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21. Carl Nielsen Academy Of Music Odense Information about courses, teachers, and activities. Located in Odense. http://www.dfm.dk/indexE.html |
22. Carl Nielsen (1865-1931) Malaspina Great Books listing of Library of Congress citations of his works, including librettos, addresses, essays, and lectures. http://www.mala.bc.ca/~MCNEIL/cit/citlcnielsen.htm | |
23. Carl Nielsen - Danish Composer (1865-1931) carl nielsen, Danish Composer (18651931) http://www.mic.dk/nielsen/ | |
24. Carl Nielsen http://www.mic.dk/opera/Niel1/niel1frame.html |
25. Nielsen, Carl (1865 - 1931) nielsen, carl (1865 1931). The principal post-Romantic Danish composer, carl nielsen, was born in 1865, the son of a painter and village musician. http://www.hnh.com/composer/nielsen.htm | |
26. Dansk Litteraturhistorisk Bibliografi Dansk litteraturhistorisk bibliografi. http://www.dlb.dansklf.dk/index.cgi?/forfattere/142.html |
27. Intuitive Homepage On Improvised Music music and related topics including Denmark s Intuitive Music Conference, Quotation of the Month,composer and improvisor carl Bergstrøm-nielsen(DK),Links. http://hjem.get2net.dk/intuitive/ | |
28. MSN Encarta - Nielsen, Carl August Advertisement. nielsen, carl August. nielsen, carl August (18651931), most famous composer of Denmark, whose works were internationally significant. http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761557383/Nielsen_Carl_August.html | |
29. Default Fluefiskerie er en ren forn¸jelse for sj¦l og sind, M¶rrum, Norge og Danmark carl nielsen gladsaxe laks hav¸rred og stalling http://fp.image.dk/fpecn78/ | |
30. Glass, Louis (1864 - 1936 Comparison of the composer with carl nielsen and mention of his students. Includes recommended recording. http://www.hnh.com/composer/glass_l.htm | |
31. Nielsen, Carl nielsen, carl nielsen, carl. Period Romantic. Born Friday, June 9, 1863 in NoreLyndelse, Denmark. Died Saturday, October 3, 1931 in Copenhagen, Denmark. http://www.stevenestrella.com/composers/composerfiles/nielsen1931.html | |
32. Sirena Pia Loman, Helle nielsen, Marit Ernst, and Karina Helene Agerbo formed an ensemble at the carl nielsen Academy of Music in Odense and perform both newly written compositions and early music. http://www.sirenarecorderquartet.dk/eng/index.html | |
33. Laksefeber Og Lystfiskeri - Af Carl Nielsen Lystfiskeri med flue og spin er en ren fornøjelse http://www.laksefeber.dk/ | |
34. Carl Nielsen, Composer (1865-1931) Compact biography and photograph from Dacapo Records. http://www.dacapo-records.dk/komponister/nielsencarl.html | |
35. Carl Nielsen (1865 - 1931) Translate this page carl nielsen. (1865 - 1931). Die Biographie von carl nielsen. Geb. 1865 (9.6) in Norre Lyndelse, Fünen, gestorben 1931 (3.10) in Kopenhagen. http://www.karadar.com/Worterbuch/nielsen.html | |
36. Karadar Free MP3 - Totally Legal And Free 14 MP3 found on nielsen search. Page 1 of 1. nielsen, carl ( 1865 1931 ), Title. Time, Size, Status. - Helios Overture op.17 for orch. 12 02 , 8.2 Mb, Download. http://www.karadar.com/Mp3composer/SearchAutore.asp?Autore=Nielsen |
37. Nielsen, Carl August Translate this page La obra fundamental de carl nielsen. nielsen, carl (carl August) (Norre Lyndelse, Isla de Fionia, Dinamarca, 9-6-1865 / Copenhague, Dinamarca, 3-10-1931). http://usuarios.lycos.es/guiaudicion/compositores50/nielsen.htm | |
38. Odense Bys Museer - Carl Nielsen Museet Pr¦sentation og praktiske oplysninger. http://www.odmus.dk/db2/main.asp?kap=618 |
39. Nielsen, Carl Translate this page Classicalweb - Un sito di musica classica - La grande musica per i non addetti ai lavori - carl nielsen. carl nielsen. Nascita Norre http://digilander.libero.it/classical/autori/nielsen.htm | |
40. Det Kongelige Bibliotek - Musik- Og Teaterafdelingen - Carl Nielsen Udgaven Projekt med henblik p¥ at pr¦sentere den f¸rste samlede praktisk/videnskabelige udgave af hans v¦rker, med klaverpartiturer og stemmemateriale. Fra Det Kongelige Bibliotek. http://www.kb.dk/kb/dept/nbo/ma/cn/ | |
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