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         Senfl Ludwig:     more books (36)
  1. 1540s Deaths: Francisco Álvares, Tristão Da Cunha, Il Sodoma, Afonso I of Kongo, Henry Brinklow, Sebastian Franck, Ludwig Senfl
  2. Ach Elslein, liebes Elselein Sheet Music by Ludwig Senfl, 2009-08-13
  3. Laub, Gras und Bluet in aller Welt Sheet Music by Ludwig Senfl, 2009-07-05
  4. [Quinque salutationes Domini nostri Jesu Christi. - Salutatio quarta.] Song of the Shepherd. Madrigal for four-part chorus of mixed voices a capella. [Words] ... Song of Solomon ... Edited by Maynard Klein by Ludwig Senfl, 1968
  5. Missa Ferialis SHEET MUSIC SATB by Ludwig Senfl - SATB, 2010-01-01
  6. The Bells at Speyer. For six-part chorus of mixed voices a cappella. English version by Susan Glarum. Transcribed and arranged by L. Stanley Glarum by Ludwig Senfl, 1966
  7. Selected Introits from Leipzig 49 50, 1558 (Recent Researches in Music of the Renaissance Series Vol 59) by Thomas Stoltzer, Ludwig Senfl, et all 1984-02
  8. LUDWIG SENFL, CA 1489 --- ca. 1543
  9. Ludwig Senfls Werke ... Eingeleitet und herausgegeben von T. Kroyer. Nebst einer Abhandlung über Senfls Geburtsort und Herkunft von A. Thürlings. Vol. ... ... Dritter Jahrgang. ii. Band. 1900, etc) by Ludwig Senfl,
  10. Ein Hundert Fünfzehn ... Lieder ... gesetzt von ... L. Senfl ... Neue Ausgabe ... (mit dem Porträt Ludwig Senfl's) etc (Berlin. - Gesellschaft für ... ... Musik-Werke ... Bd.i.-iv. 1873-6) by Thomas Senfl,
  11. O du armer Judas. [Motet. S. A. T. T. B.] Attributed to Ludwig Senfl. Arr ... Bill Tamblyn. Ger. & Eng by Ludwig Senfl, 1973

1. Ludwig Senfl --  Encyclopædia Britannica
Ludwig Senfl. born c. 1490, Zürich or Basel, Switz. MLA style " Ludwig Senfl." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004. Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service.

2. HOASM: Ludwig Senfl
Ludwig Senfl. (c.14861542/3). Swiss-German composer. Possibly a choirboy in Maximilian I s court chapel in 1496; a singer in the
Ludwig Senfl
Swiss-German composer. Possibly a choirboy in Maximilian I's court chapel in 1496; a singer in the Imperial chapel by 1507, and in 1517 succeeded Isaac as Court composer, though the chapel was dissolved when Maximilian died in 1519. Thereafter he worked in Passau, and 1523 became 'first Musician' at the Munich court. Though remaining Catholic, he admired Luther and sympathized with the Reformation, and had a lively correspondence with the Protestant Duke Albrecht of Prussia. Senfl may well have studied with Isaac; certainly he was thoroughly well-versed in the Franco-Flemish style of the day. His output contains seven Masses, and many motets and Magnificats for the Latin liturgy, some notable early Lutheran chorale elaborations, and about 250 German songs, on which his reputation chiefly rests. These latter illustrate every imaginable approach to the traditional German song melodies, fromsimple chordal harmonizations to masterly canonic pieces with sharply contrasted counterpoints in the non-canonic parts. A type Senfl made especially his own was the quodlibet in which two or three different song tunes would be combined in a dazzling contrapuntal display yet would remain recognizable.
A Partial Ludwig Senfl Discography
IVA: The Netherlanders around and after Josquin IVB: At the Imperial Court of Maximilian I IVK: Orlandus Lassus and Catholic Polyphony in late 16th Century Germany ... IVH: The German Lied

