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Heinrich Anthony Philip: more detail | ||||
41. Syllabus For German Immigrant Culture In America: Lesson 15 1. Key personalities. anthony philip heinrich (17811861). The Dawning of Music inKentucky. Vanguard Records, SRV 349 SD. (Music of anthony philip heinrich). http://www.ulib.iupui.edu/kade/merrill/lesson15.html | |
42. American Mavericks: Composers Tom Harrison, Lou Buy bio American Mavericks Concerts NewMusicBox Documentary Heasley, Tom Buy bio site heinrich, anthony philip Buy site http://musicmavericks.publicradio.org/composers/ | |
43. What's American About American Music? On one hand were composers like Billings, anthony philip heinrich, and Louis MoreauGottschalk who believed that Americans could create their own national http://musicmavericks.publicradio.org/features/essay_gann02.html | |
44. ISAM Newsletter: Rediscovering The Sylviad The first two opus numbers of anthony philip heinrich (17811861), The Dawning ofMusic in Kentucky and The Western Minstrel, have been available for nearly http://depthome.brooklyn.cuny.edu/isam/sylviad.html | |
45. BABEL: A.P. Heinrich (1834 AD) Babel (1843). AP (anthony philip) heinrich The Tower of Babel, or TheLanguages Confounded, a Grand Oratorical Divertissement. heinrich http://www.cwd.co.uk/babel/heinrich1.htm | |
46. BABEL: A.P. Heinrich (1843 AD) Click here to see more about heinrich s 2nd Tower of Babel (1837). AP (anthony philip)heinrich The Tower of Babel, or Language Confounded, Sinfonia Canonicale. http://www.cwd.co.uk/babel/heinrich3.htm | |
47. Romantic Composers - Mp3 Downloads - The Ultimate Music Index Tikhonovich@ 3, Grieg, Edvard@ 11 Hamerik, Asger@ 2 Hanon, CharlesLouis@ 1Hartmann, Johan Peter Emilius@ 1 heinrich, anthony philip@ 3 Heise, Peter http://www.gemrecords.com/classical-music/romantic-composers.php | |
48. Notre Dame Archives Collections OWE Lilliana Owens Papers; PAD anthony Padovano Papers; M. Sauvage Papers; PJS philip J. Scharper Raymond Schubmehl Papers; HSC heinrich Schumacher Papers; http://classic.archives.nd.edu/findaids/ead/ | |
50. Project Gutenberg - Author Index: H Haeckel, Ernst heinrich philipp August. philip Gilbert Hamerton An Autobiography,18341858, and a Memoir by His Wife, 1858-1894. Hamilton, anthony, Count, ca. http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/IA_H | |
51. Organ McLean, 30. heinrich, anthony philip. Voluntary (1851); Phantasy (or pianoad lib, ca. 1851); Elegy (ca. 1851). In Organ Music. Ed. Andrew Stiller. http://people.ku.edu/~bclark/organ.html | |
52. Publications anthony philip heinrich È echoamerican a pionyr národní anthony philip heinrich,The Sylviad or, Minstrelsy of Nature in the Wilds of North America, op. http://people.ku.edu/~bclark/publications.html | |
53. Tower Records - Browse Classical Hedges, anthony, 10. Heiden, Bernhard, 24. Heinichen, Johann David, 32. heinrich,anthony philip, 9. Heise, Peter, 24. Heise, Peter (Arnold), 14. Hellawell, Piers,9. http://uk.towerrecords.com/browsec.asp?type_1=comp&match=H&urlid=966afd9035107d2 |
54. Penn Special Collections - Music/Individuals anthony philip heinrich Autograph Letter to John Rowe Parker 31 August1820 Ms. Coll. 186, Folder 142. Born in Bohemia in 1781, anthony http://www.library.upenn.edu/exhibits/rbm/music/individuals.html | |
55. Books On Anthony Philip Heinrich (in USA) H Composers Index )Fin; heinrich, anthony philip (1781-1861); Heinsius, Michael Ernst; http://i16.jp/books/ALPHAX416E74686F6E792B5068696C69702B4865696E72696368.htm | |
56. Co U Víme anthony philip heinrich (17811861). anthony philip heinrich, puvodemCech, se ve Spojených státech proslavil jako hudební skladatel. http://cesivamerice.sweb.cz/co_vime.htm | |
57. ISTG Vol 2 - Ship Glasgow 25 Jacob Friass Jacob Friass 74 philip Bartelme 36 Keller 30 Johan heinrich KollorJohan heinrich Kollor 80 Jerich X Leonhart X George 84 anthony Emford 40 http://www.immigrantships.net/v2/1700v2/glasgow17380909.html | |
58. Bringing Music History Home: Individual Chapters The Bohemianborn anthony philip heinrich (1781-1861) conducted one of the firstAmerican performances of a Beethoven symphony in Lexington, Kentucky, in 1817. http://clem.mscd.edu/~worster/sonneck/groubody.html | |
59. Descendant Chart For Johan 'Philip' Roth, Of Lehigh Co PA 1 Johan philip ROTH Sr. Abt 23 Sep 1877 Egypt Cemetery, Lehigh County, PA Sonof heinrich anthony FRANTZ Margaretha RITTER 4 - Elias FRANTZ Born - 23 Jun http://www.kerchner.com/des1751.htm | |
60. Descendant Chart For Heinrich Ritter female child RITTER Born 1789 PA Died - 1789 PA 3 - John philip RITTER Born Died- 20 Sep 1873 probably, Lehigh County, PA Dau of heinrich anthony FRANTZ http://www.kerchner.com/des2204.htm | |
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