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Goldmark Karoly: more detail |
61. Trouw, Archief/zoeken Verbeter de vraag door ook te zoeken naar Peter Sellars, Johannes Schaaf, SimonRattle, Peter Te Nuyl, SaintSaens, Daan Admiraal, karoly goldmark, Opera Zuid, http://archief.trouw.nl/zoek?SORT=presence&fdoc=0&text=opera + muziek |
62. Jean Sibelius, Karoly Goldmark, Joshua Bell, Los Angeles Philharmonic, Esa-Pekka Jean Sibelius, karoly goldmark, Joshua Bell, Los Angeles Philharmonic,EsaPekka Salonen Concertos pour violon. Jean Sibelius, karoly http://www.musique-boutique.com/Jean-Sibelius-Karoly-Goldmark--B000031WU2.html | |
63. Www.naxos.com/composer/btm.asp?fullname=Goldmark,%20Karoly%20 Antonio Vivaldi Concerto for violin strings in Ef Vivaldi Antonio Vivaldi Concerto for violin strings in Ef Vivaldi Antonio BotvayKaroly Budapest Strings Banfalvi Bela. goldmark, Karl,Irela goldmark http://www.naxos.com/composer/btm.asp?fullname=Goldmark, Karoly |
64. Concertos Pour Violon Jean Sibelius, Karoly Goldmark, Joshua Bell, Los Angeles P Concertos pour violon Jean Sibelius, karoly goldmark, Joshua Bell,Los Angeles Philharmonic, EsaPekka Salonen Classique. Concertos http://www.myclassiquenet.com/Jean-Sibelius-Karoly-Goldmark--B000031WU2.html | |
65. Anton Sorokow / Jean Sibelius Translate this page der Musik. In Berlin waren Albert Becker und Woldemar Bargiel und inWien Robert Fuchs sowie karoly goldmark seine Lehrer. Im Jahr http://www.anton-sorokow.com/repertoire/sibelius.html | |
66. OPERA MendelssohnBartholdy s A Midsummer Night s Dream, Maurice Ravel s Daphnis et Chloe,Carnival in Venice (based on the music by karoly goldmark, Léo Delibes http://www.opera.lt/DesktopDefault.aspx?tabID=399 |
67. Classical Music : Karoly Schranz Classical Music karoly Schranz. Need some Christmas ideas? Help is here! 6. ClassicalMusic Joshua Bell ~ Sibelius · goldmark Violin Concertos / LA Phil. http://www.maegg.com/cgi-bin/amazon_product_feeds-mode-classical-search_type-Art | |
68. Service-Reisen Giessen :: Der Paket-Reiseveranstalter :: Eine Fantastische Welt. Translate this page werden. In der belebten Kossuth ucta Nummer 22 befindet sich das Peto-Haus,das Geburtshaus des Komponisten karoly goldmark. Die http://www.servicereisen.com/sr/katalog/screens/scrKatalogSeite.php?rvkost=615&r |
69. UCLA Music Library: Special Collections: Louis B. Schnauber/Film Music Society C delivered . 1736, goldmark, C.(Carl/Karl?)(karoly?)(18301915?); Moses-Tobani,Theo., arr. Bridal Song From Rural Wedding. Serenade From Rural Wedding. http://www.library.ucla.edu/libraries/music/mlsc/archcoll/schnauber/schnauber18. | |
70. RADIO VATICANA - STUDIO A Translate this page Martin-in-the-Fields, dir. Neville Marriner (Philips 412 856-2 CD Durata2948 P. 1974) karoly goldmark Sakuntala, Ouverture Op. http://www.vaticanradio.org/StudioA/dic02/studioA09dic.htm | |
71. Karoly Schranz - Classical Music - Myrtle Beach Golf Course Guide K9 Shop Sweet Art Shop. Classical Music karoly Schranz. 5. Classical Music Joshua Bell ~ Sibelius · goldmark - Violin Concertos / LA Phil. http://myrtle-beach-golf-course-guide.com/shopping/shop-mode-classical-search_ty | |
72. Yithian Directory : Goldmark, Karoly Directory Category Yithian Arts Music Composition Composers G goldmark, karoly. http://www.sminkey.co.uk/Arts/Music/Composition/Composers/G/Goldmark,_Karoly/ | |
73. Partitions D'orchestre - Catalogue D'Alain Rodelet - Paris St Ouen Les Puces Translate this page A. Durand et fils à Paris N°49 goldmark Carl (karoly) compositeur hongrois 1830-1915Quartett OP.8 2 violons, viola, violoncelle Wien CA Spina Hambourg N°50 http://www.curiositel.tm.fr/autographes/rodelet/partitions-orchestre/partitions- | |
74. m[eubg^CfbNX CORIGLIANO, JOHN PAUL (2/16/1938 to USA goldmark, KARL(karoly) (5/18/1830 to 1/2/1915) Hungarian KORNGOLD, ERICH http://cont4.mech.usp.ac.jp/~minagawa/musik/ | |
75. Goldmark, Karl (1830 - 1915) goldmark, Karl (1830 1915) Hungarian by birth, Karl goldmark made his principal career in Vienna, after earlier years during which he earned his living as a violinist in theatre orchestras and as a http://www.hnh.com/composer/goldmark.htm |
76. Goldmark, Károly This page contains basic and accurate biographical information and links to essays about the Romantic composer goldmark. goldmark, Károly. PeriodRomantic. Born 1830 in Keszthély, Hungary http://www.stevenestrella.com/composers/composerfiles/goldmark1915.html | |
77. CLASSICAL MUSIC ARCHIVES - Main: G Performed by Jurgenson Musical Salon. goldmark, Károly (18301915); Hung P.Párkányi) goldmark, Rubin (1872-1936); Am http://www.prs.net/main-g.html | |
78. Fidelio Mi az a kottaszerkeszt? goldmark Károly. Zeneszerz. Vissza a listához http://www.fidelio.hu/nevjegy.asp?cat=zsz&id=52 |
79. International Jewish Cemetery Project - Hungary Local Polgarmesteri Hivatal of 2730 albertirsa Irsai karoly utca 2. Ph 2076111 Local Polgarmesteri Hivatal of 2730 Albertirsa Irsaf karoly u.2. Ph 2076111 http://www.jewishgen.org/cemetery/e-europe/hung-a-l.html | |
80. Goldmark Károly Mûvelõdési Központ - Keszthely, Hungary Balatoni Múzeum. goldmark EMLÉKEST. Szenthelyi Miklós hegedûmûvész BalatonMuseum. goldmark GEDENKKONZERT. Konzert mit M goldmark Galerie. ERÖFFNUNG DER VOLKSKUNSTAUSSTELLUNG MIT http://www.netropolis.hu/keszthely/goldmark | |
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