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         Lucier Alvin:     more detail
  1. Chambers: Scores by Alvin Lucier by Alvin Lucier, Douglas Simmon, 1980-01-01
  2. Notes in the margins by Alvin Lucier, 1988
  3. Circumscribing the Open Universe: Essays on John Cage, Morton Feldman, Christian Wolff, Robert Ashley, Alvin Lucier by Thomas Delio, 1984-04
  4. Source: Music of the Avant Garde, Issue 10
  5. Alvin Lucier by James Tenney, 1988-11
  6. Reflections: Interviews, scores, writings = Reflexionen : Interviews, Notationen, Texte (Edition MusikTexte) by Alvin Lucier, 1995
  7. The machine;: A political satire, by Alvin Joseph Lucier, 1908
  8. Resonant things (Bayou books) by Alvin Lucier, 1991
  9. Music for solo performer 1965 by Alvin Lucier, 1967
  10. Chambers: Scores by Alvin Lucier, 1980
  11. RESONANT THINGS- 16 CARD STOCK PRINTS (IN AN EDITION OF 500) by Alvin Lucier, 1991

21. Alvin Lucier
Alvin Lucier. Alvin Lucier was born in 1931 in Nashua, New Hampshire. Alvin Lucier is currently John Spencer Camp Professor of Music at Wesleyan University.




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Alvin Lucier
Alvin Lucier was born in 1931 in Nashua, New Hampshire. He attended Yale and Brandeis and spent two years in Rome on a Fulbright Scholarship. In 1966 he co-founded the Sonic Arts Union, along with Robert Ashley, David Behrman and Gordon Mumma. Ever Present , for flute, alto saxophone and piano; Almost New York , for one flutist with 5 flutes; Charles Curtis for solo cello with slow sweep pure wave oscillators; Fan for 4 kotos Bar Lazy J for trombone and clarinet, Tapper for solo violin, and Kirlics , for baritone voice and French horn. Lucier is currently working on a commission from Meet The Composer for a large-scale work for the Sospeso Ensemble, to be installed this Spring at Engine 27, as well as a sound installation in a cargo container for the Museum of Modern Art, Zug, Switzerland. Recent recordings include Navigations for Strings (Arditti Quartet, Mode);

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Translate this page Crossings Alvin Lucier. Auteur ou Artiste Alvin Lucier. Titre Crossings Alvin Lucier lucier alvin Genre Electronic Format CD audio
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Alvin Lucier I Am Sitting in a Room. Titre I Am Sitting in a Room Alvin Lucier lucier alvin Genre Electro Acoustic Format CD audio
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24. Alvin Lucier
Alvin Lucier. *1931 Nashua, New Hampshire, lives in Middletown, Connecticut zurueck, score Lucier Wind Shadows. ACTION MUSIC (1962) for piano, book one € 15.
Alvin Lucier
*1931 Nashua, New Hampshire, lives in Middletown, Connecticut
Lucier: Wind Shadows ACTION MUSIC COMPOSITION FOR PIANIST AND MOTHER SEPTET (1985) for three winds, four strings and purewave oscillator score and parts FIDELIO TRIO SILVER STREETCAR FOR THE ORCHESTRA KETTLES CARBON COPIES MUSIC FOR SNARE DRUM, PURE WAVE OSCILLATOR AND ONE OR MOREREFLECTIVE SURFACES NAVIGATIONS FOR STRINGS MUSIC for Piano with Slow Sweep Pure Wave Oscillators SIX GEOMETRIES PANORAMA MUSIC for Soprano with Slow Sweep Pure Wave Oscillators MUSIC for Baritone with Slow Sweep Pure Wave Oscillators MUSIC for Accordion with Slow Sweep Pure Wave Oscillators WIND SHADOWS MUSIC for gamelan instruments, microphones, amplifiers and loudspeakers SERENADE NOTHING IS REAL CROSSINGS Q IN MEMORIAM JON HIGGINS HANDS CD recordings of sine waves are available for purchase on request.

