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81. Vienna Modern Masters/ Composers List 1 (1982). VMM3003, Zweite Symphonische Arbeit (198687). holmes, augusta (, 1847-1903). VMM2005, A Trianon. Howe, Mary (USA, 1882-1964). VMM2005, 4 songs. http://www.xs4all.nl/~gdv/vmm/composers.html | |
82. I1017: Wilhelmina Louise ECKERMANN (12 Aug 1891 - 9 Jan 1978) Phoebe holmes INDEX. HTML created by GED2HTML v3.5bWIN95 (Jul 28 1998) on 03/28/2004 051801 . augusta HUGHES. 1839 - . http://www.public.asu.edu/~bgertz/family/d0020/g0000046.html | |
83. William Wright, 1707-1776, Of Augusta Co the land back to the deed from John holmes to William Wright in February 1748. Thus we know that the William Wright who died in 17751776 in augusta County, VA http://www.hal-pc.org/~wmewrght/wmwright.html | |
84. Tower Records - Browse Classical Holloway, Robin, 9. Holloway, Robin (Greville, 6. Holmboe, Vagn, 56. holmes, augusta, 6. Holst, Gustav, 392. Holst, Gustav(us Theodore, 139. Holszky, Adriana, 7. http://uk.towerrecords.com/browsec.asp?type_1=comp&match=H&urlid=966afd9035107d2 |
85. First Families Of Aiken, SC And Augusta, GA approximate number of pages found on our FIRST FAMILIES OF AIKEN / augusta CDROM H452, holmes HALLEMS HOLLENSWORTH HOLLINGSWORTH HOLLINSWORTH holmes HOLLING, 26. http://members.aol.com/galinahist/charts/hindx.htm | |
86. Augusta, GA Food And Supplies holmes GROCERY DELI, 1601 CHESTNUT ST, augusta, GA, (706) 7243408 GROCERS-RETAIL, INMAN S GROCERY, 1035 9TH ST, augusta, GA, (706) 722-5291 GROCERS-RETAIL, http://marinersguide.com/regions/southatlantic/augusta.ga/food.html | |
87. Classical Net - Composer Data - Anniversaries Composers 7/31/1847 4/29/1905 ) CERVANTES, Ignatio ( 8/22/1847 - 4/28/1935 ) MACKENZIE, Sir Alexander Campbell ( 12/18/1847 - 1/28/1903 ) holmes, augusta Mary Anne http://www.classical.net/music/composer/dates/comp8.html | |
88. UNC Pembroke Vs Clayton State (03/03/04 At Augusta, Ga. (Christenberry Fieldhous Official Basketball Box Score UNC Pembroke vs Clayton State 03/03/04 800 pm at augusta, Ga. 14 1-4 0-0 1 1 2 2 3 4 2 0 1 18 20 holmes, Carlton .. http://www.aug.edu/athletics/pages/bball tourney/boxscores/mpbct8.htm | |
89. KAPRALOVA SOCIETY The Netherlands; Holland, Dulcie 19132000 Australia; holmes, augusta 1847-1903 France; Holmsen, Borghild 1865-1938 Norway; Holst http://www.kapralova.org/DATABASE.htm | |
90. Bucklin Database after 1776. augusta ? has reference number Buck3027. 22, 1691 She was married to David holmes on 28 Apr 1659. (17) (17) Children were James holmes. Julia ? http://www.bucklinsociety.net/Web_jbs30211/d1.htm | |
91. GedBrowser birt BEF. 1728 deat 31 JUL 1761 marr 25 NOV 1743. augusta Drinkwater, birt 1834, Brian holmes. Joseph Hannoch Hoenigsberger. birt 9 APR 1845 deat ABT. http://www.kittymunson.com/GEDbrows/g1109.html | |
92. Port Augusta Soldiers Memorial Rotunda DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF FREDERICK WILLIAM holmes VC No. MILITAIRE THE AINSE, FRANCE NOVEMBER 1914 (ARMY ORDER 446) PASSED AWAY, PORT augusta, 22ND OCTOBER http://www.skp.com.au/memorials/pages/50005.htm | |
93. STI: ERsys - Augusta, GA (Politics) 1984, Mondale, Reagan, Anderson, Baker, Bergland, Dennis, Dodge, Hall, holmes, Johnson, LaRouche, Mason, Richards, Serrette, and Winn. http://www.ersys.com/usa/13/1304204/politic.htm | |
94. The John Holmes Collection - Bibliography Poet Gets Noisy Reception Here Pittsburgh Sun Telegram Oct 24 1957. Poet holmes at Seminar Kennebec Journal augusta, Me. Aug 9 1960. http://nils.lib.tufts.edu/archives/holmes/life/aboutjh.html | |
95. World Wide School Library - Literature-Detective The Pocket Diary Found in the Snow by Grace Isabel Colbron and augusta Groner. The Return of Sherlock holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle. http://www.worldwideschool.org/library/catalogs/bysubject-lit-detective.html | |
96. Genealogy Data Father Updegraff, Thaddius Stevens Dr./Captain Mother Hale, Ellen augusta. Children Back to Main Page. holmes, Robert Birth 1756 Ireland Death AFT. http://www.crwws.com/Genealogy/dat43.html | |
97. Augusta Georgia: Obituaries For 08/16/02 augustaChronicle.com presents the most upto-date online resource in the augusta, Georgia area, offering news, classifieds, weather, sports, community chat and more. is updated overnight, usually http://www.augustachronicle.com/obits/081602.shtml | |
98. Augusta Georgia: Obituaries For 08/14/02 augustaChronicle.com presents the most upto-date online resource in the augusta, Georgia area, offering news, classifieds, weather, sports, community chat and more. is updated overnight, usually http://www.augustachronicle.com/obits/081402.shtml | |
99. Gogog Directory: Top Gogog Directory H, including hérold, ferdinand, hiller, ferdinand, holmès, augusta, hesse, adolph friedrich, halévy, jacques fromental, heller, stephen, heinrich, anthony philip, heise, peter http://www.gogcity.com/index.php?category=&catid=971635 |
100. AugustaChronicle.com for Saturday, February 7, 2004 The obituaries section of augustaChronicle.com is updated overnight, usually before 200 am The augusta Chronicle publishes the http://www.augustachronicle.com/obits/020704.shtml | |
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