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Masaoka Miya: more detail |
82. Italy Pictures - Online Italy Source Us Top Arts Music Composition Composers Contemporary M Magle, Frederik Marsalis,Wynton Marshall, Ingram Martino, Donald masaoka, miya Maxwell Davies http://www.fondosocialeuropeo.com/italy/italy pictures | |
83. [WC-E] Miya Masaoka Live Tonight @ The CyberTheatre WCE miya masaoka live tonight @ the CyberTheatre. Rudy De Waelewebcasting-events@broadcast.net Thu, 2 Apr 1998 185323 +0200 http://www.broadcast.net/pipermail/webcasting-events/1998-April/000509.html | |
84. American Mavericks: Composers American Mavericks Concerts site Mann, Chris Marclay, Christian Buy bio site Martirano, Salvatore Buy bio Matthews, Max masaoka, miya Buy bio http://musicmavericks.publicradio.org/composers/ | |
85. Www.jazzweekly.com | Reviews THE SEALED KNOT Surface/Plane Meniscus MNSCS012 PETER KOWALD/miya masaoka/GINO ROBAIRIlluminations (Several Views) Rastascan BRD 049 One percussionist, one http://www.jazzweekly.com/reviews/sealed_surface.htm | |
86. ARTISTS LIU, WeiShan San Francisco Gu Zheng Society. LU, Xian Chinese bamboo flute artist.masaoka, miya Koto performing artist. MAUND, Peter Hand percussionist. http://www.clarionmusic.com/home/artists/artists.html | |
87. SensorChip sensorChip, Home. Pamela Z. miya masaoka. Donald Swearingen. sensorChip.sensorChip is a collective of San Francisco Bay Area composer http://www.pamelaz.com/sensorchip.html | |
88. Thomas Moore's New Music Links--Koto masaoka, miya miya masaoka home page; miya masaoka page at Other Minds. Mukaiyama,Tomoko page at The Ensemble Sospeso; Odamura, Satsuki page at Elision Ensemble. http://research.umbc.edu/~tmoore/nml/koto.html | |
89. CD Baby: BUTCHER / MASAOKA / ROBAIR: Guerrilla Mosaics - Hear And Buy It At CD B miya masaoka works simultaneously in the varied musical worlds of jazz, Westernclassical, electronic music, traditional Japanese music, and free improv. http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/butcher | |
90. The Usual Turmoil And Other Duets - George Lewis And Miya Masaoka The Usual Turmoil and Other Duets by Artist George Lewis and miya masaoka ManufacturerMusic and Arts Program Released 21 July, 1998 Audio CD Sales Rank http://www.jazzmusicnet.com/The_Usual_Turmoil_and_Other_Duets_B000007TNO.html | |
91. Studio 360 This Week Prototype miya masaoka. miya masaoka Ritual with Giant Hissing Madagascar Cockroaches (not released commercially). miya masaoka Bee project http://www.wnyc.org/studio360/music040304.html | |
92. EMI Recordings Reviews Listing Marsh, Zerang, Wright, Berndt Nothing is Known Quartet. Vol 14 3. masaoka, MiyaCompositions Improvs. Vol 11 1. masaoka, Nunn, Robair Crepuscular Music. http://www.windworld.com/emi/recrev.htm | |
93. ¥þ²yÁnµÃÀ³N¸ê°Tºô-¤é¥» The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.etat.com/soundart/sanet_jp01.htm | |
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