25. Alvin Lucier. Everything You Wanted To Know About Alvin Lucier But Had No Clue H
Alvin Lucier. Everything you wanted to know about Alvin Lucier but had no clue how to find it.. Learn about Alvin Lucier here! Alvin Lucier.
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Alvin Lucier
Alvin Lucier (born May 14 ) is a composer of music and sound installations exploring acoustic phenomena, especially resonance , as well as a former member of the Sonic Arts Union along with Robert Ashley David Behrman , and Gordon Mumma Lucier was born in Nashua, New Hampshire and studied at Yale and Brandeis University and spent two years in Rome on a Fulbright Fellowship Some of his pieces include Music On A Long Thin Wire in which all music is produced by one amplified string and a magnet, Crossings , in which tones played across a steadily rising sine wave produce interference beats Still and Moving Lines of Silence in Families of Hyperbolas in which the interference tones between sine waves create "troughs" and "valleys" of sound and silence, and Music For Solo Performer , the first piece to use brain waves to produce sound. One of Lucier's best known works is I am sitting in a room , in which Lucier records himself narrating a text, and then plays the recording back into the room, re-recording it. The new recording is then played back and re-recorded, and this process is repeated. Since all rooms have a characteristic resonance (eg. different between a large hall and a small room), the effect is that certain frequencies are emphasised as they resonate in the room, until eventually the words become unintelligible, replaced by the pure resonant harmonies and tones of the room itself. The recited text describes this process in action - it begins "I am sitting in a room, different from the one you are in now. I am recording the sound of my speaking voice...".

26. Microsuoni: Alvin Lucier
Alvin Lucier. Artist Alvin Lucier. Title I Am Sitting In A Room. Label Lovely Music. Artist Alvin Lucier. Title Music On A Long Thin Wire. Label Lovely Music.
Alvin Lucier
Artist: Alvin Lucier Title: I Am Sitting In A Room Label: Lovely Music Format: CD Cod. nr.
Price: out of stock - temporaneamente esaurito
Artist: Alvin Lucier Title: Music On A Long Thin Wire Label: Lovely Music Format: CD Cod. nr.
"A 50-foot length of taut wire passes through the poles of a large magnet and is driven by an oscillator; the vibrations of the wire are miked at either end, amplified and broadcast in stereo. The thin wire is set vibrating four times at four different frequencies; what results is not the low drone one might expect from a long, vibrating wire, but a complexity of evocative, ethereal chords. First released on Lovely Music in 1980, Music on a Long Thin Wire is a classic example of Alvin Lucier's investigations into the physics of sound and the sonic properties of natural processes."
Price: out of stock - temporaneamente esaurito

27. Alvin Lucier
Alvin Lucier. Alvin Lucier (narozený Kveten 14, 1931) je skladatel hudba a znít jako instalace zkoumat jevy akustiky, obzvlášte
švodn­ str¡nka Tato str¡nka v origin¡le
Alvin Lucier
Alvin Lucier (narozen½ Květen 14 ) je skladatel hudba a zn­t jako instalace zkoumat jevy akustiky, obzvl¡Å¡tě resonance , stejně jako b½val½ člen zvukov©ho společenskovědn­ho odboru pod©l s Robert Ashley , David Behrman, a Gordon Mumma Lucier byl narozen½ v Nashua, nov½ Hampshire a studoval u Yale a Brandeis univerzita a str¡vil dva roky v Ř­m na Fulbright př¡telstv­ Někteř­ jeho skladeb obsahovat Hudba na Long tenk©m dr¡tu v kter©m vÅ¡echny noty jsou vyrobeny jedn­m zes­len½m motouzem a magnetem, Přeplavby , v kter©m t³ny se zrcadlily např­Ä stabilně se zvedat sine vlnov¡ produkčn­ interference tluče, St¡le a dojemn½ řady ticha v rodech Hyperbolas v kter©m interference t³ny mezit­m sine vlny vytvoř­ " koryta " a " ºdol­ " zvuku a ticho, a Hudba pro samostatnou představitelku , prvn­ kus k aplikaci mozkov© vlny vydat zvuk. Jedna z Lucierov½ch nejlepÅ¡­ch zn¡m½ch rachot je J¡ sed­m v pokoji , v kter©m Lucier zaznamen¡ sebe vypr¡vět text, a pak hraje z¡da nahr¡vky do pokoje, re-evidovat to. Nov¡ nahr¡vka je pak přehr¡van¡ a re-zaznamenan½, a tento proces je opakov¡n. Od vÅ¡ech m­stnosti maj­ vlastnost resonance (eg. různ½ mezi rozlehlou halou a malou m­stnost­), ºÄinek je to jist© frekvence jsou zdůrazněny, zat­mco oni rezonuj­ v pokoji, until nakonec text stane se nesrozumiteln½, nahrazen½ čist½ma zvučn½mi harmoniemi a zvuky m­stnosti s¡m. Přednesen½ text pop­Å¡e tento proces v boji - to nastane " j¡ sed­m v pokoji, různ½ od jeden vy jste v nyn­. J¡ zaznamen¡m zvuk m©ho hlasu mluven­... ".