3. Ludwig Senfl
Ludwig Senfl Motets by Ludwig Senfl. ISMN M706785-00-4. CHE 2001. DKR 150.- incl. Danish VAT. Ludwig Senfl. Ludwig Senfl (1486?-1542/1543) was Swiss by birth.
Ludwig Senfl:
Motets by Ludwig Senfl ISMN: M-706785-00-4 CHE 2001. DKR 150.- incl. Danish VAT. In the bookstore at the Royal Library in Copenhagen. On-line ordering: Add DKR 60.- (S/H, air mail). Order U.S. dealership:
Boulder Early Music Shop
sells the book for $ 20. British and German dealerships to be announced shortly.
Ludwig Senfl
Sic Deus dilexit mundum Sic Deus dilexit mundum is published here for the first time and a work of considerable significance is thereby added to Senfl's oeuvre. The motet occurs anonymously in Zwickau, Ratsschulbibliothek MS LXXIII ("Schalreuter Codex"), but is unambiguously identified by means of Rostock, Universitätsbibliothek MS Mus. Saec. XVI, 52 (See Ole Kongsted: "Historien om en sidegevinst", [Det Kongelige Bibliotek] Magasin XIV/1, June 1999, p. 34-37). It is for 6 voices, in Mode 8 (hypomixolydian), and is based on the Antiphon to the Benedictus at Lauds on Whitmonday (text John III, 16), which determines its liturgical use. Non moriar, sed vivam In pace in idipsum In pace in idipsum is possibly the second of Senfl's two "Luther motets", which Senfl scholars have regarded as 'verschollen' / 'lost' / 'spurlos verschwunden'. Until now it has been overlooked that this piece, which occurs in the above-mentioned "Schalreuter Codex" in Ratsschulbibliothek Zwickau, may be the supposedly lost motet (See Ole Kongsted: "Ludwig Senfls Luther motetter...", op.cit.). It is for 4 voices and based on one of the two known Gregorian melodies to this text (Psalm IV, 9 + CXXXI, 4), once again in Mode 8 (hypomixolydian). Liturgically, it belongs to Matins on Saturday in Holy Week, where the text occurs as both the 1st Antiphon and as Versicle and Response in Nocturne I. In Dominican practice it is used (with a melodic variant) as a Respond in the first week of Lent. It is furthermore used as a funeral motet; in the new Graduale it is designated as the antiphon to be sung at the grave ("Statio tertia: Ad sepulcrum").

4. Ludwig Senfl
Ludwig Senfl. Senfl Motette / Lieder / Oden. Clemencic Consort René Clemencic. Accord 220632. Contents Praeambulum. Carmen "Non grüeß dich Gott" (cornet, bombard, 2 sackbuts, drum) Musique Sacrée
Ludwig Senfl
Senfl: Motette / Lieder / Oden

Accord 220632
  • O gloriosum lumen omnium (4 voices, cornet, 2 sackbuts, regal) Tablature of Jan von Lublin (1540): Vita in ligno moritur (regal)

  • Lied Autobiographique
  • Lust hab'ich ghabt zuer Musica (tenor, lute, recorder)
    Lieblich hat sich gesellet (4 voices) Tag, Zeit noch Stund (tenor, 3 viols) Carmen in la (4 recorders) Ach Elslein, liebes Elselein (countertenor, lute, viol) Ach Elslein / Es taget vor dem Walde (3 voices, 3 viols) Ich stuend an einem morgen (3 recorders) Ich schell'mein Horn in Jammers Ton (4 voices, 3 viols) Kein Adler in der Welt so schon / Es taget vor dem Walde / Ich stuend an einem Morgen (3 voices, cornet, recorder, 2 viols, lute)

  • Lamentation
  • Lamentatio (cornet, dulcian, 2 sackbuts)

  • Humanistenode
  • Iam satis terris (4 voices, lira da braccio)

  • Chansons a boire et a danser
  • Tablature of Elias Nicolaus Ammerbach (1571): Was wird es doch (regal) Mit Lust tritt ich an diesen Tanz (4 voices, cornet, recorder, bombard, krumhorn, 2 sackbuts, drum) Es hett ein Biedermann ein Weib (4 voices, lute)
  • 5. Ludwig Senfl
    Classical Composers Database biographical sketch with link to recorder music.

