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61. Carl Nielsen -- Encyclopædia Britannica nielsen, carl Encyclopædia Britannica Article. , nielsen, carl violinist, conductor, and Denmark s foremost composer, particularly admired as a symphonist. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=57181 |
62. Biografia De Nielsen, Carl Translate this page nielsen, carl. (Sortelung, 1865-Copenhague, 1931) Compositor danés. Se inició como violinista y en 1908 fue nombrado director de http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/n/nielsen.htm | |
63. Browse Classical - Composer Performer Ensemble - Label - All Categories Here are the titles which include the Composer nielsen, carl by title by release date. http://www.towerrecords.com/az_classictit2.asp?entry=Nielsen, Carl&type_1=comp&t |
64. MusicMoz - Composition: Composers: N: Nielsen, Carl nielsen, carl. From Periods the entire directory. Top Composition Composers N nielsen, carl (15) Links (15). http://musicmoz.org/Composition/Composers/N/Nielsen,_Carl/ | |
65. MusicMoz - Composition: Composers: N: Nielsen, Carl: Links BIS carl nielsen. carl Neilsen - Collected works. Information and subscription details. carl nielsen (1865-1931) - From McNeil. http://musicmoz.org/Composition/Composers/N/Nielsen,_Carl/Links/ | |
66. Carl Nielsen Museet The carl nielsen Museum The museum carlnielsen. carl nielsens works are part of the exhibition, complemented by video shows. http://www.museumfyn.dk/odenby/carlnen.html | |
67. Nielsen, Carl At Musicroom.com - Sheet Music For Musicians - Search Results Search Results There are 101 titles that match your search term carl nielsen as an Artist or Composer. Search compilations for songs by carl nielsen. http://www.musicroom.com/search.aspx?contribid=999&searchtype=artist |
68. Nielsen, Carl : Queer Pop Culture nielsen, carl. queerpopculture.com Thanks for helping. In association with. Browse nielsen, carl. All Works by nielsen. Browse more http://queerpopculture.com/entertainment/type_browse/mode_27672/ | |
69. Ihr Musik-Preisvergleich Für Komponisten > Nielsen, Carl Translate this page In der Kategorie nielsen, carl oder der Übergeordneten Kategorie Komponisten aber auch vielen anderen können Sie über unseren Musik, Preisvergleich Titel http://musik.preissuchmaschine.de/Klassik/Komponisten/M-P/Nielsen_Carl-mbfmj.htm | |
70. Regis Records - Nielsen, Carl - Overtures & Suites / Odense Symphony Orch / Veto nielsen, carl Overtures Suites / Odense Symphony Orch / Veto; Regis Records, Classical Music Producer. Back to Index. RRC 1166. nielsen, carl. http://www.regisrecords.co.uk/regisrecords/Alpha/RRC1166.html | |
71. Regis Records - Nielsen, Carl - Overtures & Suites / Odense Symphony Orch / Veto nielsen, carl Overtures Suites / Odense Symphony Orch / Veto; Regis Records, Classical Music Producer. NEW - RRC 1166. nielsen, carl. http://www.regisrecords.co.uk/regisrecords/CatNo/RRC1166.html | |
72. Composer Biography - Nielsen, Carl back Return to Meet the Composers. carl nielsen. (b. Sortelung, 9 June 1865; d. Copenhagen, 3 Oct 1931), Danish composer. He had a http://www.sfsymphony.org/templates/router.asp?nodeid=194&callid=22&strchar=M |
73. Composer Biography - Nielsen, Carl carl nielsen. (b. Sortelung, 9 June 1865; d. Copenhagen, 3 Oct 1931), Danish composer. He had a poor, rural upbringing, though his http://www.sfsymphony.org/templates/router.asp?nodeid=194&strchar=M |
74. Nielsen,L Composer s Composition N. nielsen, carl Henrik Ludolf ( ?, ) Denmark / 1876.1.29 Naestved ~ 1939.10.16 Copenhagen. http://www9.plala.or.jp/dxc_opera/comp/n/nielse,l.html | |
75. Castle Classics Nielsen, Carl (Danish 1865-1931) Castle ClassicsClassical CDComposers NNielsen, carl (Danish 1865-1931). Castle ClassicsClassical CDComposers - NNielsen, carl (Danish 1865-1931). http://shop.castleclassics.co.uk/acatalog/Nielsen__Carl__Danish_1865_1931_.html | |
76. Nielsen, Carl - Sexy Pop Culture nielsen, carl. Thanks for looking, Richard. Home Video. In association with. Browse nielsen, carl. All Works by nielsen. Browse more http://www.sexypopculture.com/pop-culture/type_browse/mode_27672/ | |
77. [09/06/2001] Danemark - XXe Nielsen, Carl August [1865 - 1931] Par Olga Bluteau Translate this page Suite des articles. Danemark - XXe nielsen, carl August 1865 - 1931 09/06/2001, Genre Compositeur Visites 21 Rédacteur Olga Bluteau, http://www.resmusica.com/aff_article.php3?art=10 |
78. Musik > Nielsen, Carl: Preise Und Angebote Bei Idealo nielsen, carl, MUSIK-STARTSEITE. nielsen, carl. http://www.musik-idealo.de/511R46C9K3-Klassik-Komponisten-Komponisten-Nielsen-Ca | |
79. Artist nielsen. carl. (18651931). «« Back ««. Preview Audio sample. nielsen. carl. Der sad en fisker så tankefuld, Intro to hymn (DDK 57 - NDK 62), Zachariassen. http://www.facsimilus.com/Application/Composer.aspx?Language=@ID2&Composer=@ID62 |
80. Nielsen,Carl nielsen,carl (18651931). Sex, Male. Comments, Concerto, Op. 57. Written, Duration, Comments, Written for Aage Oxenvad. One of the most http://www.woodwind.org/Databases/Composers/Names/007347.html | |
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