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Home - Composers - Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus |
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21. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Catholic Encyclopedia) http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/10623a.htm | |
22. CLASSICAL MUSIC ARCHIVES: Mozart WA.mozart (1756-1791). mozart, wolfgang amadeus (1756-91); Aus. http://www.classicalarchives.com/mozart.html | |
23. Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart Riwayat hidup wolfgang amadeus mozart. http://w3.spancity.com/yosri/TokohMozart.html | |
24. Klassika: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Tabellarische Lebens und Werkdaten und groe Werkauswahl mit Beschreibungen (insbesondere bei den Opern). http://www.klassika.info/Komponisten/Mozart/ | |
25. The Mozart Project The life, times and music of wolfgang amadeus mozart. Includes a complete Köchel listing, bibliography, biography, links to related http://www.mozartproject.org/ | |
26. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Includes Biography Pictures, Music and a Fan Club http://www.mozart.8m.com | |
27. The Mozart Project The mozart Project A wealth of resources are available on this site concerning the life, times and works of wolfgang amadeus mozart. This site offers teachers and students supporting and http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.mozartproject.org/index.html&y=0 |
28. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 - 91) Midi files of the overture to the opera The Marriage of Figaro , and the entire Piano quartet in G minor (also available in a .zip file). http://www.chateauferret.demon.co.uk/C18.html | |
29. CLASSICAL MUSIC ARCHIVES: Mozart AND REFRESH/RELOAD THIS PAGE. wolfgang amadeus mozart W.A.mozart (17561791) mozart, wolfgang amadeus (1756-91); Aus. http://www.prs.net/mozart.html | |
30. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Johann Chrysostom wolfgang Theophilus (Gottlieb, amadeus) mozart. Born Archbishopric of Salzburg, 27 Jan. 1756 Died Vienna, Austria, 5 Dec. 1791 Operas. http://opera.stanford.edu/Mozart/main.html | |
31. AAT - INDIRIZZO CAMBIATO! La vita, la famiglia, il catalogo e le schede delle opere, l'ambiente storicoculturale, la genialit . http://digilander.libero.it/wolfgangamadeus/ | |
32. The Mozart Project The life, times, and music of wolfgang amadeus mozart. http://www.mozartproject.org/index.html | |
33. Mozart Home Page wolfgang amadeus mozart. Born Salzburg, January 27, 1756 Died Vienna, December 5, 1791. This page is an index site for those interested http://www.mhric.org/mozart/index2.html | |
34. Clarinet Sheet Music - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Clarinet Concerto In A Major (I This page contains the description of the CD album. http://www.encoremusic.com/clarinet/1060242.htm | |
35. Musica Classica - Classical Music - Klassische Musik - Karadar Bertoldi Ensemble Karadar Dictionary entry with his life, both as composer and as father of wolfgang amadeus. Includes related composers and summary of writings and works. http://www.karadar.net/Dictionary/mozart_leopold.html | |
36. Camila Argolo, Soprano Coloratura * Daniel Freire, Pianista * Sexta Clássica Cronologia da vida e da obra de wolfgang amadeus mozart. http://www.infonet.com.br/mozart/ | |
37. Der Groove Des Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Friedrich Gulda ¼ber sein neues Salzburger Projekt, Dancefloor, die Festspiele und seine Freude an der Musik (erschienen in kunst fehler , 04/1996). http://www.kulturgelaende.at/kunstfehler/ShowArticlePrint.asp?AR_ID=778&KF_I |
38. CLASSICAL MUSIC ARCHIVES: W.A. Mozart Biography wolfgang amadeus mozart Biography by Allen Krantz Born January 27, 1756 in Salzburg, Austria Died With wolfgang amadeus mozart, almost all is a sublime opera. http://www.classicalarchives.com/bios/mozart_bio.html | |
39. The Mozart School Principal's message, special events and information on classrooms and teachers. http://boston.k12.ma.us/mozart/ | |
40. Inhaltsübersicht Mozart Translate this page Musik-Kolleg, wolfgang amadeus mozart, Biographie. wolfgang amadeus mozart im Bild. Überblick über mozarts Symphonien. Aufbereitete Musikwerke. http://www.aeiou.at/mozart.htm | |
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