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21. The Lied And Art Song Texts Page Vocal works, some with English texts, from the Lied and Art Song Texts Page at REC Music. http://www.recmusic.org/lieder/h/hovhaness.html | |
22. Classical Net Article - Hovhaness - Selected Discography alan hovhaness. Selected Discography and Recommended Listening. 6), Prayer of St Gregory) John Wilbrhovhanessam (tr); Polyphonia O/alan hovhaness. http://www.classical.net/music/comp.lst/articles/hovhaness/seldisco.html | |
23. American National Biography Online: Hovhaness, Alan Bibliography. Richard Hovey. Walter Hoving. alan hovhaness. Courtesy of Marco Shirodkar. hovhaness, alan ( 8 Mar. http://www.anb.org/articles/18/18-03735.html |
24. - Great Books - alan hovhaness (1911), alan hovhaness (b. Somerville, Massachusetts, USA, 8 March 1911) was an American composer of Armenian and Scottish descent. http://www.malaspina.com/site/person_658.asp | |
25. KING.ORG And KING FM: Composer Bio alan hovhaness, for years a resident of the great Northwest, was one of the most prolific figures in American music today. He was http://king.org/today/bios/hovhaness.html | |
26. Dr. Estrella's Incredibly Abridged Dictionary Of Composers Includes biographical data, recommended CDs, links to books and sheet music, bibliography, and links to biographical essays from Dr. Estrella's Incredibly Abridged Dictionary of Composers. http://stevenestrella.com/composers/index.html?composerfiles/hovhaness2000.html |
27. Search Results At CD Universe Music, Movies and Games Shopping at CD Universe Multiple Artist Match hovhaness, alan. Top Matches. alan hovhaness Amos / hovhaness, alan / Rimon( 1) hovhaness, alan( 11) hovhaness, alan / http://www.cduniverse.com/sresult.asp?style=music&HT_SEARCH=artist&HT_SE |
28. PeerClassical alan hovhaness. Part of my music is easy to listen to, in a certain respect. alan hovhaness, from an interview with CBC Vancouver, October 1968. Biography. http://www.peermusicclassical.com/composer/composerdetail.cfm?detail=hovhaness |
29. Alan Hovhaness Brief filmography with the Internet Movie Database includes biographical sketch. http://us.imdb.com/name/nm0397029/ | |
30. KING.ORG And KING FM: Composer Bio alan hovhaness, for years a resident of the great Northwest, was one of the most prolific figures in American music He was born alan Vaness Chakmakjian, in Massachusetts in 1911 http://www.king.org/today/bios/hovhaness.html | |
31. - Great Books - alan hovhaness ( 1911) alan hovhaness (b. Somerville, Massachusetts, USA, 8 March 1911) was an American composer of Armenian and Scottish descent. http://www.mala.bc.ca/~mcneil/hovhanes.htm | |
33. Hovhaness, Alan. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 2001. hovhaness, alan. (h vhä´n s) (KEY) , 19112000, American composer, b. Somerville, Mass., as alan Vaness Chakmakjian. hovhaness http://www.bartleby.com/65/ho/Hovhanes.html | |
34. Hovhaness, Alan hovhaness, alan hovhaness, alan. Period Early 20th Century. Born Wednesday, March 8, 1911 in Somerville, Massachusetts (USA). Died http://www.stevenestrella.com/composers/composerfiles/hovhaness2000.html | |
35. Hovhaness, Alan -- Encyclopædia Britannica Year in Review 2000 obituary hovhaness, alan Encyclopædia Britannica Article. To cite this page MLA style hovhaness, alan. Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=369346 |
36. ElectronicsPlaza101 Product Not Found hovhaness, alan H hovhaness, alan Featured Composers Classical Music Electronics Online Shopping Sto Your one stop shopping place for all Electronics needs. http://www.electronicsplaza101.com/electronics/shop81609/Online/Hovhaness_Alan/ | |
37. Alan Hovhaness - Mysterious Mountain, And God Created Great Whales - A Good-Musi This week s CD review is a collection of alan hovhaness bestknown works, including Mysterious Mountain, And God Created Great Whales and the Prayer of St. http://www.good-music-guide.com/reviews/026_hovhaness.htm | |
38. Hovhaness, Alan At Edifying Spectacle hovhaness, alan. Edifying Spectacle Thanks for helping, Richard. 2. alan hovhaness Symphony No. 22 (City of Light); Cello Concerto, alan hovhaness Symphony No. http://edifyingspectacle.org/thanks/type_browse/mode_22094/ | |
39. DRAM - View Titles For Hovhaness, Alan - Database Of Recorded American Music 6. Composers hovhaness, alan. Track Runtime 0202 File Size 2.86 MB Composers hovhaness, alan. This piece has not been cleared for use in the Database. http://dram.nyu.edu/dram/Artist/10200 | |
40. MSN Encarta - Hovhaness, Alan Already a subscriber? Sign in above. hovhaness, alan. Find more about hovhaness, alan from, Other Features from Encarta. Search Encarta for hovhaness, alan. http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761577229/Hovhaness_Alan.html | |
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