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Heinrich Anthony Philip: more detail | ||||
81. Ancestors Of Herbert Theodore Jr. JUSTICE Parents anthony HARLESS and Rosanna WILLIAMS. He died Unknown. Parents philip O.HARLESS and Molly STANLEY. Parents heinrich HOFFMANN and Anna ELISABETHA. http://www.charleston.quik.com/jeffkat/d9.htm | |
82. Welcome To Jamestown College - Jamestown, North Dakota 5 (CD). heinrich, anthony philip, The ornithological combat of kings; Night in the tropics / Louis Moreau Gottschalk (CD). Hess, Earl http://www.jc.edu/scripts/home/campus/raugust/newbooksperiod.php?periodID=11&mon |
83. Quaternary Fault And Fold Database Of The United States A. Craw, Rodney A. Combellick Arizona philip A. Pearthree, Michael N. MachetteArkansas anthony J. Crone, Russell L. Wheeler, Paul V. heinrich, Eugene S http://geohazards.cr.usgs.gov/qfaults/contrib.html | |
84. Benjamin Han: Composers Who Were Born In March American, ? D. 03/11/178105/03/1861, heinrich, anthony philip, Bohemian-American,? 03/11/1812-10/12/1865, WALLACE, William Vincent, Irish, ? http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~benhdj/Music/Composers/Birth/Mar.html |
85. Benjamin Han: Composers Whose Names Start With H Translate this page 01/13/1938-, HEININEN, Paavo, Finnish, ? D. 03/11/1781-05/03/1861, heinrich,anthony philip, Bohemian-American, ? ?/1820- ?/1904, HEINZE, Gustaf Adolf,? http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~benhdj/Music/Composers/Alpha/H.html | |
86. ARCHIVES, MARYLAND PROVINCE, SOCIETY OF JESUS: FOLDER LISTING CONTINUED 1882), Joseph Melchior (1872) and Solomon heinrich (1852); Memorandum Power of attorney(1772) of anthony Carroll to Copy of bond (1790) of philip Hammond to http://www.library.georgetown.edu/dept/speccoll/fl/f119}9.htm | |
87. KY: Kentucky Department For Libraries And Archives HEBSON, ANN. HEDGES, PATTY JO. HEERMANN, NORBERT. heinrich, anthony philip. HELLARD,VIC. HELLER, LEONARD E. HELM, CHARLES, SR. HELM, HAROLD HOLMES. HELM, JOHN L. http://www.kdla.ky.gov/collections/kyfiles/BH.htm | |
88. ThePeerage.com - Person Page 5036 the daughter of Captain Mark anthony Peter Phillips Katharine Lucy Mary Worsley GeorgePhilip Nicholas Windsor Albrecht Wilhelm heinrich Prinz von Preußen (of http://www.thepeerage.com/p5036.htm | |
89. Genealogy Data Birth Private Gender Female Lutz, John anthony Birth 11 Oct Meisinger, PhilipGender Male Family Rewinkel, heinrich J Birth 13 Aug 1875 Nebraska Gender http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/7106/dat48.htm | |
90. Requiemsurvey del Giudice 1607 1680 1666 mass philip Glass 1937 1738 ±1710 mass K617 077 Heinrichvon Herzogenberg Mathieu Neumann 1867 - 1928 1917 anthony Newman 1941 http://members.chello.nl/c.vandervloed/ | |
91. Obenchain - Pafg13.html - Generated By Personal Ancestral File Alfonsiana married Francis anthony Mancini. Abendschon , Reinhold Abendschon , SamuelHeinrich Abendschon , Wolfgang philip Abendschon , Johannes http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~healey/Obenchain/pafg13.html | |
92. Authors cartoonist Frank Capra (18971991) philip Caputo (1941 David Frost Robert Frost JamesAnthony Froude (1818 1831) a dialecter Jascha Heifetz heinrich Heine (1797 http://aragorn.pb.bialystok.pl/~radev/authors.htm | |
93. Kallisti Music Press Pietro Giannotti (171765) and his music. Vivaldi goes to Paris. AnthonyPhilip heinrich (1781-1861) The Beethoven of America. About his music. http://pw1.netcom.com/~kallisti/ | |
94. Search Results At CD Universe Music, Movies and Games Shopping at CD Universe Garst / Sutermeister, heinrich( 1) Gottschalk / heinrich / Keene / Paratore( 1) heinrich( 1) heinrich Albert Duo http://www.cduniverse.com/sresult.asp?HT_Search=Artist&HT_Search_Info=Heinri |
95. Alphabetical Listing Of Music Composers Michael Haydn, 17371806. Austrian. Bernard Heiden, 1910-. Italian. AnthonyPhilip heinrich, 1781-1861. American. Lupus Hellinck, c. 1496-1541. Dutch. http://www.music.vt.edu/musicdictionary/appendix/Composers/Composers.html |
96. Music Composers Translate this page Haydn, Franz Joseph. Haydn, Johann Michael. Heinichen, Johann David. heinrich, AnthonyPhilip. Heise, Peter. Heller, Stephen. Henze, Hans-Werner. Hérold, Ferdinand. http://www.artistactoractress.com/composers/ | |
97. Classical Composers Index -- H -- Music Resources At Harmonicity.com 19231979); Heinichen, Johann David (1683-1729); heinrich, AnthonyPhilip (1781-1861); Hellendaal, Pieter (1721-1799); Helps, Robert http://www.harmonicity.com/composers/classical_composers_h.htm | |
98. Composers - H Heiller, Anton. Heim,. Heim, Gustav. Heinichen, Johann David. heinrich, AnthonyPhilip. Heise, Peter. Composers H. Hejda, Tadeusz. Held, Wilbur. Held, Will. http://www.musiclibrary.utep.edu/utepcomh.htm | |
99. Music For Purchase Alice Ripley Jessica Molaskey Jenny Giering Richard Muenz philip Chaffin WindflowersThe Songs of Jerome Moross CD Windflowers The Songs of Jerome Moross http://www.bizave.com/bstore/music_pagemb2967.html |
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