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61. Bertramka you an interesting miniseries of four programs consisting of works by Wolfgang Amadeus mozart (1756-91) and his younger son franz xaver mozart (1791-1844) - a http://www.bertramka.cz/jiak02_en.asp | |
62. The Philosopher's Stone der Weisen, 1790). franz xaver Gerl (17641827), Austrian composer and bass, was probably a pupil of Leopold mozart at Salzburg. http://www.bamptonopera.org/bamptonopera/Repertory/Philosopher's Stone/stone_hom | |
63. Wauu.DE: Arts: Music: Composition: Composers: M: Mozart, Franz Xaver Wolfgang Translate this page http//cpa.feynsinn.de/eng/fxmozart/fxmozart.html. mozart, franz xaver Wolfgang Grove Concise Dictionary of music entry with brief biography, education and http://www.wauu.de/Arts/Music/Composition/Composers/M/Mozart__Franz_Xaver_Wolfga | |
64. Classical Music : Franz Xaver Gruber Lloyd Webber, Benjamin Britten, Wolfgang Amadeus mozart, John Rutter, Charles Gounod, Maurice Durufle, William James Kirkpatrick, franz xaver Gruber, Christmas http://thinks.com/cgi-bin/aws/aws.pl/mode-classical/string-Franz Xaver Gruber/be | |
65. Classical Music : Franz Bauer franz xaver Richter Classical Music franz xaver Richter 3 franz Lehar, Oscar Straus, franz BauerTheussl Richard Wagner, Wolfgang Amadeus mozart, franz von http://thinks.com/cgi-bin/aws/aws.pl/mode-classical/page-6/string-Franz Bauer/be | |
66. 29 juillet 2002 Translate this page Karl Thomas et franz xaver Wolfgang mozart. Eh oui, franz xaver Wolfgang mozart, fils de Wolfgang et petit-fils de Leopold, mourut le 29 juillet 1844. http://perso.wanadoo.fr/olga.bluteau/ORCULTURE/2002/29juillet.htm | |
67. Artists.mp3s.ru >> Ãðóïïû è Èñïîëíèòåëè >> Franz Xaver Mozart The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://artists.mp3s.ru/view/artist/Franz Xaver Mozart/ | |
68. Castle Classics Sussmayr, Franz Xaver (1766-1803) Amadeus mozart Les petits riens; Süssmayr Tha NameDay / Das Namenfest Price £12.99. Castle ClassicsClassical CDComposers - SSussmayr, franz xaver (1766 http://shop.castleclassics.co.uk/acatalog/Sussmayr__Franz_Xaver__1766_1803_.html | |
69. Mirabell - Mozart - Biographie Translate this page Sein jüngerer Bruder franz xaver Wolfgang, genannt WA mozart (Sohn), erhielt Unterricht bei Johann Nepomuk Hummel, Georg Joseph Vogler, Antonio Salieri sowie http://www.mirabell.co.at/deutsch/links/mozart/biographie/bio.html | |
70. Christschall Translate this page ad ?Requiem. M Wolfgang Amadeus mozart und franz xaver Süssmayer. ad ?Requiem. M Wolfgang Amadeus mozart und franz xaver Süssmayer. http://www.lotz-verlag.de/TRI_ERGON_CHRISTSCHALL.htm | |
71. CLASSICAL Archives -- November 2000 (#280) Date Mon, 20 Nov 2000 174136 +0900 From Kai Czepiczka kacpa@hananet.net Subject franz xaver mozart Hello! A few days ago http://home.ease.lsoft.com/scripts/wa.exe?A2=ind0011&L=classical&F=&S=&P=28108 |
72. Kulturbüro Der Stadt Augsburg Translate this page 10 Liederabend Konrad Jarnot, Bariton (1. Preis ARD-Wettbeweb 2000) Gabriel Dobner, Klavier Lieder von franz xaver mozart und franz Schubert Gefördert von der http://www.augsburg.de/Seiten/augsburg_d/kultur/kbuero/kbuero_u/veranstaltungen/ | |
73. BBC News | EUROPE | Rehabilitating Mozart's 'murderer' 1788 Appointed Hofkapellmeister. Pupils included Beethoven, Schubert, Czerny, Hummel, Moscheles and franz xaver Wolfgang (mozart s son). http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/717970.stm | |
74. Gerl, Franz Xaver Translate this page Gerl, franz xaver, * 30. 11. 1764 Andorf (Oberösterreich), 9. 3. 1827 Mannheim (Deutschland), Komponist und Sänger (Bass). Schüler von L. mozart in http://www.aeiou.at/aeiou.encyclop.g/g289203.htm | |
75. ● Translate this page xaver Gruber Mehr Musik von franz xaver Gruber , George franz Schubert Mehr Musik von franz Schubert , Christmas de Falla , Wolfgang Amadeus mozart Mehr Musik http://www.counterlabs.de/shopping/de/music/t/Franz_Schubert.html | |
76. Gregorian Christmas: Chants And Motets - Gregorian Chant , Franz Xaver Wolfgang Gregorian Christmas Chants and Motets by Artist Gregorian Chant , franz xaver Wolfgang mozart , Arne Mellnas Manufacturer Delta Released 30 September, 1993 http://www.worlds-music.com/Gregorian_Christmas_Chants_and_Motets_B000001VHK.htm | |
77. All Music Cd Reviews Of Franz Xaver Gruber Wolfgang Amadeus mozart, Charles Gounod, Robert Schumann Ernestine SchumannHeinke Arias Songs, James Galway s Christmas Carol franz xaver Gruber, John Rutter http://www.cd-reviewers.com/search_artist/Franz Xaver Gruber/3 | |
78. Find, Compare, And Buy Franz Ferdinand Music At Shopping.com Translate this page Ferdinand Gumbert · Giacomo Puccini · Wolfgang Amadeus mozart · Peter Ilyich Nicolaus Adam Strungk · Joseph Lederer · franz xaver Schnitzer · Gottlieb http://www.shopping.com/xMP-Search_Results~NU-Search_Results~keyword-Franz-Ferdi | |
79. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) Re: Mozart's Children Chopin Wagner Ludwig V Esther, mozart s two surviving chidren were carl(17841858) and franz xaver(1791-1844). sadly, carl showed no musical talent. he http://classicals.com/music/WolfgangAmadeusMozarthall/cas/458.html | |
80. Buy CD's From Franz Xaver Gruber of the Vienna Boys Choir (Johann Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus mozart, Felix Mendelssohn, George Frideric Handel, Gabriel Faure, franz xaver Gruber, Johann http://www.bizave.com/storeartists/franz-xaver-gruber--music--mcfranzxavergruber | |
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