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81. Classical And Contemporary Composers guastavino, carlos guastavino, carlos (b. 1912) in ``Composers Biographies and their Works . Back to Index, Next page (H), Previous page (F). http://www.kanadas.com/music/composers/G.html |
82. Sheet Music Plus Results Anhelo By carlos guastavino. Published by Peermusic Classical. Chanarcito,Chanarcito (A Thorny Bush) 3 From Indianas (6PACK) By carlos guastavino. http://www.sheetmusicplus.com/a/phrase.html?id=50330&phrase=Carlos Guastavino |
83. Italy Pictures - Online Italy Source Gallagher, Jack Garland, Ian Glass, Philip Goddard, Philip Goldsmith, Jerry Goodwin, Ron Gordon, Michael Gruber, HK guastavino, carlos Gubaidulina, Sofia Gund http://www.fondosocialeuropeo.com/italy/italy pictures | |
84. LAMC: LAMúsiCa Vol.2No.6: Guastavino LAMúsiCa Volume 2, Number 6 (November, 2000) Carmen Téllez, Editor in Chief. carlos guastavino dies in Santa Fé, Argentina. Renowned http://www.music.indiana.edu/som/lamc/publications/lamusica/vol2.6/guastavino.ht | |
85. Shop - Latin American Art Song Alliance a pioneering anthology edited by Kathleen L. Wilson with IPA and diction sections by Arden Hopkin, includes works by carlos guastavino (Argentina), Juan Orrego http://www.laasa.org/shop/ | |
86. Los Angeles Philharmonic Association - Performer Details Us Jobs Search. Previous Page. Contact Us. EMail Page to a Friend. carlos guastavino composer Top of Page. Performances Click date for http://www.laphil.org/resources/performer_detail.cfm?id=1580 |
87. Cartelera Actividades Translate this page siglo XX, abarcando compositores americanos como Samuel Barber, Aaron Copland y por supuesto, representantes latinoamericanos como carlos guastavino, en obras http://www.uchile.cl/facultades/artes/sala_zegers/temporal/04-09-2003.html | |
88. Fundacion Ostinato and the singers ALICIA BORGES and GUILLERMO ANZORENA, Ostinato realized two new projects first a new recording of works by carlos guastavino containing the http://ostinato.org/about.html | |
89. Tower Records - Browse Classical Gryc, Stephen, 6. Guami, Gioseffo, 19. Guarnieri, Mozart Camargo, 33. guastavino, carlos, 43. Gubaidulina, Sofia, 85. GudmundsenHolmgreen, Pel, 13. Guedron, Pierre, 13. http://uk.towerrecords.com/browsec.asp?type_1=comp&match=G&urlid=966afd9035107d2 |
90. GOURMET MUSICAL - Música Y Musicología De Latinoamérica / Music And Musicolog http://www.gourmetmusical.com/grabacion.asp?IdGrabacion=215 |
91. Teresa%20Berganza%20 : Musik (Klassische) Translate this page Teresa Berganza. Musik (Klassische). Verkaufsrang. 1. Musik (Klassische) Ave Maria (Arien, Chöre http://www.einkaufszentrum-online.com/browse_classical_de/query_Teresa Berganza | |
92. José Cura * Anhelo : Argentinian Songs * Ejemplo De Catalogación En Español http://home.earthlink.net/~jaimeeduardo/catsamp_html/his2000-64.htm | |
93. Facultad De Artes Y Ciencias Musicales - Pontificia Universidad Católica Argent http://www2.uca.edu.ar/esp/sec-fmusica/esp/page.php?subsec=biblioteca&page=noved |
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