    6. Ludwig Senfl
    Website style Ludwig Senfl. Picture of Ludwig Senfl. (sent by Peter Hill). Born ca. 1490, Zürich (Switzerland) Died ca. 1543, München (Germany).

    7. Ludwig Senfl --  Encyclopædia Britannica
    Senfl, Ludwig Encyclopædia Britannica Article. , Senfl, Ludwig Swiss composer, considered the most important Germanspeaking master of his time.

    8. Ludwig Senfl
    New Calendar Timeline Wanted Search Links About Help Mail/Submit A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Birthdays/dying days today (15 May). Anniversaries 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008

    9. RTSI - Il Coro Della RTSI
    senfl ludwig Steffani Agostino

    10. Ludwig Senfl
    Ludwig Senfl Motetter af Ludwig Senfl. ISMN M706785-00-4. Bestil Senfl-udgivelsen. Ludwig Senfl. Ludwig Senfl (o. 1486?-1542/1543) var schweizer af fødsel.
    Ludwig Senfl:
    Motetter af Ludwig Senfl. ISMN: M-706785-00-4 CHE 2001. DKR 150.- incl. moms. Forhandles i boghandelen i Det Kongelige Bibliotek. Ved online-bestilling: + porto (DKR. 30.-). Bestil Senfl-udgivelsen
    Ludwig Senfl
    Sic Deus dilexit mundum Sic Deus dilexit mundum offentliggøres ved denne lejlighed for første gang, og Senfls kendte produktion er hermed forøget med et særdeles betydeligt værk. Motetten er overleveret anonymt i Ratsschulbibliothek Zwickau, Ms. LXXIII, "Schalreuter Codex", men er éntydigt identificeret ved hjælp af Universitätsbibliothek Rostock, Ms. Mus. Saec. XVI, 52. (Se Ole Kongsted: "Historien om en sidegevinst", i: Magasin, 14. årg. nr. 1, juni 1999, s. 34-37, udg. af Det Kongelige Bibliotek). Værket er 6-stemmigt og bygget op over den gregorianske antifon til Benedictus (Laudes) 2. Pinsedag; tekstgrundlaget er Joh. 3, 16, og tonearten er 8. toneart (hypomixolydisk). Forlægget for nærværende transskription er ovennævnte manuskript i Zwickau. Non moriar, sed vivam Non moriar, sed vivam er den første af de to sÅkaldte "Luther-motetter", som Ludwig Senfl komponerede til Martin Luther i 1530. Den blev først fundet af Joseph Müller-Blattau i 1924 i universitetsbiblioteket i Königsberg (Se Joseph Müller-Blattau: "Die musikalischen Schätze der Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek zu Königsberg", i: Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschaft, 6. Jahrg., 1923-24, Leipzig, Anhang s. 235-239 samt 416; se også Ole Kongsted: "Ludwig Senfls Luther-motetter. En forskningsberetning", i: Fund og Forskning, udg. af Det Kongelige Bibliotek, bd. 39, København 2000, s. 7-41).

    11. Ludwig Senfl - Wikipedia
    Translate this page Ludwig Senfl. aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie. Ludwig Senfl war ein deutsch-schweizerischer Komponist, geb. um 1486 in Basel, gest.

    12. Ludwig Senfl
    Ludwig Senfl. All Products.

    13. Ludwig Senfl
    Ludwig Senfl (14861542/3). De Zwitser Senfl werd in 1496 zanger en notenschrijver van de muziekkapel van Maximiliaan I van Oostenrijk
    Ludwig Senfl (1486-1542/3)
    De Zwitser Senfl werd in 1496 zanger en notenschrijver van de muziekkapel van Maximiliaan I van Oostenrijk, eerst in Augsburg en vervolgens in Wenen, waar hij leerling werd van Heinrich Isaac . Na diens dood in 1517 volgde Senfl hem op als hofcomponist. Senfls oeuvre vormt qua artisticiteit, betekenis en omvang het hoogtepunt van de Duitse muziek van de late middeleeuwen tot de Reformatie. Zijn werk omvat zeven missen, ca. 240 motetten, 262 liederen en acht instrumentale carmina.
    Beste biografie

