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61. Klassika: Gerald Finzi Translate this page gerald finzi (1901-1956). Die Auflistung der Werke von gerald finzi ist noch nicht vollständig und wird nach und nach durch die Autoren von Klassika ergänzt. http://www.klassika.info/Komponisten/Finzi/ | |
62. Numéro 1 De 1 Notice(s) Qui Correspondent à Votre Recherche gerald finzi. Auteur(s) finzi, gerald, 1901-1956. Titre uniforme Extraits. http://ariane.ulaval.ca/web2/tramp2.exe/do_keyword_search/guest&SETTING_KEY=Fren | |
63. The Lied And Art Song Texts Page gerald finzi (19011956). x indicates texts that are not yet in the database * indicates copyright texts we have no permission to display. |
64. Classic Cat: Gerald Finzi Composers finzi, G. Composers - Performers - Links - Search - Forum - Help. All mp3 links Work list. gerald finzi. 14-7-1901 (London) - 27-9-1956 (Oxford). http://www.classiccat.net/finzi_g/ | |
65. Musica Viva: Musica Viva: The Encyclopedia Of Music Musicline.de Marriner,Andrew/Marriner/Amf Klarinettenkonzert - Translate this page Amf Klarinettenkonzert/Nocturne. CD / 13.04.04 Universal Vertrieb - A Divisio (Decca) Bestellnummer 028947371922 Komponist finzi,gerald Klarinette (Klassik). http://www.musicaviva.com/encyclopedia/display.tpl?phrase=finzi-gerald |
66. Musicline.de - Die Ganze Musik Im Internet Translate this page 1. I Allegro Vigoroso finzi,gerald, 2. II Adagio Ma Senza Rigore finzi,gerald, 3. III Rondo Allegro Giocoso finzi,gerald, 4. Nocturne finzi,gerald, http://www.musicline.de/de/product/Andrew Marriner¥Academy Of St/Klarinettenkon | |
67. Gerald Finzi Translate this page gerald finzi (Gran Bretaña, 1901-1956) Eclogue, opus 10 (1920) Prelude, opus 25 (1920) Romance, opus 11 (1928) Concierto para clarinete http://www.epdlp.com/compclasico.php?id=1003 |
68. Gerald Finzi - Five Bagatelles, OP23, For Clarinet And Strings (arr. L. Ashmore) gerald finzi (19011956) Five Bagatelles, OP23, for clarinet and strings (arr. L. Ashmore) Prelude (Allegro deciso) Romance (Andante http://www.classicalnotes.co.uk/notes/finzi1.html | |
69. Gerald Finzi (1901-1956) gerald finzi (19011956) Five Bagatelles, OP23, for clarinet and strings (arr. L. Ashmore). http://www.classicalnotes.co.uk/notes/finzi.html | |
70. - Gerald (Raphael) Finzi - Gerald (Raphael) Finzi - Charles Villiers Stanford - gerald (Raphael) finzi - gerald (Raphael) finzi - Charles Villiers Stanford - Charles Villiers Stanford - finzi/Stanford_Clarinet Concertos, etc - Concerto http://www.musica.co.uk/musica/screen__PRODUCT/category__CL3691.htm | |
71. - Gerald (Raphael) Finzi - Gerald (Raphael) Finzi - Gerald (Raphael) Finzi - Ger gerald (Raphael) finzi - gerald (Raphael) finzi - gerald (Raphael) finzi - gerald (Raphael) finzi - gerald (Raphael) finzi - gerald (Raphael) finzi - gerald http://www.musica.co.uk/musica/screen__PRODUCT/category__CL200492.htm | |
72. BYU Singers - Repertoire Escalada, Oscar Farmer, John Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Felciano, Richard Fink, Michael finzi, gerald finzi, gerald finzi, gerald finzi, gerald finzi http://choirs.byu.edu/singers/repertoirecomposer.html | |
73. Titel-SUCHE ASIN B00005IA6E The British Music Collection finzi, gerald Works; ASIN B00005IA6E The British Music Collection - finzi, gerald Works; http://www.eine-gute-cd.de/TITEL/U51/V56/seite1.htm | |
74. Composer gerald finzi (19011956). gerald finzi (1901-56) decided to become a composer at the age of nine. He studied first with Ernest Farrar http://www.naxos.com/composer/btm.asp?fullname=Finzi, Gerald |
75. Finzi Sheet Music : Finzi Scores - Charles Piano View the whole finzi collection . gerald finzi 5 Bagatelles Composed by gerald finzi (19011956). Eclogue for Piano and String Orchestra By gerald finzi. http://www.charlespiano.com/finzi.php | |
76. Finzi,Gerald (1901-1956) Dies Natalis - Jpc Translate this page finzi,gerald (1901-1956) Dies Natalis Preis- und Bestellinformation CD Hyp,DDD,96 Weitere Informationen zu diesem Titel Klangbeispiele Klangbeispiele Diesen http://www.jpc-klassik.de/7880885.htm | |
77. Cheap Gerald Finzi - Classical Music Store, Consumer Reports Discounts, Coupon, Cheap gerald finzi Classical Music Store from Consumer Reports Store Online Shopping Mall, Online Store, Classical Music Stores Discount Bargain Shopping. http://www.calacreek.com/cgi-bin/amazon_products_feed-mode-classical-search_type | |
78. Gerald%20Finzi : Musik (Klassische) Translate this page gerald finzi. Musik (Klassische). Featured möglich. Klarinettenkonzert,Nocturne von Andrew Marriner/Academy of St, gerald finzi 13. http://www.einkaufszentrum-online.com/browse_classical_de/query_Gerald Finzi/typ | |
79. Gerald Finzi - Biographical Information gerald finzi biographical information. Reading University Library holds a number of collections related to gerald finzi. This page http://www.library.rdg.ac.uk/colls/special/finzibiography.html | |
80. Gerald Finzi Book Room Contents. The collection amounts to about 6,000 printed volumes, including items added by Mrs finzi after gerald s death. It is predominantly http://www.library.rdg.ac.uk/colls/special/finzi.html | |
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