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Moore Undine Smith: more detail | ||||||
21. Undine Smith Moore 1994-2004 Contact The undine smith moore Centenary Website By Mail moore/Easter. P.O.Box 824. Northfield, MN 550570824. or by Email. - http://undinesmithmoore.com/contact.html | |
22. Undine Smith Moore Sheet Music! www.laurasmidi.com/cgibin/shmtitles.cgi?newtitle=undine%20smith%20moore More results from www.laurasmidi.com Product Catalog Christmas Alleluia arr. undine smith moore (SSAA Christmas Alleluia arr. undine smith moore (SSAA Octavo). larger view. Item4293S. Price $1.50. Availability In Stock. Email this page to a friend. http://www.laurasmidi.com/Sheet-Music/Undine-Smith-Moore | |
23. Moore Sheet Music! Composers, music, lyricist, arrangers undine smith moore . Christian,Christian. Sheet Music by AugsburgFortress. Sheet Music Book. http://catholic-christian-sheet-music.com/cgi-bin/shmtitles.cgi?newtitle=Moore |
24. Carl Fischer Music Publishing - Concert Dept Carl Fischer Rental Library Works of moore, undine smith. Cat. . Date, Composition,Instrumentation, Dur. 50 , moore, undine smith, Place a rental order online! http://www.carlfischer.com/lib_mooreus.html | |
25. The Lied And Art Song Texts Page undine smith moore (19041989). x indicates texts that are not yet in thedatabase * indicates copyright texts we have no permission to display. http://www.recmusic.org/lieder/get_settings.html?ComposerId=5097 |
26. The Lied And Art Song Texts Page Translate this page 1) Moór Emanuel Moór (2) moore Chris J. moore (1) moore Douglas moore(4) moore Mary Carr moore (0) moore undine smith moore (5) moorer Pim http://www.recmusic.org/lieder/get_names.html?letter=M&type=Composers |
27. VocalEssence Presents WITNESS Target presents WITNESS undine smith moore is the focus of this year s WITNESSconcert. She was born 100 years ago, the granddaughter of slaves. http://www.vocalessence.org/concerts_03season_witness.php | |
28. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results Harry T. Burleigh, Samuel Coleridge Taylor and undine smith moore, noon,Arts Club of Washington, 2017 I St. NW. Free interviews http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?q=Kiki Smith&refid=kunstnet |
29. Wauu.DE: Arts: Music: Composition: Composers: M: Moore, Undine Smith My Life in Music A keynote address delivered by undine smith moore to the FirstNational Congress on Women in Music, March 27, 1981 at New York University. http://www.wauu.de/Arts/Music/Composition/Composers/M/Moore__Undine_Smith/ | |
30. African American Registry For August 23 1900 Business, Nat. Negro Business League founded Booker T. 1904 Theatre/Arts, Compserof spirit, undine moore On this date in 1904, undine smith moore was born. http://www.aaregistry.com/african_american_history/for_day/8/23 | |
31. AAAMC: Special Collections: Classical Music Classical music. The undine smith moore Collection A collection oforiginal scores and manuscripts by African American composers. http://www.indiana.edu/~aaamc/classical.html | |
32. IUL News For 3/4/96 For more information, call 8556224 or e-mail BVWILLIA . 4. FINE ARTS LIBRARYHOSTS EXHIBIT. The undine smith moore Collection of Original Scores and http://www.indiana.edu/~libadmin/iuln/iuln10.html | |
33. Detailed Record how I adore thee / undine smith moore Song without words / Charles Brown Sweetsorrow / Maurice McCall Death of an old seaman / Cecil Cohen Lament http://worldcatlibraries.org/wcpa/ow/8053c75a59e464af.html | |
34. WITNESS - Dance Like The Wind Track Listing 1. Mother to Son undine smith moore (1955) 241 2. We ShallWalk Through the Valley (045) undine smith moore (1977) - 254 http://www.collegiumusa.com/clarion/3_clr_906.html | |
35. Moore, Undine Smith From Linkspider UK Arts Directory moore, undine smith by Linkspider UK, moore, undine smith links and moore, undinesmith topics from our Arts directory. Directory Topic moore, undine smith. http://linkspider.co.uk/Arts/Music/Composition/Composers/M/Moore,UndineSmith/ | |
36. Tower Records - Watch And Pray - Sprituals And Art Songs / Videmus Traditional, Betty Lou Jackson King (1928 1994), Margaret Bonds (1913 - 1972),Florence Beatrice Price (1888 - 1953), undine smith moore (1905 - 1989 http://www.towerrecords.com/product.asp?pfid=1661838 |
37. SearchBug Directory: Arts: Music: Women_in_Music: Composers Joan (4) Leon, Tania (4) Lockwood, Annea (6) Mahler, Alma (5) Masaoka, Miya (3)Mendelssohn, Fanny (4) Monk, Meredith (2) moore, undine smith (3), Musgrave http://www.searchbug.com/directory.aspx/Arts/Music/Women_in_Music/Composers/ | |
38. Composers Women In Music Music Arts Hensel, Fanny ? Monk, Meredith English Arts Music Styles Jazz Fusion World FusionBands and Artists Monk, Meredith ? moore, undine smith English Arts http://www.interactiva.org/Dir/I/English/Arts/Music/Women_in_Music/Composers/ |
39. The Choir Of The College Of William And Mary - Repertoire - See What We Are Sing Daniel, Servant of the Lord arr. undine smith moore Daniel Balberchak bass; Jeb Stenhouse - tenor. Mother to Son undine smith moore http://web.wm.edu/so/choir/repertoire2002.html | |
40. ArkivMusic | Ah! Love, But A Day - Songs And Spirituals Of American Women Rich, Clara Edwards, Libby Larsen, Margaret Ruthven Lang, Gwyneth van Anden Walker,Margaret Bonds, Amy Marcy Cheney Beach, undine smith moore, Florence B http://www.arkivmusic.com/classical/Namedrill?&name_id=10087&name_role=1 |
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