    Klassieke muziekgids


    Brittanica page
    Smeets page

    More results from senfl ludwig (1492c.1555) - Translate this page Ludwig SENFL (1492c.-1555). CD. Instrumentalmusik am Hofe Maximilians I. -. Das erst, K.Dein bin ich - Das ander, ich sag und clag

    15. Compadre Cantare: Ludwig Senfl
    Ludwig Senfl. (ca 1486 ca 1543). Ludwig Senfl föddes i Schweiz (troligen i Zürich eller Basel), men var mest verksam som musiker och tonsättare i Tyskland.
    no file
    Ludwig Senfl
    (ca 1486 - ca 1543) Ludwig Senfl föddes i Schweiz (troligen i Zürich eller Basel), men var mest verksam som musiker och tonsättare i Tyskland. Man tror att han började sin musikbana redan som pojke år 1496, som körsångare hos kejsaren Maximilian I (1493–1519). Sannolikt fick han också sin första utbildning där, som elev till Heinrich Isaac. Man vet säkert att Senfl var anställd som sångare i Maximilian I:s hovkapell 1507. Ungefär vid denna tid skall han också ha blivit prästvigd. År 1512 skall han ha bott ett tag i Florens, men 1517 efterträdde han Heinrich Isaac som hovkompositör hos kejsar Maximilian. År 1520 lät Senfl i Augsburg trycka samlingen Liber selectarum cantionum . Boken var den första samlingen med tryckta noter som gavs ut i Tyskland. Den innehåller motetter av ett antal olika kompositörer förutom han själv, bland annat Josquin des Prez och Heinrich Isaac. Det är troligt att urvalet representerar repertoaren hos hovkapellet i München vid denna tid. Senfl blev kvar där tills hovkapellet upphörde 1520, efter att kejsaren dött. Senfl skall då ha gett sig av till Passau. År 1522 ansvarade han för musiken vid bröllopet mellan hertigen Wilhem IV av Bavarien och Maria av Baden, och året efter blev han furstlig kompositör vid hovet i München. Omkring år 1530 lämnade han prästerskapet och gifte sig. Så vitt man vet fortsatte Senfl att vara katolik i hela sitt liv, men han beundrade Martin Luther och sympatiserade med många av reformationens idéer. Man vet t.ex. att han skrev minst två motetter för Martin Luther, och att han brevväxlade livligt med den protestantiske hertigen Albrekt av Preussen.

    16. U. Of Western Ontario /All Locations
    Mark Year Entries Senf Norbert Weldon 1994 1 Senfel Ludwig Ca 1486 1542 Or 3 See senfl ludwig Ca 1486 1542 Or 3 1 Senfelius Ludwig Ca 1486 1542 Or 3, Thomas Earl, 1939-/asenff thomas ear
    Search History) AUTHOR: California. Equal Rights Amendment Project. AUTHOR: Brookings Institution. Institute for Government Research. AUTHOR: Georg-Friedrich-Händel-Gesellschaft. AUTHOR: Handl, Jacob, 1550-1591 AUTHOR: Schwann, Theodor, 1810-1882. (Clear Search History) (End Search Session)
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    AUTHOR TITLE SUBJECT MEDICAL SUBJECT WORD KEYWORD CALL NO Brescia University College Library Business Library Choral/Band/Orchestral Curriculum Resource Centre Education Library Huron University College Library King's University College Library Law Library Music Library St. Peter's Seminary Library The D. B. Weldon Library Western Libraries Information and Media Studies Int'l Centre for Olympic Studies Pride Library Electronic Resources Journals View Entire Collection Nearby AUTHORS are: Prev Next Mark Year Entries Senf Norbert Weldon Senfel Ludwig Ca 1486 1542 Or 3 See Senfl Ludwig Ca 1486 1542 Or 3
    Senfelius Ludwig Ca 1486 1542 Or 3 See Senfl Ludwig Ca 1486 1542 Or 3
    Senff Chor See Ernst Senff Chor
    Senff Ernst
    2 Related Authors
    Senff Herbert
    Huron Senff Thomas Earl 1939 Music Senffel Ludwig Ca 1486 1542 Or 3 See Senfl Ludwig Ca 1486 1542 Or 3
    Senffl Ludwig Ca 1486 1542 Or 3 See Senfl Ludwig Ca 1486 1542 Or 3
    Senfft Von Pilsach Friedrich Christian Ludwig Graf 1774 1853
    Weldon Senfl Ludwig 1492 Ca 1555 See Senfl Ludwig Ca 1486 1542 Or 3
    Senfl Ludwig Ca 1486 1542 Or 3

    Next (Search History) AUTHOR: California. Equal Rights Amendment Project.