28. Alvin Lucier
site designed by daniel l scholnick, to contact alvin lucier, send an email to
site designed by daniel l scholnick: to contact alvin lucier, send an email to

29. Browse By Artist: LUCIER, ALVIN
Artist lucier, alvin. Title Bird And Person Dyning. Label GET BACK (ITALY). Artist lucier, alvin. Title Music On A Long Thin Wire. Label LOVELY MUSIC.
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Artist: LUCIER, ALVIN Title: Bird And Person Dyning Label: GET BACK (ITALY) Format: LP Price: Catalog #: GET 420 "American avant-garde composer Alvin Lucier is well-known for his pioneering exploration of the physical properties of sound including the use of brainwaves to generate music. This LP features two of Lucier's groundbreaking early works. Lucier himself described his Bird and Person Dyning project in the following way: I got this electronic bird in the mail, a Christmas tree ornament, and you simply plugged it in, and it made this birdcall... I had this idea to put binaural mikes in my ears and to head that bird and to move my head and pan the sound of the bird around in space. I had a mike in one ear and one in the other and I could make the stereo image by moving my head, so I started the birdcall and I put the amplifier on, and I started to get feedback and I discovered that these beautiful interference patterns were occurring between the sound to the birdcall and the strands of feedback. The flipside ('The Duke of New York') deals with the power of entertainers in our society and the hypothesis that their voices are present on different levels in our memory."

30. Alvin Lucier
alvin lucier interviewed by Michael Parsons
index of texts next text BEATS THAT CAN PUSH SUGAR Alvin Lucier interviewed by Michael Parsons 27 May 1995
American composer Alvin Lucier has a unique reputation for work with the physicality of sound. In May 1995 he visited London to perform at the LMC Festival. Michael Parsons, composer, performer and longterm Lucier fan, interviewed him between soundcheck and performance. Michael Parsons: Alvin, when I first heard that you were going to be in London and were going to do a solo performance, the first piece that I thought of was the piece that you're best known for, the one that uses enormously amplified brain-wave patterns, "Music For Solo Performer". Alvin Lucier: Well you know, that's a very old piece, I did that in 1965, and that's really my breakthrough work I think. It's the piece that established for me a way of working and a way of thinking. And I performed it several times, and then for years I didn't perform it. But lately, the last five or six years, people have been asking me for that piece. Which is really interesting and wonderful because when you get a little older like I am, you begin to wonder about the length of time that your work is going to be interesting to people. And I play it maybe in situations that I shouldn't, that don't give me enough time really to set it up right. It's a fairly complicated piece, it has to have the right equipment and it has to be tuned right, you just can't arrive somewhere and do it. MP: It's a very complicated set-up with all the percussion instruments...

31. Alvin Lucier- Music On A Long Thin Wire
Interview with composer alvin lucier.
Alvin Lucier on "Music On A Long Thin Wire" Q: What are your thoughts on the piece, looking back at it today? I just installed it in Germany in a big church high above the audience in the altar. It was very long- I don't know how many meters. It just sounded wonderful, better than almost I've ever heard. Do I think it stands up over time? I think it does. It's got this other-worldly quality about it. I can't see the wire very well. You can if it's installed in a gallery, three or four feet above the ground. We had it installed high above a church and you could barely see it, depending on the light that came in during the day or the lighting at night. This quality, this amazing sound which is always moving, always changing, you don't see how it's produced but you know it isn't on tape. It doesn't have that lifeless quality of sounds on tape. You know, the live organism.
Q: Could you talk about the genesis of the original piece? I was sharing an acoustics class here at Wesleyn with a physics instructor. We were doing the Pythagorian experiment with a monochord on a table. We had an electro-magnet that was driving the string and an oscillator. It was sort of a cut-and-dry sound experiment. I just got the idea to extend that in size- to have an really extraordinary long wire would really generate something amazing. When I started making the piece, I just didn't bother to do any analysis or learning about the wire tension, mass and weight. I just set it up between a couple of tables and discovered that the imperfection of the way it was installed made a very interesting and wonderful sound. It was always changing. That's the interesting thing about it- it isn't fixed like a string on a piano. It's subject to all kind of internal and external things.

