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Heinrich Anthony Philip: more detail | ||||
61. Texas And Oregon Grand March Finale Showcase. Texas and Oregon Grand March anthony philip heinrich, 17811861Category Classical - Romantic Instrumentation Piano - Piano (more details ). http://www.finalemusic.com/showcase/fs_view_item.asp?file_id=3635&from_view=auth |
62. How Sleep The Brave Finale Showcase. How Sleep the Brave anthony philip heinrich, 17811861 CategoryClassical - Classical Instrumentation Vocal Ensemble (more details ). http://www.finalemusic.com/showcase/fs_view_item.asp?file_id=3667&from_view=auth |
63. Reference - Biography - H Directory - Search Engine Directory Heinlein, Robert A.@ (52); heinrich, anthony philip@ (3); Heise, Peter@(4); Heisenberg, Werner@ (3); Hejduk, Milan@ (5); Hejinian, Lyn@ (5 http://www.sedirectory.net/Reference/Biography/H/ | |
64. Music Publications: Name Index: H heinrich (N 10); Heinichen, Johann David (B 102,B 103); heinrich, anthony philip (A 2); Heiple, Daniel L. (B 49 http://www.areditions.com/rr/index/nameH.html | |
65. Recent Researches: A 1-2 are by 24 composers including William Brown, Benjamin Carr, James Hewitt, RaynerTaylor, Charles Gilbert, Arthur Clifton, anthony philip heinrich, Oliver Shaw http://www.areditions.com/rr/rra/a001_002.html | |
66. Anthony Philip Heinrich Sheet Music! heinrich Sheet Music! Piano. Scored for Instrumental Solo. Composers, music, lyricist, arrangersAnthony philip heinrich . Classical, March. Sheet Music by AR Editions. http://www.laurasmidi.com/Sheet-Music/Anthony-Philip-Heinrich | |
67. Kelly's Music & Computers - AMERICAN CONCERT PIANO MUSIC: THE ULTIMATE COLLECTIO 5, 13 - Fantasy Pieces - Op.6 1-3 - Roman Sketches - Op.7 1-4 - Sonata - DanceSong - March - Marching Song heinrich, anthony philip - Sonata for the Piano http://kellysmusic.mb.ca/productinfo.asp?id=1061502215 |
68. Genealogy Data Barrick, Paul philip Birth living Danville, Vermilion Co IL Gender Male Mann,anthony Death BEF Father Schauss, heinrich Mother Jones, Elizabeth Rose. http://home.earthlink.net/~ntgreen/html/dat14.htm | |
69. Research In Review: Poet Of Pop point about place, Von Glahn enlists works by 14 American composers ranging fromthe early 19thcentury symphonist anthony philip heinrich (the Beethoven of http://www.research.fsu.edu/researchr/winter2004/soundsofplace.html | |
70. USM Cataloging Tools Head, Brian, .H433. Heiden, Bernhard, .H45. Heidrich, Maximilian, .H453. heinrich,anthony philip, .H455. Helmschrott, Robert M. .H456. Hemel, Oscar van, .H457. http://www.lib.usm.edu/~techserv/cat/composers/h-j.htm | |
71. Genealogy Data Roell, philip J. Birth 14 Jan 1863 Morris, Ripley Co Richmond, Wayne Co., IndianaRoell, heinrich John Birth Roell, Edward Gregor Theodore Roell, anthony X. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~dcrose/dat2.html | |
72. Czech And Slovak Music Society CzechAmerican. J. Bunker Clark. anthony philip heinrich, The Sylviador, Minstrelsy of Nature in the Wilds of North America, op. http://www.music.ucsb.edu/projects/csms/csmsbiblio.html | |
73. Bulletin, Vol. XXIII, No. 3, Book Reviews The Sylviad Or, Minstrelsy of Nature in the Wolds of North America, Op. 3By anthony philip heinrich. Boston 1823, 182526. Facsimile reprint. http://www.american-music.org/publications/bullarchive/reviw233.htm | |
74. Ramon Salvatore And American Piano Music Aaron Copland, Phillip Ramey, Arthur Farwell, John Knowles Paine, Paul Bowles, StephenFoster, Yehudi Wyner, Robert Palmer, anthony philip heinrich, Ross Lee http://www.american-music.org/publications/bullarchive/clark231.htm | |
75. Introduction To America's Music Recordings Tucker Weeping, Sad and Lonely, or, When This Cruel War Is Over 20 Walter DignamHelene Schottische 21 anthony philip heinrich Barbecue Divertimento 22 Louis http://www.wwnorton.com/college/music/ammus/rtoc.htm | |
76. :: Ez2Find :: H Leo (3) Hastings, Thomas (1), Haydn, Franz Joseph (19) Haydn, Johann Michael (9)Heggie, Jake (5) Heinichen, Johann David (5) heinrich, anthony philip (3) Heise http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Arts/Music/Composition/Compo | |
77. Treat Williams: DVD(DVDs); SOUNDTRACK(Soundtracks); POSTER(Posters); PHOTO(Photo View Book. anthony philip heinrich A Nineteenth Century Composer in AmericaBook anthony philip heinrich A Nineteenth Century Composer in America. $41.25. http://www.joynd.com/treat-williams/ | |
78. NewMusicBox- The Web Mag From The American Music Center Covering New American Mu How does one even begin to talk about anthony philip heinrich? Aftera series of business trips all over Europe and twice to the http://www.newmusicbox.org/page.nmbx?id=54tp04 |
79. Auktoritetsregister över Uniforma Titlar För Musik. Ändringar 2003-04 25. Heiniö, Mikko (1948 ). Framtidens skugga Wind pictures (15) Vuelode alambre. heinrich, anthony philip (1781-1861). The Yankee doodleiad. http://www.muslib.se/ut/utrev200304.htm | |
80. DMA Music Store - Kallisti Music Press Works Of 19th Century Works philip Antony Corri (aka Arthur Clifton) (17841832) Pietro Giannotti (17-1765)Charles T. Griffes (1884-1920) anthony philip heinrich (1781-1861) WA http://www.dmamusic.org/dmastore/sheetmusic/kallisti/earlier.html | |
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