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41. Sir Peter Maxwell Davies:Lots Of Good Music (Classical) Lots of Good Music (Classical) Buy Sir peter maxwell davies from an AmazonAffiliate and Save money! Classical Music Sir peter maxwell davies. http://classical.lotsofgoodmusic.com/us_classical-mode-classical-search_type-Art | |
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43. Klassika: Peter Maxwell Davies Translate this page peter maxwell davies (1934-). Persönliche Daten Geburtstag 8.September 1934 in Salford, England, Informationen Bildergalerie, http://www.klassika.info/Komponisten/Davies_PM/ | |
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45. Sir Peter Maxwell Davies Sir peter maxwell davies. With over one hundred and seventy publishedworks in every medium which are continually performed all over http://www.bmv.org/bios/composers/maxwell_davies.html | |
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50. Peter Maxwell Davies Biographie Translate this page Zeitgenössische Oper Berlin. peter maxwell davies. Ein Überblick überseine Werke von Paul Griffiths. peter maxwell davies hat beinahe http://www.zeitgenoessische-oper.de/mad/Peter Maxwell Davies Biographie.htm |
51. Peter Maxwell Davies - Biography peter maxwell davies. peter maxwell davies, born at Manchester in 1934,has composed over 200 works which have been performed the world over. http://www.zeitgenoessische-oper.de/english/mad king/Davies Biography.htm |
52. Davies, Peter Maxwell davies, peter maxwell. English composer and conductor. His music combinesmedieval and serial techniques with a heightened expressionism http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0000805.html | |
53. Aftenbladet.no - Sir Peter Maxwell Davies forsiden / kultur / musikk. Sir peter maxwell davies Publisert 29. januar 2003 0953Sir peter maxwell davies ble adlet i 1988 for sin innsats for musikk. http://aftenbladet.no/kultur/musikk/article.jhtml?articleID=151030 |
54. Aftenbladet.no - Sir Peter Maxwell Davies I Stavanger Sir peter maxwell davies i Stavanger Publisert 30. januar 2003 0804 Sirpeter maxwell davies ble adlet i 1988 for sin innsats for musikk. http://aftenbladet.no/kultur/musikk/article.jhtml?articleID=151133 |
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59. June 2003 Interview: Sir Peter Maxwell Davies (1) Highlands and Islands Arts Journal monthtly interview. June 2003 Sir petermaxwell davies. June 2003 Interview Sir peter maxwell davies (1). http://www.hi-arts.co.uk/jun03_interview1.htm | |
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