32. Alvin Lucier - Listen
Music for Piano with One or More Snare Drums (1990). Hildegard Kleeb, Piano. Recorded at Town Hall, New York, NY. A pianist plays a
Music for Piano with One or More Snare Drums (1990)
Hildegard Kleeb, Piano Recorded at Town Hall, New York, NY A pianist plays a series of notated pitches in chronological order, repeating them freely in overlapping patterns. As she does so, the tones sympathetically resonate snare drums positioned throughout the space. The drums respond in various ways depending on the pitch of the piano tones, the resonant regions of the drums and their geographical locations in space. This work was written for Hildegard Kleeb and was first performed by her on March 21, 1992, at the Galerie Sous-Sol, Geneva, Switzerland.

Diverse lucier/Wolff/Schlothauer/Frey. lucierFestival in Berlin. open systems 97 - alvin lucier. SWR2 - Vom Innen und Aussen der Klänge - alvin lucier. GLEICHE KATEGORIE ÖSTERREICH INTERNATIONAL. -
  • Diverse Lucier/Wolff/Schlothauer/Frey
  • Lucier-Festival in Berlin
  • open systems 97 - Alvin Lucier
  • SWR2 - Vom Innen und Aussen der Klänge - Alvin Lucier GLEICHE KATEGORIE: INTERNATIONAL
  • 34. DRAM - View Titles For Lucier, Alvin - Database Of Recorded American Music
    Album lucier, alvin/Vespers and Other Early Works. Composers lucier, alvin (1931). Album Runtime 010510 Stream Album. Composer.
    @import "/dram/styles/1.css"; Javascript must be enabled for this site to function properly. Home Browse Album Titles Work Titles ... Login Select Value All Albums Tracks Works Select Value Artists Descriptors Identifiers Keywords Notes Titles You are not logged in. Login to stream media and access playlists. Next Page No Alphabetical Breakdown 5 at a Time 10 at a Time 15 at a Time 20 at a Time 25 at a Time 50 at a Time 100 at a Time 500 at a Time Album: Lucier, Alvin/Vespers and Other Early Works Composers: Lucier, Alvin Album Runtime: 01:05:10 Stream Album Composer Track: ( ( Middletown) Memory Space Composers: Lucier, Alvin Track Runtime: 16:39 File Size: 23.42 MB Stream Track Composer Track: Chambers Composers: Lucier, Alvin Track Runtime: 14:27 File Size: 20.32 MB Stream Track Composer Track: Elegy for Albert Anastasia Composers: Lucier, Alvin Track Runtime: 07:22 File Size: 10.36 MB Stream Track Composer Track: North American Time Capsule Composers: Lucier, Alvin (1931-) : also conductor Track Runtime: 10:42 File Size: 15.06 MB Stream Track Composer also conductor Track: Vespers Composers: Lucier, Alvin

    35. NodeWorks - Music: Composition: Composers: Lucier, Alvin
    American experimental composer alvin lucier (1931) has used notation of performers' physical gestures, brain waves, the generation of visual imagery by sound in vibrating media, and the evocation,_Alvin
    in entire NodeWorks Directory in Arts in Music in Composition in Composers in L in ++ Lucier, Alvin in I Am Sitting In A Room Top Arts Music Composition ... L Lucier, Alvin American experimental composer Alvin Lucier (1931-) has used notation of performers' physical gestures, brain waves, the generation of visual imagery by sound in vibrating media, and the evocation of room acoustics for musical and performance purposes. Alvin Lucier Biography and discography. Alvin Lucier Biography from Lovely Music. Alvin Lucier Biography and explanation of his piece Empty Vessels. Alvin Lucier Official website. Alvin Lucier (ArtInContext) Includes organizations and exhibitions. Alvin Lucier in Conversation with Thomas Moore Interview by the pianist examines the characteristics of some of his compositions and inquires about differences between live and recorded performances. Beats That Can Push Suger Alvin Lucier interviewed by Michael Parsons CDeMUSIC: Alvin Lucier Biography and list of works.

