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21. ClassicalPlus Composer - Johann Nepomuk Hummel hummel, johann nepomuk Biography hummel, johann nepomuk (Born; Bratislava, 14 Nov 1778; Died; Weimar, 17 Oct 1837). Austrian pianist and composer. http://classicalplus.gmn.com/composers/composer.asp?id=116 |
22. Hummel, Johann Nepomuk This page contains basic and accurate biographical information and links to essays about the Classic composer hummel. http://www.stevenestrella.com/composers/composerfiles/hummel1837.html | |
23. Musica Classica - Classical Music - Klassische Musik - Karadar Bertoldi Ensemble Karadar dictionary entry with brief life, portraits, noted works, links to related composers, and MIDI audio samples. http://www.karadar.net/Dictionary/Hummel.html | |
24. Sheet Music Plus - Search Results 1-10 Of 342216 Browse items by johann nepomuk hummel at Sheet Music Plus, world's largest retailer of sheet music, songbooks, songs, tabs and more. Sheet Music Plus has over 366 000 sheet music titles including http://www.sheetmusicplus.com/store/smp_artbrowseresults.html?id=62615&style |
25. Johann Nepomuk Hummel (1778 - 1837) Translate this page johann nepomuk hummel. (1778 - 1837). Die Biographie von johann nepomuk hummel. Ungarischer Pianist und Komponist aus einer Musikerfamilie http://www.karadar.com/Worterbuch/hummel.html | |
26. ON CLASSICAL. 7,814 MIDI And MP3/WMA Files Piano Method and other pieces offered in MIDI files (free download). http://www.kunstderfuge.com/midi-h.htm#Hummel | |
27. Browse Classical - Tower, No Music, No Life! Here are the titles which include the Composer "hummel, johann nepomuk" Add To Bag. Aroutounian, hummel, Jolivet Trumpet Concertos / 4/1/1991 Pierre Verany Records http://www.towerrecords.com/az_classictit2.asp?entry=Hummel, Johann Nepomuk& |
28. Nuova Pagina Translate this page johann nepomuk hummel. (1778 - 1837). La vida de johann nepomuk hummel. Compositor austríaco nacido en lo que hoy es Bratislava el http://www.karadar.com/Diccionario/hummel.html | |
29. Sheet Music Plus Results Price low to high order. johann nepomuk hummel Trumpet Concerto. Composed by johann nepomuk hummel (17781837). For Bb trumpet and piano http://www.sheetmusicplus.com/a/phrase.html?id=69170&phrase=Johann Nepomuk H |
30. Hummel, Johann Nepomuk Translate this page hummel, johann nepomuk. © Copyright johann nepomuk hummel. Anonym. Gemälde (Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Wien). hummel, johann nepomuk, * 14. 11. http://www.aeiou.at/aeiou.encyclop.h/h958762.htm | |
31. Hummel, Johann Nepomuk this page is under construction !! hummel. johann nepomuk. johann nepomuk hummel. My Favorite Links hummel Biography. All of hummel hummel Midi World http://www.geocities.com/rip_visitor/my_hummel_page.html | |
32. HUMMEL, JOHANN NEPOMUK Translate this page Visual Rondo. Toda la información de música clásica en un CD-ROM. johann nepomuk hummel (1778-1837) Compositor austríaco nacido http://members.tripod.com/~mundoclasico/cps/HUMME_00483.htm | |
33. Hummel, Johann Nepomuk (1778 - 1837), Komponist (Composer) Translate this page johann nepomuk hummel (Komponist) - Lebensdaten - Informationen - Werke - lieferbare CD-Aufnahmen Bücher - Noten - Biografien - weiterführende Links http://www.komponisten.at/komponisten/110.html | |
34. Johann Nepomuk Hummel -- Britannica Concise Encyclopedia Online Article hummel , johann nepomuk Britannica Concise. johann nepomuk hummel. born Nov. MLA style johann nepomuk hummel. Britannica Concise Encyclopedia. 2004. http://www.britannica.com/ebc/article?eu=392859&query=mozart&ct= |
35. Johann Nepomuk Hummel -- Encyclopædia Britannica hummel, johann nepomuk Encyclopædia Britannica Article. johann nepomuk hummel born Nov. MLA style johann nepomuk hummel. Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=42427&source=SEO |
36. Klassik.com: Hummel, Johann Nepomuk (Komponist, 1778-1837) johann nepomuk hummel. johann nepomuk hummel. Schriften seiner Zeit. Magazin Kritiken johann nepomuk hummel. http://magazin.klassik.com/people/template.cfm?KID=217 |
37. Klassik.com: Hummel, Johann Nepomuk (Komponist, 1778-1837): Diskographie, Aufnah Translate this page Gehe zu Seite auswählen. http://magazin.klassik.com/people/records.cfm?KID=217&People=composer&BOOKS=0&CD |
38. Hummel, Johann Nepomuk. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. hummel, johann nepomuk. (y ´hän n ´p m kh m´ l) (KEY) , 17781837, Hungarianborn pianist and composer. http://www.bartleby.com/65/hu/Hummel-J.html | |
39. Sheet Music Plus Results johann nepomuk hummel Trumpet Concerto Composed by johann nepomuk hummel (17781837). For Bb trumpet and piano. By johann nepomuk hummel. Brass Solo. http://www.sheetmusicplus.com/a/phrase.html?id=10675&phrase=Johann Nepomuk Humme |
40. Amazon.com: Music / Styles / Classical / Featured Composers, A-Z / ( H ) / Humme hummel, johann nepomuk. Edifying Spectacle Thanks for helping, Richard. Click here for more Browse hummel, johann nepomuk. All Works by hummel. http://edifyingspectacle.org/thanks/type_browse/mode_22228/ | |
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