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61. Liste Des Oeuvres De Augusta HOLMÈS Translate this page augusta HOLMÈS (1847-1903). http://poesie.webnet.fr/auteurs/holmes.html | |
62. Silver Grove 2004 KY Baseball May 11, 04. augusta. augusta. , (rescheduled for /). May 11, 04. augusta. Silver Grove. 9. - 0, (W). May 13, 04. holmes. holmes. 5. - 6, (L). May 14, 04. Mason County. http://scoreboard.12dt.com/scoreboard/riherds/kyba4?id=16798 |
63. Bracken County 2004 KY Baseball 6. 5, (W). May 14, 04. holmes. holmes. -, May 15, 04. Nicholas County. Nicholas County. -, 1200 PM. May 17, 04. augusta. augusta. -, 500 PM. May 18, 04. St. Patrick. St. http://scoreboard.12dt.com/scoreboard/khsaa/kyba4?id=16601 |
64. Clarinet Player's Music Study Guide, Level 5 - A Guide To Direct Clarinet Player CavalliniHite Adagio and Tarantella Donato, Anthony Sonata Harvey, Paul Sonata Hertlein, Lotta Maria Homage holmes, augusta Fantaisie Koch, Frederick http://www.smcpublications.com/studyguides/clarinet/clarinet5.htm | |
65. Travel Golf: On The Road To Augusta- Best Golf Courses, Golf Clubs, Golf Resorts things straight in his head (which is more than we can say after a few pints at the Sherlock holmes), he can still hit short irons into augusta Nationals http://www.travelgolf.com/departments/clubhouse/masters-day-one.htm | |
66. Links 2 1878 1958); holmes, augusta (1847 - 1903); Holst, Gustav (1874 - 1934), England; Honegger, Arthur (1892 - 1955), Switzerland; Hummel http://itasca.k12.il.us/peacock/encore/travis/links2.htm | |
67. Find A Grave - Browse By County: Augusta County Stuart, Alexander Hugh holmes b. April 2, 1807 d. February 13, 1891 US Congressman. (Bio by KP) Thornrose Cemetery, Staunton, augusta County, Virginia, USA; http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/famousSearch.cgi?mode=county&FScountyid=2810 |
68. Registered Leaf Peepers Participants 2003 1084, Donald, Gaffney, Colchester, VT, 5K. 1085, Sara, Gagne holmes, augusta, ME, 5K. 1086, David, Gallagher, Burlington, VT, 5K. 1087, Elisabeth, Gambler, Montpelier, VT, 5K. http://www.vermontrunning.com/leafpepperreg.htm | |
69. James Garland Tinsley 1843-1920 1937 and they had 4 children Louis Thomas Bates III 1959-; Claire augusta Bates 1961-; Pattie Winston Porter b.1-25-1912 m. John Pharr holmes 1905-1960 (B) and http://members.fortunecity.com/fpreston/tinjmgar.htm | |
70. Ladies Peached Fine-Line Twill Long Sleeve Shirt From Augusta Sportswear - / Spo Joe Greene, LC Greenwood, Dwight White Ernie holmes Autographed Pittsburgh Peached FineLine Twill Long Sleeve Shirt From augusta Sportswear - / Sports http://www.locate-massachusetts.com/Adult_Taffeta_Mesh_Lined_Pant_2X_Large_From_ | |
71. Renew Individual Membership third. holmes defeated augusta Rowing Clubs Liz Ostermeier by just under six seconds to win the second repechage. Kreger, holmes http://www.usrowing.org/itemdisplay.asp?id=837 |
72. Women Classical Composers Index -- H -- Music Resources At Harmonicity.com von Bingen (10981179); Hoffman, Elizabeth (1961-); holmes, augusta (1847-1903); Holst, Imogen (1907-1984); Holszky, Adriana (1953-); Holt http://www.harmonicity.com/composers/women_classical_composers_h.htm | |
73. Tarot Of The Bohemians: Chapter XX: The Divining Tarot In Seven Lessons: Authors Translate this page GOUDEAU (Emile). HARTMANN.Works by. HERMES TRISMEGISTUS 9. holmes (augusta). HOMER.The Odyssey 7. HESIOD.Op. et Dies p. 104. http://www.sacred-texts.com/tarot/tob/tob60.htm | |
74. Wesleyan Methodist Births/Baptisms, Holyhead Circuit - HAWKINGS, Elizabeth Ann 29 Jul 1850, 12 Aug 1847, Hills, Julia Emily, Henry augusta, Frondeg,Amlwch. 30 Jul 1865, 11 Jul 1865, holmes, Ann, William Margaret, Holyhead. http://www.genuki.org.uk/big/wal/AGY/MethBaps/WesBaps_H.html | |
75. Georgia Bureau Of Investigation WRIGHTSBORO ROAD , augusta , GA 30901. P. holmes, JAMES JR. OLD LOUISVILLE ROAD , augusta , GA 30906. HOWARD, ANDERSON. SOUTH KENSINGTON DR , augusta , GA 30906. P. http://www.ganet.org/gbi/sorsch.cgi?city=Augusta&zip=&county=&names=&submit=Sear |
76. James Henderson Children of JOHN CALDWELL and MARY holmes are 1810, Logan County, Kentucky, m. PHOEBE MANN ROBERT CALDWELL, b. 07 October 1762, augusta County, Virginia, d. Abt http://home.earthlink.net/~earthalive/GenRepJamesH.html | |
77. RESULTS OF 20 TH ANNUAL UNITY COLLEGE 2043. 3039 year old male Will Gagne-holmes, augusta, ME 1830. 30-39 year old female Tina Shields, Biddeford , ME 1944. 40-49 http://www.unity.edu/News/releases/SpringRoadRaceAfter.htm | |
78. Name Index H-K, 1905 History Of Crawford County Kansas Holeman, Edna * Holeman, J. .H. * Holeman, Lizzie * Holeman, WM *, B Hollinger, Daniel * Holman, J. T S holmes, S holmes, augusta A. * holmes, Hannah * holmes http://skyways.lib.ks.us/genweb/archives/crawford/history/1905/name4.html | |
79. Chase County 1895 Census Index Pg. Hoffman, augusta, 54, F, W, Germany, Cottonwood Township, 40, 8. Hoffman 23. holmes, Alberta, 37, F, W, Michigan, City of Cottonwood Falls, 42, 9. holmes http://skyways.lib.ks.us/genweb/chase/1895Census/1895-2700.html | |
80. HOLMES, John (1773-1843) Biographical Information American National Biography; Dictionary of American Biography; holmes, John. The Statesman, or Principles of Legislation and Law. augusta, ME Severance Dorr http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=H000739 |
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