    36. DRAM - View Detail For Lucier, Alvin/Vespers And Other Early Works - Database Of
    Login to stream media and access playlists. lucier, alvin/Vespers and Other Early Works. Identifiers Composers lucier, alvin (1931). Performers
    @import "/dram/styles/1.css"; Javascript must be enabled for this site to function properly. Home Browse Album Titles Work Titles ... Login Select Value All Albums Tracks Works Select Value Artists Descriptors Identifiers Keywords Notes Titles You are not logged in. Login to stream media and access playlists. Lucier, Alvin/Vespers and Other Early Works Identifiers Composers: Lucier, Alvin Performers: Archibald, Rees : shakuhachi Looker, Charlie : electric guitar Mizutani, Ryuku : koto Onsgard, Shawn : piano Welch, Matt : accordion Album Runtime: 01:05:10 Stream Album Tracks Work: Vespers Composers: Lucier, Alvin Work Runtime: 15:59 Stream Work Work: Chambers Composers: Lucier, Alvin Work Runtime: 14:27 Stream Work Work: North American Time Capsule Composers: Lucier, Alvin (1931-) : also conductor Work Runtime: 10:42 Stream Work Work: (Middletown) Memory Space Composers: Lucier, Alvin Work Runtime: 16:39 Stream Work Work: Elegy for Albert Anastasia Composers: Lucier, Alvin Work Runtime: 07:22 Stream Work Album Liner Note ALVIN LUCIER (b. 1931) New World Records VESPERS AND OTHER EARLY WORKS Vespers (1969) This is the fulfillment of a dream for a new kind of music. There is nothing like

    37. Music Composition - Lucier, Alvin Top Links
    lucier, alvin Web Site Links. alvin lucier Biography and discography. alvin lucier - Official website. alvin lucier
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    Biography and explanation of his piece Empty Vessels.
    CDeMUSIC: Alvin Lucier
    Biography and list of works. The Deep Listening Catalog - Alvin Lucier Biography and list of works. Music On A Long Thin Wire Interview with composer Alvin Lucier. 40 Rooms Macintosh CDROM which provides a multi-media documentation of Lucier's career, and the work which was produced in conjunction with a residency at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Beats That Can Push Suger Alvin Lucier interviewed by Michael Parsons

    38. MusicMoz - Composition: Composers: L: Lucier, Alvin
    alvin lucier. From United States Periods Years 1931 Top Composition Composers L lucier, alvin (14) I Am Sitting In A Room (4); Links (10).,_Alvin/
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    39. MusicMoz - Composition: Composers: L: Lucier, Alvin: Links
    alvin lucier Biography and discography. alvin lucier - Official website. alvin lucier - Biography from Lovely Music. alvin lucier,_Alvin/Links/
    about submit item become an editor feedback the entire directory only in this category Top Composition Composers L ... Lucier, Alvin : Links Alvin Lucier - Biography and discography. Alvin Lucier - Official website. Alvin Lucier - Biography from Lovely Music. Alvin Lucier - Biography and explanation of his piece Empty Vessels. Alvin Lucier (ArtInContext) - Includes organizations and exhibitions. Beats That Can Push Suger - Alvin Lucier interviewed by Michael Parsons (May 27th, 1995) CDeMUSIC: Alvin Lucier - Biography and list of works. Music On A Long Thin Wire - Interview with composer Alvin Lucier. 40 Rooms - Macintosh CDROM which provides a multi-media documentation of Lucier's career, and the work which was produced in conjunction with a residency at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. The Deep Listening Catalog - Alvin Lucier - Biography and list of works.
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    40. ReR Megacorp: LUCIER, ALVIN: Silver Streetcar
    lucier, alvin Silver Streetcar. Quantity in Basket none Code ALGENCD 120 Price £8.80 Shipping Weight 0.00 pounds. Quantity

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