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         Reich Steve:     more books (91)
  1. Different Trains: for String Quartet and Pre-Recorded Performance Tape (Boosey & Hawkes Chamber Music)
  2. New York Counterpoint: for Clarinet and Tape (or Clarinet Ensemble) (Boosey & Hawkes Chamber Music)
  3. New York Counterpoint, Full Score and Live Solo Clarinet Part by Steve Reich, 1986
  4. BOMB Issue 81, Fall 2002 (BOMB Magazine) by Jane Hammond, Walid Ra'ad, et all 2002-09-15
  5. Octet, Music for a Large Ensemble, Violin Phase by Steve Reich, 1980
  6. The Four Sections by Steve Reich - Study Score, 2010-01-01
  7. Different Trains by Steve Reich - Study Score, 2010-01-01
  8. Six Pianos by Steve Reich, 1994-06
  10. City Life by Steve Reich - Study Score, 2010-01-01
  11. Music for Pieces of Wood. [Clave quintet.] < Playing score. > by Steve Reich, 1980
  12. Clapping Music Variations - Percussion - Ensemble by By Glenn Kotche and Steve Reich, 2008-07-01
  13. View: Volume 1, No. 4: September 1978 by Steve] [Reich, 1978-01-01
  14. Variations by Steve Reich - Study Score, 2010-01-01

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    Freehand Watermark Tracing #4, pl. 4, from the portfolio, Four Freehand Watermark Tracings, 1978

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    67. Composer Biography - Reich, Steve
    back Return to Series Detail. steve reich. Upcoming Events MTT conducts The Rite of Spring 9/22/20049/25/2004, (b. New York, 3 Oct 1936), American composer.

    68. Composer Biography - Reich, Steve
    steve reich. Upcoming Events MTT conducts The Rite of Spring 9/22/20049/25/2004, (b. New York, 3 Oct 1936), American composer. He

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    steve reich Biographische Daten zu einem der Hauptvertreter der Minimal bzw. Repetitive Music. Patterns

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    Reich, Steve
    Steve Reich
    Biographische Daten zu einem der Hauptvertreter der Minimal bzw. Repetitive Music. Patterns, Loops und Phase-Shifting
    Aufsatz über die instrumentale "Minimal Music" von Steve Reich. Die richtige Mischung
    Über die Musik von Steve Reich und insbesondere das Werk "Different Trains". Werke: New York Counterpoint
    Anmerkungen zu dem 1985 entstandenen Stück von Steve Reich. Werke: Different Trains
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    70. REICH, Steve : MusicWeb Encyclopaedia Of Popular Music
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    71. Museet For Samtidskunst
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    1. Four Musical Minimalists La Monte Young, Terry Riley, steve reich, Philip Glass, Four Musical Minimalists La Monte Young, Terry Riley, steve reich
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    Classical ... Four Musical Minimalists : La Monte Young, Terry Riley, Steve Reich, Philip Glass from Cambridge University Press Price: Customer Review: Potter's book will be best appreciated by those with a much better understanding of music theory than I. However, I learned something about the personal and musical history of so-called "minimalism." (Potter falls prey to some extent to the problem of reifying an abstraction having first grouped... more info Customer Rating: Click here for more information Buy from: United Kingdom Writings About Music from New York University Press Price: Click here for more information Buy from: United Kingdom Steve Reich : A Bio-Bibliography from Greenwood Publishing Group Price: Click here for more information Buy from: United Kingdom Search All products Books Popular music Classical music DVD's VHS Videos In Theaters Toys Baby Computer Hardware Electronics Photo Software Garden / Outdoor Living Kitchen for

    80. Castle Classics Reich, Steve (American B.1936)
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    Price: Castle Classics Classical CD

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