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121. Hospitaller Brothers Of St. John - Dublin, Ireland Dublin, ireland (Vocation) http://www.brothers-vocations.ie.nu/ |
122. Vol 100C, 159-206 (2000) Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Vol 100C, 159206 (2000) john NORDEN S MAPS OF ireland. By JH ANDREWS, MRIA Department of http://www.ria.ie/publications/journals/ProcCI/2000/PC00/C100005a.html | |
123. Lights Of Ireland Contemporary color photographs by john Eagle, with brief historical overviews. http://www.lighthousegetaway.com/lights/eagle/eagle.html | |
124. Welcome To The St.John Of God Services Website St. john of God s Prayer, The library database is for the use of St. john of God Hospitaller Services in ireland and is password protected. http://www.sjog.ie/sjog/ | |
125. St. Patrick From the book Lives of Saints, published by john J. Crawley. http://www.ewtn.com/library/MARY/PATRICK.HTM | |
126. St. John Of Gods Featuring information about the Hospitaller Order of St. john of God, their work in caring for the ill, children and the elderly, jobs and vocations, and donation details. http://www.sjog.ie/ |
127. Zuma.lib.utk.edu/lights/eagle/eagle.html NEWSHOUND Links to daily newspaper articles about Northern Big falloff in Church of ireland flock at weekly services Irish Independent Government slithering away from McCabe commitment Irish Examiner john Breslin. http://zuma.lib.utk.edu/lights/eagle/eagle.html |
128. North Atlantic Kayak Challenge 2000 On his second attempt Peter Bray crossed the Atlantic solo by kayak. His trip from St john's, Newfoundland ended on 5 September 2001 at Doneagal Bay in ireland after 72 days at sea. http://www.outdoorchallenge.co.uk/nakc2000/index.htm |
129. UK MEDIA Team Online - Welcome America(England). 01/12/2000, Reading by john McGrath (Northern ireland). 24/11/2000, MEDIA Plus Programme (20012005) Approved(General). 22 http://www.mediadesk.co.uk/media.taf?_p=NWS02748 |
130. My BELL Family Ancestral Line; In Jack Mount's Home Place - (Bell Genealogy) Descendants of john Bell born ireland (d.aft.1827) Mercer County USA. http://members.cox.net/mountgen/bell.html | |
131. Sendit.com - John Ireland VHS and DVD Titles Starring john ireland. add to watchlist add to watchlist add to watchlist. Click here to add john ireland to your Watchlist. http://www.sendit.com/video/star/7200000003840 | |
132. J And J Rallysport Team Informataion on the drivers, john Foley and Jon Waterman and their Irish Team involved in the Ford Focus ireland Championship. http://www.jandjrallysport.com/ |
133. The Bradley Family Descendants of James O'Bradley (b.1700) Inishowen, County Donegal, ireland. Includes surname history compiled by john F Bradley. http://bradley.home.tripod.com/ | |
134. John Derbyshire On Ireland On National Review Online there are only two ultimate realities hell and the United States. john F. Kennedy American vote, and are plotting to force them into a united ireland run by http://www.nationalreview.com/derbyshire/derbyshire041103.asp | |
135. Family Tree Maker's Genealogy Site: User Home Pages: Brady Family From Pennsylva Descendants of john Brady (b.abt.1720) from ireland to the USA. http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/b/r/a/Robert-E-Brady/ | |
136. John Derbyshire On National Review Online concession after concession to the IRA terrorists, even dismantling the Northern ireland police and Derb Radio Abu Ghraib, john Kerry s sex appeal, and more http://www.nationalreview.com/derbyshire/derbyshire200401140857.asp | |
137. Pearson Family history of Henry Pearson Snr, from Tyrone County in Northern ireland to Canada, circa 1818. Includes john Peasrson, a pioneer of Lake Shipping. http://members.lycos.co.uk/pears1/ | |
138. John McGuffin (1974, 1981): The Guineapigs by john McGuffin (1974, 1981 In ireland in 1971 there was deliberate and careful use of modern torture techniques, not merely to get information but to perfect http://www.irishresistancebooks.com/guineapigs/guineapigs.htm | |
139. John Ireland The Guinness® Collectors Club. john ireland. Born print!) Visit http//www.johnireland.co.uk to see examples of john s work. http://www.guinntiques.com/ireland/ | |
140. Reid Genealogy - The Reids Of Gawler Descendants of john Reid and Jane Liningston, from ireland to Australia 1800s. First settlers at Gawler in 1839. http://members.optusnet.com.au/~themotts/ | |
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