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61. Werner Icking Music Archive: Samuel Scheidt image of an example page, further information, sound, email address, externalLink, PDF PDF-file, compressed postscript file. samuel scheidt (1587-1654). http://icking-music-archive.org/ByComposer/Scheidt.html | |
62. ABQ Repertoire scheidt, samuel, AlamandeMase. scheidt, samuel, Battle Suite-A. Fromme,manuscript. scheidt, samuel, Canzona Bergamasca-A. Fromme, manuscript. http://www.americanbrassquintet.com/Repertoire/RepertoireReport_1.html | |
63. Moeck Music, Autoren S Translate this page 2. 00643, scheidt, samuel (1587-1654), A solis ortus cardine, für zweiund drei Blockflöten, Hechler, ST/ ATB/ SAT, 3. 00184, scheidt, samuel http://www.moeckmusic.de/english/Katalog/AutorenS.htm | |
64. Samuel Scheidt Virginia Tech Multimedia Music Dictionary Composer Biographies. samuel scheidt.Born 1587. Died 1654. Nationality German. Era Main genre Main works http://www.music.vt.edu/musicdictionary/appendix/Composers/S/SamuelScheidt.html | |
65. SAMUEL SCHEIDT, Biography, Discography samuel scheidt. (15871654) samuel scheidt was a German composer andorganist who was an important member of the first generation http://www.goldbergweb.com/en/history/composers/12020.php | |
66. Samuel Scheidt - Classical Music Shopping Mall, Store, Coupon, Discount Bargain samuel scheidt Classical Music from Online Shopping Mall, Online Store, ClassicalMusic Catalog, Discount Bargain Shopping. Classical Music samuel scheidt. http://www.klipsan.com/cgi-bin/amazon_products_feed-mode-classical-search_type-A | |
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68. Scheidt, Samuel | Barock | Komponisten | Klassik Translate this page scheidt (Allerley liebliche Täntze und Liedlein auff Concerten Manir) GermanBrass Klassik Komponisten Barock scheidt, samuel Albinoni, Tomaso. http://www.musik-verzeichnis-online.de/b/538950.html | |
69. Blas-Basen Brass Catalogue Marie Thiel. BB 7, scheidt, samuel, Courante, 100, 85-, -, -, -,,1. Trb /hrn 2. Trb /hrn 3.Trb 4. Bas-trb /tuba. BB 6, scheidt, samuel, http://www.blas-basen.se/bb.brass.html | |
70. Camerata Ad Libitum - ETienda Translate this page Resultados de búsqueda. Su búsqueda para samuel scheidt Resultados 1 al 10para un total de 41 Página 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Siguiente. Sing We Christmas http://www.camerata.es/music/modules.php?name=Amazon&op=ArtistSearch&keyword=Sam |
71. AGRICOLA, Alexander scheidt, samuel (15871654); Ger. Madrigaler Wendet. http://home.no.net/passang/Komponister/SCHEIDT_Samuel/ | |
72. Scheidt, Samuel Translate this page scheidt, samuel. weitere Infos Ludi Musici. Darsteller Savall HesperionXX samuel scheidt. Erscheinungstermin 13. April 2004. ASIN B000062U6F. http://www.eine-gute-cd.de/Musik/Klassik/Komponisten/Barock/ScheidtSamuel/seite1 | |
73. Samuel Scheidt Classical Music Classical Music samuel scheidt 1 dollars. 8. Classical samuel scheidtLudi Musici Hambourg, 1621 By samuel scheidt 08 October, 2002, http://www.ebroadcast.com.au/cgi-bin/buy/online-mode-classical-search_type-Artis | |
74. Samuel Scheidt - Online Kaufen/bestellen, Musik (Klassische) Translate this page Musik (Klassische) samuel scheidt In Kooperation mit Amazon.de Tabulatura Novavon Franz Raml (Dirigent / Band Leader), samuel scheidt 01. Januar 2003. http://www.eshopxxl.de/index-mode-classical_de-search_type-ArtistSearch-input_st | |
75. Samuel%20Scheidt : Musik (Klassische) Translate this page samuel scheidt. Musik (Klassische). Featured Artikel. Tabulatura Nova von Franz Raml(Dirigent / Band Leader), samuel scheidt 01. http://www.einkaufszentrum-online.com/browse_classical_de/query_Samuel Scheidt/t | |
76. Catalogo Compact Disc Translate this page Autore, Titolo, Interpreti, Casa discografica, Collocazione. Info, scheidt, samuel,Organ works from Tabulatura Nova (1624), Stockmeier (org), CPO. DDD, CD.A.551. http://www.conservatoriocomo.it/biblioteca/cataloghi/risultati_CD.php?m_autore=S |
77. Samuel Scheidt - First Generation Baroque German Composer [Index] Chronology. FEEDBACK (C©19982004 All Rights Reserved. Site last updated 19 April,2004. samuel scheidt (1587 - 1654). Music is now so foolish that I am amazed. http://www.humanitiesweb.org/perl/human.cgi?s=c&p=c&a=i&ID=107 |
78. Samuel Scheidt - First Generation Baroque German Composer [Index] Chronology. FEEDBACK (C©19982004 All Rights Reserved. Site last updated 26 March,2004. samuel scheidt (1587 - 1654). Music is now so foolish that I am amazed. http://www.humanitiesweb.org/cgi-bin/human.cgi?s=c&p=c&a=i&ID=107 |
79. Basel Trombone Quartet (2) scheidt, samuel, Cecil, L. Canzona1. scheidt, samuel, Cecil, L. Canzona 7. scheidt, samuel, Cecil, L. Canzona 18. http://www.music-of-note.ch/trombone2.html | |
80. Biographie De Samuel Scheidt Avec Gold-music.com SamuelScheidt ( 1654 ). Ajouter gold-music dans vos favoris Top http://www.gold-music.com/fiches/fiche_25279.php | |
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