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61. MSN Encarta - Schumann, Clara Josephine schumann, clara Josephine. schumann, clara Josephine, née Wieck (18191896), German pianist, born in Leipzig, and trained by her father, Friedrich Wieck. http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761568780/Schumann_Clara_Josephine.html | |
62. Schumann, Clara Wieck Biographical data, recommended CDs, books and sheet music, bibliography, and links to biographical essays from Dr. Estrella's Incredibly Abridged Dictionary of Composers. http://stevenestrella.com/composers/composerfiles/schumann1896.html | |
63. Fortepiano | Klassische Klavier Musik Daten zu clara und auch Robert schumann auf den Seiten der Pianistin Susanne Duch. http://www.fortepiano.de/projekte/schumdoku1.html | |
64. Klassik.com: Schumann, Clara (Komponist, 1819-1896) clara schumann. clara schumann. Aktuell Nachrichten clara schumann. Brahmstage ´99 Für clara schumann . Vom 12. bis 16. http://magazin.klassik.com/people/template.cfm?KID=296 |
65. BMG Music Service: Schumann, Clara Artist Name Advanced Search Browse All. schumann, clara, We have 2 albums by this artist. http://www.bmgmusic.com/catalog/browse/artist.jhtml?partyId=11932 |
66. WRPM - Music By Women From Women's Revolutions Per Minute schumann, clara (18191896) German composer. She had an amazing musical 14, The Songs of clara schumann, clara schumann may not be http://www.wrpm.net/artist.asp?Artist=Schumann, Clara |
67. Clara.online - Die Internetseiten Des Clara-Schumann-Gymnasiums Bonn Translate this page http://www.clara-online.de/ |
68. Biografia De Schumann, Clara Translate this page schumann, clara. (Leipzig, 1819-Frankfurt del Main, 1896) Pianista alemana. Hija de F. Wieck y esposa de R. schumann. Fue profesora http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/s/schumann_clara.htm | |
69. Schumann, Clara | Komponisten S-T | Komponisten | Musikwissenschaft | Fachbüche Translate this page clara schumann Eva Weissweiler Fachbücher Musikwissenschaft Komponisten Komponisten ST schumann, clara. EUR 6,54, clara schumann (5235 510). http://www.buch-verzeichnis-online.de/b/3304701.html | |
70. Schumann, Clara - Informationen Und Links http://kultur.trampelpfad.de/nuv/0/Schumann__Clara/ | |
71. MDR.DE: Schumann, Clara clara schumann. clara schumann war das zweite http://www.mdr.de/geschichte/personen/143062.html | |
72. Amazon.com: Music / Styles / Classical / Featured Composers, A-Z / ( S ) / Schum schumann, clara Wieck. Edifying Spectacle Thanks for helping, Richard. Click here for more Browse schumann, clara Wieck. All Works by clara Wieck schumann. http://edifyingspectacle.org/thanks/type_browse/mode_31884/ | |
73. ElectronicsPlaza101 Product Not Found schumann, clara Wieck S schumann, clara Wieck Featured Composers Classical Music Electronics Online Your one stop shopping place for all Electronics needs. http://www.electronicsplaza101.com/electronics/shop81815/Online/Schumann_Clara_W | |
74. MusicMoz - Composition: Composers: S: Schumann, Clara clara schumann. From Germany Period Romantic Years 1819 1896 Family schumann Woman Composer Top Composition Composers S schumann, clara (7). Links (7). http://musicmoz.org/Composition/Composers/S/Schumann,_Clara/ | |
75. Composers ... S-Z schumann, clara (German, 18191896) She was tremendously talented and pushed toward a concert career by her father. Her mother was http://www.womensmusic.com/sz.html | |
76. Clara Schumann -- Britannica Concise Encyclopedia Online Article Britannica Concise Encyclopedia, schumann , clara Britannica Concise. 13, 1819, Leipzig, Saxony died May 20, 1896, Frankfurt am Main, Ger. clara schumann. http://concise.britannica.com/ebc/article?eu=403282 |
77. Schumann, Clara In Musik: Klassik: Komponisten: Romantik Translate this page Spohr, Louis. Spohr, Louis. Sibelius, Jean. Sibelius, Jean. schumann, clara. schumann, clara. Rheinberger, Joseph. Rheinberger, Joseph. Reger, Max. Reger, Max. http://www.shopzilla.ch/Schumann, Clara--539170.html | |
78. Schumann, Clara In Bücher: Kategorien: Fachbücher: Musikwissenschaft: Komponis Translate this page schumann, clara. schumann, clara. clara schumann von Eva Weissweiler von Dtv Preis EUR 11,00 (neu), EUR 3,30 (gebraucht) jetzt bei Amazon kaufen, http://www.shopzilla.ch/Schumann, Clara--3304701.html | |
79. Schumann, Clara Wieck : Queer Pop Culture schumann, clara Wieck. queerpopculture.com Thanks for helping. In association with. Browse schumann, clara Wieck. All Works by clara Wieck schumann. Browse more http://queerpopculture.com/entertainment/type_browse/mode_31884/ | |
80. PALATINE Directory: Schumann, Clara schumann, clara. Suggest a Link for schumann, clara. Home Music Composers schumann, clara. A mine of resources about clara schumann and her music. http://www.palatine.org.uk/directory/index.php/Music/comp/ClaSch/ClaSch/ | |
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