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Home - Composers - Nielsen Carl |
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1. Classical Net - Basic Repertoire List - Nielsen Carl Nielsen. (1865 1931). Additional Information Selected Choral Works of Carl Nielsen by Steven K. Bell; Chronological Works List by Andrew Jackson; http://www.classical.net/music/comp.lst/nielsen.html | |
2. Carl Nielsen - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Carl Nielsen. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In Denmark, everybody knows and sings the numerous songs by various poets, set to music by Carl Nielsen. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Nielsen |
3. Carl Nielsen Picture of Carl Nielsen. (Sent by Jeffrey H. Feldman). Born 9 June 1865, Norre Lyndelse (Denmark) Died 3 October 1931, København (Copenhagen) (Denmark). http://www.classical-composers.org/cgi-bin/ccd.cgi?comp=nielsen |
4. MSN Encarta - Search Results - Nielsen Carl August Encarta Search results for nielsen carl August . Page 1 of 1. Sound clip from Encarta Encyclopedia. 3. Magazine and news articles about nielsen carl August *. http://encarta.msn.com/Nielsen_Carl_August.html | |
5. Links To Web Pages About Carl Nielsen Carl Nielsen (18651931). Links to web pages about Carl Nielsen. Compiled by Andrew Jackson. The Danish Music Information Centre s Carl Nielsen site (in English). http://members.aol.com/dmlovelock/nielsen.htm | |
6. Nielsen Carl (1865-1931) Translate this page nielsen carl liens classés du site référence en musicologie, collection de liens musicaux et musicologiques. nielsen carl (1865-1931). Une adresse. http://www.musicologie.org/Biographies/nielsen_carl.html | |
7. BIS - Carl Nielsen Carl Nielsen Complete Edition. The vital, positive music of the Danish composer Carl Nielsen is now, 60 years after his death, becoming http://www.bis.se/Nielsen.htm | |
8. Søgeresultat - Bibliotek.dk SØGERESULTAT, Du har søgt på forfatter=nielsen carl f 1865, Fik du for mange eller for få resultater? NODE. Læg i kurv. Nielsen, Carl, f. 1865 Symfoni nr. http://bibliotek.dk/vis.php?base=dfa&field1=lfc&term1=Nielsen Carl f 1865 |
9. Nielsen Carl Nielsen Carl Instrumental Concertos http://www.madra-shop.de/Nielsen-Carl-Nielsen-Carl-Instrumental-Concertos-B00000 | |
10. Odense SymphOrch EdwSerov Nielsen Carl Symphony No3 Andante Tranqu http://www.madra-shop.de/Odense-Symph-Orch-Edw-Serov-N-Symphony-No-3-Andante-Tra | |
11. Musik > Nielsen, Carl: Preise Und Angebote Bei Idealo More results from www.musikidealo.de Nielsen, Carl August at ChesterNovello.comSaturday, May 22, 2004 HOME COMPOSER AZ Carl August nielsen carl August Nielsen. Click here to download photograph for non-commercial use only. Work List. http://www.musik-idealo.de/17649R955C9K3-Klassik-Gattungen-Symphonik-Symphonien- | |
12. Athena Ensemble Nielsen Carl August Musik Für Blasinstrumente http://www.ghs-lehrer.de/Athena-Ensemble-Nielsen-Carl-Musik-fuer-Blasinstrumente | |
13. Mordkovitch Benson Nielsen Carl August Sonaten Für Violine Und Klavier Translate this page Mordkovitch Benson nielsen carl August Sonaten für Violine und Klavier. Sonaten für Violine und Klavier Mordkovitch Benson nielsen carl August. http://www.ghs-lehrer.de/Mordkovitch-Benson-Nielsen-C-Sonaten-fuer-Violine-und-K | |
14. Nielsen Carl 6. Carl Nielsen Life and Music, Carl Nielsen Life and Music from Odense Univ Pr Price $12.95, 8. Carl Nielsen, Carl Nielsen from Phaidon Press Inc. http://www.dropbears.com/amazon/template_classical/type_search/mode_books/keywor | |
15. Carl E Nielsen nielsen carl E. Covert Action Information Bulletin 1991 38 (54). pages cited this search 1 Order hard copy of these pages http://www.namebase.org/xnew/Carl-E-Nielsen.html | |
16. Selected Choral Works Of Carl Nielsen Selected Choral Works of carl nielsen. References. Barker, John W. nielsen, carl August. In The Software Toolworks Multimedia Encyclopedia (CDROM Version). http://www.sat.net/~sbell/composer/nielsen.htm | |
17. Index2.htm Official site from the Danish Music Information Center and the Danish carl nielsen Society. Links to biography and photographs, the Society, and order information for CDROM. http://www.carlnielsen.dk/ | |
18. Velkommen Til Carl J Nielsen´s Websted Import¸r af krydderier med info om produkterne. http://www.cj-nielsen.dk |
19. NIELSEN, CARL International forfatterbibliografi. http://www.bibliografi.dk/nielsen_carl.htm | |
20. Carl Nielsen Museet Museet giver en detaljeret, kronologisk opbygget fremstilling af komponisten carl nielsen og hans hustru, billedhuggerinden Anne Marie carlnielsens liv og virke. Odense. http://www.museumfyn.dk/odenby/carln.htm | |
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