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81. The Choral Public Domain Library :: If You Love Something, Set It Free Take Time While Time Doth Last, Farmer, John. Completed. 160. Tant Que Vivray, sermisy, claudin de. Completed. 254. Tantum Ergo, Séverac, Déodat de. Completed. 291. http://cpdl.snaptel.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=Requests&file=index&req=T |
82. Tower Records - Browse Classical Senfl, Ludwig, 45. Serebrier, Jose, 8. sermisy, Claude de, 32. sermisy, claudin de, 13. Serocki, Kazimierz, 8. Serov, Alexander N. 6. Serrano (Simeon), Jose, 9. http://uk.towerrecords.com/browsec.asp?type_1=comp&match=S&urlid=966afd9035107d2 |
83. Composers Index sermisy, claudin de (c1490-1562); Shostakovich, Dimitri (1906-1975); Sibelius, Jean http://w3.rz-berlin.mpg.de/cmp/comp_s.html | |
84. Sermisy's Jouissance & A Renaissance Women's Consort claudin de sermisy s (c.14901562) Jouissance vous donneray is a woman s song which has gained a certain fame because of its place in musical iconography. http://music.acu.edu/www/iawm/pages/renconsort.html | |
85. Collegium Musicum Almae Matris Translate this page claudin de sermisy ca.1490 - 1562. Au joly boys. soprano contralto tenore basso. Tant que vivrai. soprano contralto tenore basso. Torna alla lista dei compositori. http://www.cmam.it/per_i_soci/autori/sermisy.html | |
86. The Classical MIDI Connection: The Renaissance Period 8k) Gary Rich de sermisy, claudin (c. 14901562) French Allez Souspirs (3k) Curtis Clark Tant que vivrai (4k) Curtis Clark de VENTO http://www.classicalmidiconnection.com/cmc/renaissa.html | |
87. Composer Discography Translate this page claudin de sermisy (1490 - 1562) Les Plaisirs du Palais Drinking Songs of the Renaissance Ensemble Clément Janequin , Visse HMC 901729 http://harmoniamundi.com/composer_disco.asp?CompNum=400 |
88. MML: Composer's Complete Works Editions Heinrich Scheidt, Samuel Schein, Johann Hermann Schoenberg, Arnold Schubert, Franz Schumann, Robert Senfl, Ludwig sermisy, claudin de Serragli, Giovanni http://www.tulane.edu/~musiclib/mmlcompleteworks.html | |
89. Biographies Index S Translate this page 1874 - 1951) Schubert, Franz (1797 - 1828) Schumann Robert (1810 - 1856) Sebök György (1922-1999) Senel, Ludwig (v. 1480-1543) sermisy claudin (1490-1562 http://www.musicologie.org/Biographies/s.html | |
90. Numéro 1 De 1 Notice(s) Qui Correspondent à Votre Recherche Translate this page Phale`se, arr. (300)Tant que vivray / C. de sermisy (435)Music of Spain de la vida deste mundo / anon. (410)Recercada http://arianeweb.ulaval.ca/web2/tramp2.exe/do_keyword_search/guest&SETTING_KEY=F | |
91. Fnac.com - Disques Classiques - Dominique Visse http://fnac.calindex.com/auteur-dominique-visse-145107.html | |
92. Clement%20Janequin : Musik (Klassische) Translate this page Clement Janequin. Musik (Klassische). Verkaufsrang. 1. Musik (Klassische) La bella Ninfa (Europäische http://www.einkaufszentrum-online.com/browse_classical_de/query_Clement Janequin | |
93. Titres Par Ordre Alphabétique http://www.sympaphonie.ch/db/p.asp?iPage=43 |
94. ØÊÎËÀ ÑÒÀÐÈÍÍÎÉ ÌÓÇÛÊÈ - ÏÅÐÑÎÍÀËÈÈ The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://blankov.narod.ru/person/1_persons_index19.htm | |
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