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21. Hildegard Von Bingen Hildegard von Bingen. hildegard of bingen by Sabina Flanagan. Other Information Hildegard von Bingen was Abbess of Rupertsburg and a mystical poet and singer. http://stevenestrella.com/composers/composerfiles/hildegard1179.html | |
22. Abtei St. Hildegard Our Foundress hildegard of bingen Passionate Love for God and the World. We have very few historically reliable facts on hildegard of bingen. http://www.abtei-st-hildegard.de/english/hildegard/ | |
23. The Washington Women's Chorus Allfemale choir founded to share the wealth of music written for women's voices, from hildegard of bingen to contemporary works. http://www.geocities.com/dandan_20009 | |
24. Hildegard Of Bingen, Visionary hildegard of bingen has been called by her admirers one of the most important figures in the history of the Middle Ages, and the greatest woman of her time http://justus.anglican.org/resources/bio/247.html | |
25. The Ecole Glossary Brief biography, by Karen Rae Keck. http://www2.evansville.edu/ecoleweb/glossary/hildegard.html | |
26. HILDEGARD Of Bingen: Cosmic Christ, Religion Of Experience, God The Mother -- Pa hildegard of bingen Cosmic Christ, Religion of Experience, God the Mother. Part 2. No one is better equipped to be our guide than hildegard of bingen. http://www.sol.com.au/kor/5_02b.htm | |
27. Hildegard Of Bingen - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia hildegard of bingen. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. ImageHildegard.jpg. Hildegard von Bingen or hildegard of bingen (1098 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hildegard_of_Bingen |
28. INKPOT#52 CLASSICAL MUSIC REVIEWS: HILDEGARD Of Bingen "A Feather On The Breath Review of A Feather on the Breath of God, Gothic Voices' first CD devoted to the music of St. Hildegard; from The Flying Inkpot. http://www.inkpot.com/classical/hilfeather.html | |
29. Hildegard Of Bingen Biography and Readings for hildegard of bingen, commemorated Sept. 17, according to the Episcopal Church. 2002. hildegard of bingen. VISIONARY (17 SEP 1179). http://www.satucket.com/lectionary/Hildegard_Bingen.htm | |
30. WQXR: Classical Music Scene Brief biography emphasizing her music but touching on contributions to Christianity, science, and medicine. http://www.wqxr.com/cgi-bin/iowa/cla/learning/grove.html?record=4240 |
31. Hildegard Of Bingen (1994) (TV) hildegard of bingen (1994) (TV) Cast, Crew, Reviews, Plot Summary, Comments, Discussion, Taglines, Trailers, Posters, Photos, Showtimes, Link to Official Site http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0163451/ | |
32. Untitled Document Brief biography, from The Christ Path. http://www.christianmystics.com/traditional/women/hildegard1.shtml | |
33. Hildegard Von Bingen (1098-1179) Brief biographical sketch, caricature, summary of religious compositions, and Naxos discography. http://www.naxos.com/composer/btm.asp?fullname=Hildegard of Bingen |
34. Beliefnet: Article says it is high time to take back hildegard of bingen from the revisionists and their causes du jour. http://www.beliefnet.com/story/6/story_622.html | |
35. Christopher Page On Hildegard Of Bingen: 'Mistaking The Tail For The Comet'. By Interview with Christopher Page on hildegard of bingen's music; by Bernard D. Sherman. http://homepages.kdsi.net/~sherman/pageonhild.htm | |
36. Hildegard Of Bingen Notebooks hildegard of bingen. 03 Oct 1994 1201 The late +XX view of her as a feminist saint. Her migraines. http://bactra.org/notebooks/hildegard.html | |
37. Examples Of Musical Notation Excerpts from St. Hildegard's music (modern notation or original). http://www.healingchants.com/musicscoreex.html | |
38. Hildegard Of Bingen Discography Selections from Hildegard's hymns, books, and illuminations. http://music.acu.edu/www/IAWM/pages/MedDiscographyHild.html | |
39. Hildegard Hildegard av Bingen. 1098 1179. Hildegard litterturförteckning). Fox Matthew, 1985, Illuminations of hildegard of bingen, Bear Company, New Mexico. http://hem.passagen.se/margaretabjorndahl/hildegar.htm | |
40. Norma Gentile Article From Continuo Magazine October 1997 Article about hildegard of bingen's music. By Norma Gentile, from October 1997 issue of Continuo. http://www.continuo.com/oct97/gentile3.htm | |
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