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41. The Classical MIDI Connection: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart mozart mozart, wolfgang amadeus (17561791) Austrian Adagio in B Minor, (K.540) (32k) Thomas Hubeart Andante for Flute and Orch. http://www.classicalmidiconnection.com/cmc/mozart.html | |
42. Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Translate this page mozart, wolfgang amadeus. © Copyright wolfgang amadeus mozart. Gemälde Wien). mozart, wolfgang amadeus, * 27. 1. 1756 Salzburg, 5. 12. http://www.aeiou.at/aeiou.encyclop.m/m876433.htm | |
43. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Interessanter wie informativer Lebenslauf, mit Bildern unterlegt. Die weiteren Seiten sind zur Zeit jedoch nur in griechisch. http://sfr.ee.teiath.gr/htmSELIDES/MOZART/Lebensl-dt.htm |
44. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - An Overview Of The Classical Composer Entry at mfiles with career overview and links to related composers, plus music examples presented as Sheet Music, MIDI audio, and MP3 files. http://www.mfiles.co.uk/Composers/Wolfgang-Amadeus-Mozart.htm | |
45. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Mozart.at Translate this page mozart.at bietet die umfangreichsten Informationen um wolfgang amadeus mozart u. klassische Musik. Der multimediale Wegweiser führt http://www.mozart.at/ |
46. Welcome To Wamozart.8m.com Includes pictures and biography. http://wamozart.8m.com | |
47. Alltag Raus, Österreich Rein. Tourismusinformation Für Ihren Urlaub In Österr (Austria) Kurzbiographische Daten u. a. ¼ber Familie, Konzertreisen, Liebschaften, letzte Jahre sowie Werkverzeichnis nach K¶chel. http://www.austria-tourism.at/kultur_detail...1.html?_h=kultur&id=28021& |
48. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 - 1791) Translate this page wolfgang amadeus mozart. (1756 - 1791). Die Biographie von wolfgang amadeus mozart. 1756. Als siebentes Kind kommt am 27. Jänner wolfgang http://www.karadar.com/Worterbuch/mozart.html | |
49. INKPOT CLASSICAL MUSIC REVIEWS: An Introduction To Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Detailed biography, some images, as well as information about cds. http://www.inkpot.com/classical/mozart.html | |
50. The Internet Piano Page - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - MIDI Files Audio files from The Internet Piano Page. http://www.geocities.com/Paris/3486/moz_fi.htm | |
51. Nuova Pagina Translate this page La vida de wolfgang amadeus mozart. Nace el 27 de enero de 1756 en Salzburgo y pronto se reveló como un niño prodigio. Las obras de wolfgang amadeus mozart. http://www.karadar.com/Diccionario/mozart.html | |
52. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Giegling, Weinmann and Sievers, eds.Chronologischthematisches Verzeichnis samtlicher Tonwerke wolfgang Amadé mozarts, 6th The Compleat mozart. amadeus. http://wamozart.tripod.com/ | |
53. Free Music Download, MP3 Music, Music Chat, Music Video, Music CD, ARTISTdirect Biography, links to other sites, and audio downloads. http://ubl.artistdirect.com/music/artist/card/0,,471012,00.html | |
54. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Biography And Works Search. Classical Music mozart, wolfgang amadeus Birth January 27, 1756 in Salzburg Death December 5, 1791 in Vienna. Family son http://classicalmusic.about.com/library/bio/blmozart.htm | |
55. Mozart2006: Veranstaltungen Des Landes Salzburg, Generalsekretariat Mozart 2006 F¼r die Organisation und Koordination des Jubil¤umsjahres zum 250. Geburtstag von wolfgang amadeus mozart zeichnet das Generalsekretariat verantwortlich. Ein kulturelles Ereignis zur W¼rdigung des groen Musikers. http://www.mozart2006.at |
56. Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791) Search. Classical Music, mozart, wolfgang amadeus (17561791) Guide picks. Eighteenth century Austrian composer, wolfgang amadeus mozart. http://classicalmusic.about.com/cs/mozartwa/ | |
57. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Brief biography emphasizing his connections with Freemasonry. http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/biography/mozart_a/mozart_a.html | |
58. Musica Classica - Classical Music - Klassische Musik - Karadar Bertoldi Ensemble Karadar Dictionary entry with life, works, catalogue, operas, portraits and other illustrations, related composers, and MIDI audio samples. Includes links to lieder texts and many operatic libretti. http://www.karadar.net/Dictionary/mozart.html | |
59. Internet Public Library: Music History 102 This collection. The Classical Period. wolfgang amadeus mozart. Born Salzburg, January 27, 1756. Died Vienna, December 5, 1791. http://www.ipl.org/div/mushist/clas/mozart.htm | |
60. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) Biographical sketch, caricature, and summaries of various types of his music, including operatic, church, vocal and choral, orchestral, chamber, piano, and organ. Includes Naxos discography. http://web02.hnh.com/composer/btm.asp?fullname=Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus |
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