (18641936 ?) ? sinding, christian (1856-1941 ?) ?. http://home9.highway.ne.jp/nordic/clue/clue1.htm | |
44. MIC Music Information Centre Norway Tollbugata 28 N0157 Oslo Tel +47 2242 9090 Fax +47 2242 9091 info@mic.no. christian august sinding Composer. Born 11.01.1856. http://www.mic.no/symfoni/kontakt.nsf/pub_e/per2001121810032562063630 | |
45. MIC Related persons christian august sinding, Composer. http://www.mic.no/mic.nsf/doc/art2003122314540244713206 | |
46. Gilder - MusicWeb Dictionary Of Composers N-Z sinding, christian august; SKALKOTTAS, Nickolaos; SKRIABIN, Alexander; SMETANA http://www.musicweb.uk.net/Classpedia/N-Zindex.htm | |
47. ÏñéóìÝíåò ÷ñïíïëïãßåò åßíáé Translate this page Taneyev Sergei Ivanovich, 1856-1915, sinding christian, 1856-1941, Leoncavallo Ruggero, 1857-1919, Ippolitov-Ivanov Mikhail, 1859-1935, Enna august, 1859-1939, http://sfr.ee.teiath.gr/htmSELIDES/MusOrg/Erga_Synth/4synthETOS.htm | |
48. December 3 Deaths In History - BrainyHistory dies at 75 December 3, 1942 Wilhelm PetersonBerger, composer, dies at 75 December 3, 1941 Johann christian august sinding, composer, dies at 85 December 3 http://www.brainyhistory.com/daysdeath/death_december_3.html | |
49. January 11 Events In History - BrainyHistory Ot Sien) January 11, 1857 Frederick J Archer, English jockey (won 5 Derbys) January 11, 1856 christian august sinding, Kongsberg Norway, composer January 11 http://www.brainyhistory.com/daysbirth/birth_january_11.html | |
50. Adresser - Kunstakademiets Bibliotek ja, , -, -. 1841 - 1919, , 19, Wallin, august, -, -, -, -. ja, -, -, -. 1842 - 1909, , 19, sinding, Otto, ja, -, -, -. ja, -, -, -. 1843 - 1913, , 19, Zacho, christian, ja, ja, -, -. http://www.kunstbib.dk/daksektion/1800.htm |
51. What Happened On January 11th and Philipp la Renotiere von Ferrary famous philatelist 1852 Konstantin Fehrenbach German chancellor (192021) 1856 christian august sinding Kongsberg Norway http://www.electricscotland.com/history/today/0111.htm | |
52. TOCCATA - Composer Directory Translate this page Sibelius, Jean Sigurbjoernsson, Thorkell , sinding, christian , Sjoegren, Emil , Skalkottas, Nikos Smetana, Bedrich , Soederman, august , Soler, Antonio , Sor http://www.toccata.nu/komp/ | |
53. The Lied And Art Song Texts Page Translate this page Freiherr von Siegroth (1) Siemers Karl Heinrich august Siemers (1 HC Simonsen (1) Simonyi Iván Simonyi (1) sinding christian sinding (37) Sisk http://www.recmusic.org/lieder/get_names.html?letter=S&type=Composers |
54. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Arts > ... > Composition > Composers > S Sierra, Roberto (4); Silvestri, Alan (5); sinding, christian august (5); Sirmen, Maddalena Laura Lombardini (3); Smetana, Bedrich (10 http://www.alexa.com/browse/categories?catid=124668 |
55. Arts, Music, Composition, Composers, S Jean (19). Sierra, Roberto (4); Silvestri, Alan (5); sinding, christian august (5); Sirmen, Maddalena Laura Lombardini (3); Smetana, Bedrich http://www.klevze.si/browse/Arts/Music/Composition/Composers/S/ | |
56. Kunstnere Utstillinger LISTEN ALLE august Sander, Karin Sander, Katya Sander, Åke Sanders, august Sanders, Sebastian Annika Simpson, DJ Simpson, Jane Sinberg sinding, christian sinding, Otto http://www.listen.no/update/k-search1.tpl?do=bw&ord=bw&findfirst=s&navnsort=1 |
57. DECEMBER 3 CLASSICALmanac 'today In Classical Music' CDShostakovich Symphonies (Box Set); 1941 Death of Norwegian composer Johann christian august sinding at age 85, in Oslo. b-Kongsberg, 11 JAN 1856. http://www.angelfire.com/ab/day/dec3.html | |
58. Dannebrogsmændene Fra 1864 22/101864, Peter Toft Beck (FM), Skibscapitain, 28/10-1864, Niels Edvard sinding, Corporal i Infanteriet, christian Frederik august Eggers, Sergeant, Foureer, http://ddd.sa.dk/dannebrog/htm/dm1864.html | |
59. Klassika: Komponisten: S Translate this page Sin, Otakar, 1881-1943. sinding, christian, 1856-1941. Singelée, Jean Baptiste, 1812-1875. Söderlundh, Lille Bror, 1912-1957. Södermann, august, 1832-1876. http://www.klassika.info/Komponisten/index_S.html |
60. August digter) f. (8/7 1822) Stephan sinding (billedh.) f. (23/1 1922) Knut Hamsun f. (19/2 1952) Hans christian Andersen d. (2/4 1805) Tom Kristensen f 5. august http://hjem.get2net.dk/ole_balslev/aug.html | |
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