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61. 17. September: Den Hellige Hildegard Av Bingen Informasjon om skytshelgen for naturvitenskapsmenn, spr¥kforskere og esperantister. http://www.katolsk.no/biografi/hbingen.htm | |
62. Texts And Translations Of Hildegard Von Bingen's Gregorian Chants The original Latin texts and English translations of hildegard von bingen's Gregorian Chants. Translations by Norma Gentile texts from the chants of. hildegard von bingen. ( These are available http://www.healingchants.com/hct.html | |
63. Untitled Document Translate this page Gott Kloster Benediktusregel hildegard von bingen Klosterbetriebe Klosterprodukte Freundeskreis Kontakt Gastaufenthalt. http://www.abtei-st-hildegard.de/hildegard/hildegard.html |
64. Hildegard Von Bingen Lyrics In Translation - O Vos Radices, O Ignis Spiritus hildegard von bingen. lyrics in latin and english. O vos felices radices. O you happy roots. O Vos Felices Radices music manuscript page JPG 135K 640 pixels wide. http://irupert.com/HILDEGRD/hildegard.htm | |
65. Lyrichord Reference Center - Hildegard Von Bingen cover LEMS 8027, hildegard von bingen. Gifted singer, teacher, writer, Auric Healer, and specialist on hildegard von bingen, Norma http://www.lyrichord.com/reference/ref8027.html | |
66. Hildegard Von Bingen Als Komponistin Auszug aus der (leicht verst¤ndlichen) Examensarbeit von Dr. Margit ErfurtFreund mit biographischen Daten und Analyse des musikalischen Schaffens. http://home.t-online.de/home/m.erfurt-freund/Hildegard.htm | |
67. Not Found Includes information on Bonhoeffer, the Opera updates, reviews, news, pictures. Links to course pages on hildegard von bingen and Twentieth Century Music. http://fc.hbu.edu/arts&human/music/web/Academics/Faculty/Gebuhr/gebuhr.html | |
68. Laudi Proposte di concerti e conferenze sulle musiche e le opere di hildegard Von bingen, compositrice di musica medioevale. A cura della cantante Susanna Castelli e dal flautista Andrea Quaglierini. http://aloysius.itimpresa.mi.it/ildegarda/ | |
69. Det Danske Hildegard Ensemble Et kor, der synger middelaldermusik fortrinsvis komponeret af den tyske nonne hildegard von bingen, der levede i 1100tallet. Ensemblet, cd'er, aktiviteter og kalender. http://www.hildegardensemble.dk/ | |
70. The Illuminations Of Hildegard Von Bingen The Illuminations of hildegard von bingen (10981179). http://www.healingchants.com/hildegardilluminations.html | |
71. Historische Personen Levensbeschrijvingen aan van historische personen als hildegard von bingen en Dracula. http://www.geocities.com/couprie/historie/ | |
72. Hildegard Av Bingen Informasjon om skytshelgen med hovedvekt p¥ hennes vitenskap, spesielt innenfor biologi. http://folk.uio.no/klaush/hildegar.htm | |
73. Hildegard Von Bingen Lyrics In Latin And English hildegard von bingen. lyrics in latin and english. hildegard von bingen Bookstore offers an extensive collection of books by and about hildegard. http://irupert.com/HILDEGRD/ | |
74. Home Page The ensemble has performed music spanning the last millenium from the 11thcentury chants of hildegard von bingen to Gwyneth Walker's 1998 setting of poems by Luscille Clifton. District of Columbia, USA. http://www.washingtonwomenschorus.org/ |
75. Www.hildegard.at - Die Informationsplattform Rund Um Hildegard Von Bingen Handel mit hildegardProdukten, hergestellt nach der Lehre von hildegard von bingen. http://www.hildegard.at/ | |
76. Medieval Women Overviews of ordinary women's lives during this period, as well as biographies of hildegard von bingen and Julian of Norwich. http://www.georgetown.edu/labyrinth/subjects/women/women.html | |
77. Hildegard Von Bingen O Mary, artist of life, hail! By recreating wholeness, you have convulsed death itself. hildegard von bingen from De Sancta Maria In Praise of Mary http://www.csupomona.edu/~plin/women/hildegard.html | |
78. Hildegard Von Bingen Translate this page die Seite mit den gewünschten Informationen öffnet sich. hildegard von bingen - Lebenslauf. hildegard von bingen - ihre Botschaft. http://www.wolfgang-schuhmacher.de/hildegardvonbingenspiritualitaet/bistumhildeg | |
79. Abtei St. Hildegard ber das Kloster, seine Betriebe und Werkst¤tten. Mit Texten zu Gott und hildegard von bingen. http://www.abtei-st-hildegard.de/ | |
80. Hildegard Av Bingen Kort biografi och n¥gra kvinnohistoriska synpunkter. http://www.ettnet.se/~beur/hildgard.htm | |
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