    17. Senfl, Ludwig (c. 1486 - 1542/1543)
    Brief biography and caricature with summaries of church and secular vocal music.
    Senfl, Ludwig (c. 1486 - 1542/1543)
    Senfl occupied an important position as a composer during the period of the Reformation in Germany. Swiss by birth, he was active in Germany, briefly working for the Emperor Maximilian, before securing a position at Munich at the court of the Bavarian Elector. Church Music Senfl's music includes Mass settings, settings of the Proper of the Mass, Vespers and motets on Latin texts. Secular Vocal Music Senfl wrote a quantity of Lieder for four voices, music of some historical importance, with the changes taking place in the cultural climate of the time.

    18. Senfl, Ludwig
    Biographical data, recommended CDs, books and sheet music, bibliography, and links to biographical essays from Dr. Estrella's Incredibly Abridged Dictionary of Composers.
    Senfl, Ludwig
    Senfl, Ludwig
    Period: Renaissance
    Born: c. 1486 in Zurich or Basle, Switzerland
    Died: c. 1543 in Munich, Germany
    Nation of Origin: Switzerland
    CLICK HERE for CDs of this composer.

    CLICK HERE for Books about this composer.

    CLICK HERE for Sheet Music by this composer.

    Major Works:

    Masses and Motets
    German secular songs (Lieder)
    German sacred vocal works for the Lutheran church He completed Choralis Constantinus a group of motets based on liturgical texts begun by his teacher, Heinrich Isaac Other Information: Senfl worked in the court of Munich in Bavaria. General Bibliography: Kennedy, Michael, The Oxford Dictionary of Music, Oxford University Press, 2nd Edition, 1997, ISBN: 0198691629 Reese, Gustave, Music in the Renaissance, Sachs, Curt, The Rise of Music in the Ancient World , Sadie, Stanley and Tyrrell, John; Editors, The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, Groves Dictionaries, Inc., January 2001, ISBN: 1561592390 Slonimsky, Nicolas and Kuhn, Laura; Editors, Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, Gale Group, December 2000, ISBN: 0028655257 Links to essays at other sites: Music in the Renaissance by Gustave Reese Please note: These links will open in a new window.

    19. Ccm :: Senfl, Ludwig Senfl
    senfl, ludwig c1490c1543 Switzerland, Zurich - Germany, Munich
    Senfl, Ludwig c1490-c1543 Switzerland, Zurich - Germany, Munich
    Title Parts
    Patientia muss ich han. 4v and instr
    Elslein. German folksong arr
    Musica Antiqua of London / John Potter. Signum 004
    Es taget vor dem walde. German folksong arr
    Musica Antiqua of London / John Potter. Signum 004

    20. - Classical Music Dictionary - Free MP3
    ludwig senfl. (c. 1486 1542 ? 3). ludwig senfl Life. A Swiss musician, who was kapellmeister to Maximilian I, senfl occupied an important
    Composers Biography Languages Ludwig Senfl (c. 1486 - 1542 ? 3) Life Works Photo Gallery Home Page Ludwig Senfl Life
    A Swiss musician, who was kapellmeister to Maximilian I, Senfl occupied an important position as a composer during the period of the Reformation in Germany. When the emperor died, Senfl achieved a position in the Bavarian court in Munich. Ludwig Senfl Works Senfl's works include Masses, Magnificats, Vespers and motets on Latin texts. MIDI FILE - "Wohl krumbt der Mai" Senfl wrote a quantity of Lieder (German songs) for four voices, music of some historical importance considering the changes taking place in the cultural climate of the time. MIDI FILE - "Lust mag mein Herz" Karadar Bertoldi Ensemble Studio Informatico Anesin

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