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Home - Composers - Janequin Clement |
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81. Clement Janequin Info From EventJar.com Event Search Engine Home Performers Artists Classical Musicians J clement janequin. clement janequin Concerts. clement janequin Informational Web Sites. http://www.eventjar.com/perl/classical.pl?artist_id=243 |
82. The Classical MIDI Connection: The Renaissance Period my (8k) Curtis Clark janequin, clement (14851558) French Reconfortez le petit cueur de moy (4k) Brian Fisher JOHNSON, John (1540 http://www.classicalmidiconnection.com/cmc/renaissa.html | |
83. Clement Janequin janequin, Clément (?) 1485?1558. Au joli jeu du pousse avant ? ? ?, , . 1529?, 4vv, ?. , , Sikorski. http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~he8t-med/composer/J/janequin.html | |
84. CyberCD - CD DVD Vinyl Translate this page Ens.clement janequin / Viss ( ENS.clement janequin / VISS ) Ens.clement janequin / Visse ( ENS.clement janequin / VISSE ) Ens.Conctrechamps http://www.musicindex.de/artists/E.4285 | |
85. France Diplomatie - Une Galerie De Compositeurs Recherche. Nous écrire. Aide. Abonnements. Une galerie de compositeurs. janequin Clément vers 1485 1558. Biographie. Châtellerault, vers 1485 / Paris, 1558. En 1523, il entre au service de Jean de http://www.france.diplomatie.fr/culture/galerie_composit/janequin.html | |
86. Janequin, Clément This page contains basic and accurate biographical information and links to essays about the Renaissance composer janequin. janequin, Clément. PeriodRenaissance. Born c Other Information http://www.stevenestrella.com/composers/composerfiles/janequin1558.html | |
87. Janequin, Clément (c. 1485 - 1558) janequin, Clément (c. 1485 1558) Clément janequin enjoyed a long career in the service of the Church, of http://www.hnh.com/composer/janequin.htm | |
88. Clément Janequin Clément janequin. If you have an electronic picture of. Clément janequin. that I can publish here http://www.classical-composers.org/cgi-bin/ccd.cgi?comp=janequin |
89. Clément Janequin - Analekta Biographie et discographie de Clément janequin Clément janequin ( Châtellerault, France, 1485 ca Paris, France, 1558) Clément janequin. Cliquez ici pour vous inscrire à notre liste d'envoi! http://www.analekta.com/site/bio.f/janequin_cl.html | |
90. Clément Janequin - Analekta Biography and discography of Clément janequin Clément janequin ( Châtellerault, France, 1485 ca Paris, France, 1558) Clément janequin. Click here to join our mailing list! It's free http://www.analekta.com/site/bio.e/janequin_cl.html | |
91. Featured Artist in Paris in 1978 the Ensemble Clément janequin devotes itself principally to the secular and its musical director, the Ensemble Clément janequin has appeared in the leading http://www.harmoniamundi.com/featured_artist.asp?Artist=115 |
92. - Classical Music Dictionary - Free MP3 Clément janequin. (c. 1485 1558). Clément janequin Life. Clément janequin worked as a singer and choirmaster before enrolling http://www.karadar.com/Dictionary/janequin.html | |
93. Radio France > France Musiques > Biographies janequin se consacre en priorité à la musique profane et http://www.radiofrance.fr/chaines/france-musiques/biographies/fiche.php?numero=5 |
94. GOG - GIOVINE ORCHESTRA GENOVESE http://www.gog.it/archivio00-01/cartellone/artisti/janequin.asp | |
95. CLASSICAL MUSIC ARCHIVES - Early: J The Classical Music Archives is the largest collection of complete classical music files (MIDI and MP3) on the web. Most composers are represented. Offers illustrated biographies and timelines. A http://www.prs.net/early/j.html | |
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