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101. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Lutherans And Lutheranism The religious belief held by the oldest and in Europe the most numerous of the Protestant sects, founded by the Wittenberg reformer, martin luther. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/09458a.htm | |
102. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day/Black History Month martin luther King, Jr. and Black History Month About martin luther King, Jr. martin luther King, Jr. The Man martin luther http://www.lib.lsu.edu/hum/mlk/ | |
103. Martin Luther -- Britannica Student Encyclopedia luther, martin Britannica Student Encyclopedia. , luther, martin (14831546). The Protestant Reformation in Germany was inaugurated by martin luther in 1517. http://www.britannica.com/ebi/article?eu=297541 |
104. CNN - Martin Luther King Jr. Day Examines 1998 national observances of King's birthday. http://www-cgi.cnn.com/SPECIALS/1998/mlk.page/ | |
105. Martin Luther (1483-1546) Forum Frigate Forum and live chat devoted to the life and works of the reformer. New thoughts or opinions of his person, actions, and writings and links to other works are solicited and posted. http://carolinanavy.com/fleet2/f2/zchristian/MartinLuther(1483-1546)hall/shakesp | |
106. Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Martin Luther Translate this page martin luther. Kurzbiografie 10. 11. 1483 wurde martin luther in einer aus bäuerlichen Verhältnissen stammenden Bergarbeiterfamilie in Eisleben geboren. http://alt.wittenberg.de/seiten/personen/luther.html | |
107. Dr. Martin Luther King Interactive Scavenger Hunt For Students Of All Ages A fun and educational web activity takes visitors to some of the best sites on martin luther King. Students may also submit poems, pictures, and other tributes to Dr. King for publication. http://drmlking.tripod.com/Martin.html | |
108. Martin Luther King, Jr. | Civil-Rights Leader martin luther King, Jr. CivilRights Leader. 1929 - 1968. Back to Resources Menu. Books about martin luther King, Jr. The Autobiography of martin luther King, Jr. http://www.lucidcafe.com/library/96jan/king.html | |
109. The Seattle Times: Martin Luther King Jr. Article from the Seattle Times about the life and impact of Dr. King. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/mlk/index.html | |
110. Luther, Martin - Predigten, Gottesdienste, Auslegungen, Andachten, Predigt, Vort Translate this page Predigten in mp3 oder wav format zum Anhören oder Downloaden in verschiedenen Sprachen, digitalisiert von Kassette http://www.sermon-online.de/search.pl?d1=Luther, Martin&lang=de&author=59&tm=2 |
111. MLC Athletics Home Official athletic of the Knights with news items, rosters, game schedules, statistics and scores. http://www.mlc-wels.edu/athletics/ | |
112. 404-not Found Sammlung mit vielen Texten martin Luthers von glaubensstimme.de. http://www.glaubensstimme.de/luther.html | |
113. Reformation: Martin Luther This chapter outlines the life and the main thought of martin luther, traditionally regarded as the founding figure of the European Reformation. http://www.wsu.edu:8080/~dee/REFORM/LUTHER.HTM | |
114. Martin Luther PÃ¥ Dansk Overs¦ttelser og artikler af og om martin luther og kirkens bekendelsesskrifter. http://home1.stofanet.dk/martin.luther-dansk/ |
115. Martin Luther King, Jr.: A Biographical Sketch martin luther King, Jr. A Biographical Sketch. Return to martin luther King Jr./Black History Month. Birth and Family. martin luther King, Jr. http://www.lib.lsu.edu/hum/mlk/srs218.html | |
116. Klinikum Bernburg - Herzlich Willkommen Das Klinikum ist Akademisches Lehrkrankenhaus der martinluther-Universit¤t Halle-Wittenberg und verf¼gt ¼ber rund 300 Betten. http://www.klinikum-bernburg.de/ |
117. Juvenile Detainee Wins Contest With Martin Luther King Poem CNN http://cnn.com/2001/US/01/15/king.poem.ap/index.html |
118. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day On The Net - Welcome Welcome to martin luther King, Jr. Day On the Net. We ve got stories of martin luther King Jr., Rosa Parks and the Civil Rights Movement. http://www.holidays.net/mlk/ | |
119. Didaskalos Ministries Martin Luther's Commentary On Galatians Public domain HTML transcription of Project Wittenberg text of the Theodore Graebner abridged translation of the 1538 volume. Divided into twelve sections with translator's notes. http://www.bibleteacher.org/luthercom_1.htm | |
120. Martin Luther King, Jr. - EnchantedLearning.com All About martin luther King, Jr. MLK was a great man who worked for racial equality in the United States of America. 1986, martin luther King Jr. http://www.enchantedlearning.com/history/us/MLK/ | |
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