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Moore Undine Smith: more detail | ||||||
81. Choral Library Holdings By Author moore, undine S. Daniel, Caniel, Servant of the Lord, Warner Brothers, SSAATTBB,2548, 62. moore, undine smith, Lord, We Give Thanks To Thee, Warner Bros. http://www.uc.edu/Conducting/choral_library/m-r_by_author.html | |
82. Electronic Reserves For MUS 287 A (Fall 2003) Seeger, Ruth Crawford Two Ricercare Audio. smith moore, undine LoveLet the Wind Cry Audio. smith moore, undine Watch and Pray Audio. http://www.lib.muohio.edu/research/ereserves/class_list.php?class_code=MUS 287 A |
83. GRIME Newsletters Songs, featuring music ranging from Elisabeth Jacquet de la Guerre and FrancescaCaccini to the words of Sappho set by undine smith moore; Sadie Koninsky s http://qsilver.queensu.ca/~grime/v2n2.html | |
84. The Estate Project You May Bury Me In The East for SATB with solo voice date copyright 1990 texttraditional spiritual note In memory of undine smith moore published Three http://www.artistswithaids.org/artforms/music/catalogue/mcintyre.html | |
85. VocalEssence News 1-12-04 1459. 14th annual VocalEssence WITNESS concert focuses on undine smith Mooreand other African American women composers. Capsule VocalEssence http://www.vocalessence.org/news1_12_04.html | |
86. Gimenei >> Arts >> Music >> Composition >> Composers >> M >> Moore,_Undine_Smith Lawyers.com Patrick Neill moore, Fort smith, AR Get information about thisFort smith, AR lawyer who specializes in estate planning, probate, and http://www.gimenei.com/directory/top/Arts/Music/Composition/Composers/M/Moore,_U | |
87. Feminist Theory And Music 4: Abstracts The AfricanAmerican composers Florence Price, Julia Perry, and undine smith Moorewere strongly influenced by feminist themes as well as the African-American http://wsrv.clas.virginia.edu/~smp8a/Abstracts/sess7b.html | |
88. November 11 1995 -- Schubert's Mass In G John Rutter. Shenandoah, arr. James Erbe. Fare You Well, arr. undine smith MooreJoel Hansel, tenor; KC Hansel, soprano. Danny Boy, arr. Joseph Flummerfelt. http://dcguild.home.mindspring.com/Programs/19951111.html | |
89. AUGUST 25 CLASSICALmanac 'today In Classical Music' Berlin. dNYC, 4 APR 1972. 1904 Birth of composer http//www.uni.edu/taylord/smith.moore.bio.html Undinesmith moore. d-1990. 1909 http://www.angelfire.com/ab/day/aug25.html | |
90. Afro-American And African Studies WITNESS Concert * Orchestra Hall, Minneapolis* undine smith Mooreis the focus of this year s WITNESS concert. She was born 100 http://www.afroam.umn.edu/calendar/7.htm |
91. Behind The Name: Message Gaspard de la nuit undine 1845 opera by Albert Lortzing undine 1904 undineSmith moore (19041988), famous African-American composer Ondine 1908 http://www.behindthename.com/wwwboardarc/messages/27098.html | |
92. Untitled Document Amy Beach. William Grant Still. Abdo Dagher. Rabbi Michel Twerski. undine SmithMoore. Gamal AbdelRahim. Adolphus Hailstork. Andrea Clearfield. Paquito D Rivera. http://www.internationalopus.com/cgi-bin/io.pl?mode=composer_index |
93. Publication Composers 18 th century. MITCHELL, Roscoe. 1940. moore, Dorothy Rudd. 1940. moore, UndineSmith, 19051989. MUMFORD, Jeffrey, 1955. NASH, Gary Powell. 1964. NELSON, Oliver.1961. http://astro.temple.edu/~rgreene/BlackComp/3_composers.htm | |
94. TimesDispatch.com | Black History Month THOMAS BLIND TOM WIGGINS He was blind and lacked verbal skills, but astonishedaudiences worldwide with his piano virtuosity BRUCE smith NFL s sack king got http://www.timesdispatch.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=RTD/Page/RTD_SectionFron |
95. SW* Abrahamsson, Efraim Fl Translate this page Moczy?ski, Leon, Mojana, Marco, Molino, Pippo. Monza, Gianmario, moore, UndineSmith, moore, Timothy. Morelot, Labbé Stéphen, Moritz, Moroni, Francesco. http://www.rscm.u-net.com/UpdateX.htm | |
96. Margaret Price - Classical Music Shopping Mall, Store, Coupon, Discount Bargain TITLE Margaret Price Classical Music Cheapest Deals at Used Cars Online ShoppingMall Home Shopping Network serving over 10 million loyal customers daily http://www.adsproject.com/cgi-bin/amazon_products_feed-mode-classical-search_typ | |
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