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Moore Undine Smith: more detail | ||||||
61. Music Composers Translate this page Monteverdi, Claudio. Moondog. moore, Douglas. moore, undine smith. Mozart, FranzXaver. Mozart, Leopold Johann Georg. Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. Mumma, Gordon. http://www.artistactoractress.com/composers/ | |
62. American Music Teacher: From Spirituals To Symphonies: African-American Women Co WalkerHill concentrates on eight composers undine smith moore, Julia Perry, MargaretBonds, Irene Britton smith, Dorothy Rudd moore, Valerie Capers, Mary http://articles.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2493/is_3_52/ai_94932873 | |
63. Søgeresultat - Bibliotek.dk Press Sprog Engelsk Emne musikhistorie ; komponister ; kvindelige komponister ;kvindelige musikere Indhold Historical overview ; undine smith moore (190489 http://bibliotek.dk/vis.php?base=dfa&field1=lem&term1=kvindelige musikere |
64. Composers ... M-R moore, undine smith (AfricanAmerican, 1904-1989) A composer and educator, she studiedat Fisk, Juilliard, the Manhattan School, Columbia and Eastman and after http://www.womensmusic.com/mr.html | |
65. List Of Composers Of African Descent 1917 1995); Roscoe Mitchell, USA (born 1940); Thelonious Monk, USA(1917 - 1982); undine smith moore, USA (1905 - 1989); Jose Nunes http://www.worldhistory.com/wiki/L/List-of-composers-of-African-descent.htm | |
66. Sheet Music Plus - A Christmas Alleluia (Mary, What You Going To A Christmas Alleluia (Mary, What You Going to Name That Pretty Little Baby?) (6PACK)- By moore, undine smith, arr, For SSAA/SSAA, unison chant group, and http://wwws.sheetmusicplus.com/sheetmusic/detail/TC.TC-139.html | |
67. AFROCENTRIC VOICES In "Classical" Music Carter, Maria Corley, R. Nathaniel Dett, Roland Hayes, Hall Johnson, Betty JacksonKing, Robert Mac Gimsey, undine smith moore, Julia Perry, and Hale smith. http://www.afrovoices.com/ | |
68. Julia Perry, Florence Price, Margaret Bonds, Valerie Capers RealMedia, violin. undine smith moore (19041989) Before I d Be aSlave (1953) (336), mp3 (21) or RealMedia, piano. Rachel Eubanks http://www.leonarda.com/le339.html | |
69. Leonarda African-American Index, CDs, Recordings Composers Irene Britton smith, Dorothy Rudd moore, Julia Perry, Betty Jackson King,Margaret Bonds, Lettie Beckon Alston, undine smith moore, Rachel Eubanks http://www.leonarda.com/af-am.html | |
70. Florence B. Price of Rivers Art Songs by AfricanAmerican Composers by Leslie Adams, Margaret Bonds,Charles (composer) Brown, Cecil Cohen, undine smith moore, Robert Owens http://www.reversephonedirectory.com/products/?mode=classical&search_type=Artist |
71. EXTENTIONS OF THE TRADITION 4!. The work is to honor four incredible artists who influenced my life as a musicianThelonious Monk, Gil Evans, undine smith moore, and Jaco Pastorios. http://innova.mu/notes/510.htm | |
72. The Negro Spiritual arranger of Give me Your Hand, My Good Lord Done Been Here, Good NewsFredrick Halls Yonder Some Day; undine smith moores I Just http://www.dogonvillage.com/negrospirituals/one/pg7.htm | |
73. Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder - ENTERTAINMENT WITNESS will also feature the late undine smith moores (19041989) Scenes fromthe Life of a Martyr, an extended contemplation of the life of Dr. Martin http://spokesman-recorder.com/news/Article/Article.asp?NewsID=38261&sID=37 |
74. Touch The Spirit Jester Hairston) Daniel, Servant of the Lord (Arr. undine smith moore)Deep River (Arr. Harry T. Burleigh) Jacobs Ladder (Arr. http://www.pipeorgancds.com/touchspirit.html | |
75. Hampton University - Department Of University Relations will be Lettie Beckon Alston, associate professor and composer in residence at OaklandUniversity in Rochester, Mich.; the late undine smith moore, formerly a http://www.hamptonu.edu/News_Publications/1998_99_Black_Women_Composers.html | |
76. :: Ez2Find :: M John (5), Molter, Johann Melchior (4) Monk, Meredith (2) Monteverdi, Claudio GiovanniAntonio (12) Moondog (9) moore, Douglas (6) moore, undine smith (3) Morley http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Arts/Music/Composition/Compo | |
77. Washington Men's Camerata 2002 I, Too, Sing, America The combined choir of more than 200 singers will also perform music by MargaretBonds and undine smith moore, and each group will perform a solo segment as http://www.camerata.com/sing_america-02.html | |
78. Moses Hogan Chorale And Countertenor Derek Lee Ragin (Saint Paul Sunday) broadcast will hear an historically varied program of works by both familiar andless wellknown composers and arrangers from undine smith moore s I Just http://saintpaulsunday.publicradio.org/features/9709_ragin/ragin.shtml | |
79. Spirituals At Riverside: Touch The Spirit Arrangements by Jester Hairston, Jacqueline B. Hairston, undine smith moore, WilliamHenry smith, Houston Bright, John Jacob Niles, Harry T. Burleigh, William http://www.ohscatalog.org/spiratrivtou.html | |
80. IISWM Scores I-P New York, Carl Fischer. (photocopy). moore, undine S. No title. , MORRISSEY, Wendy. SonicMeditations . smith Publications. Sound Patterns . OSAWA, Kazuko. http://library.csun.edu/spcoll/fdgds12b.html | |
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