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81. MusikTexte 18: Brian Ferneyhough, Magnus Lindberg, Musikkritik, David Del Tredic Translate this page brian ferneyhough. Der Komponist brian ferneyhough (Thomas Meyer). Annäherung an brian ferneyhough (Klaus K. Hübler). ?Mnemosyne http://www.musiktexte.de/german/de/dept_29.html | |
82. MusikTexte 35: Luigi Nono, Neue Komplexität, Brian Ferneyhough, Australien, Luc http://www.musiktexte.de/german/de/dept_48.html | |
83. Brian Ferneyhough : Collected Writings. - Theodore Front Musical Literature Home » Books » Composition » brian ferneyhough Collected Writings. brian ferneyhough Collected Writings. In four parts Essays http://www.tfront.com/product.php?pid=42517&qstring=Composition&qformat=BK&lm1=0 |
84. Brian Ferneyhough : Collected Writings. - Theodore Front Musical Literature Home » Books » Contemporary » brian ferneyhough Collected Writings. brian ferneyhough Collected Writings. In four parts Essays http://www.tfront.com/product.php?pid=42517&qstring=Contemporary&qformat=BK&lm1= |
85. Brian Ferneyhough: Opus Contra Naturam (2000) brian ferneyhough Opus contra naturam (2000). This piece forms part of unappreciative of this aesthetic strategy. brian ferneyhough. home. http://www.nicolashodges.com/content/programmenotes/FerneyhoughOpusContraNaturam | |
86. British Music Information Centre: The Collection Composer. Title. Year. Forces. brian ferneyhough. talks about Transit to Martin Cotton. 1995. brian ferneyhough. Adagissimo. 1983. string quartet 2vn, va, vc. http://www.bmic.co.uk/collection/searchresults.asp?more=c&n=Brian Ferneyhough |
87. Musikprotokoll 1999/Werke - Brian Ferneyhough: String Trio Translate this page Dessen Mitgliedern ist dieses Stück auch gewidmet. brian ferneyhough, allgemeine information und karten, ++43 316/470-28227 musikprotokoll@orf.at, http://studios.orf.at/stmk/musikprotokoll_99/werke/w_stringtrio.html | |
88. Musikprotokoll 1999/Komponisten - Brian Ferneyhough Translate this page brian ferneyhough wurde 1943 in Coventry (England) geboren. Er erhielt seine musikalische Ausbildung an der Birmingham School of http://studios.orf.at/stmk/musikprotokoll_99/komponisten/k_ferneyhough.html | |
89. Culture.fr : Shadowtime, De Brian Ferneyhough. Translate this page la communication. español english français. Shadowtime, de brian ferneyhough. Thème Opéra, opérette. Livret Charles Bernstein http://www.culture.fr/PublicItems/evenements/208/201185 | |
90. Time & Motion Studies I & II (Ferneyhough,Brian (geb.1943),Etcetera,DDD,97) Kammermusik Time Motion Studies I II (ferneyhough,brian (geb.1943),Etcetera,DDD,97) - +Kurze Schatten II Bone Alphabet Unity Capsule Ensemble Elision http://www.filmmusik-charts.de/time/time_motion_studies/8755744.htm | |
91. Brian Ferneyhough ferneyhough, brian (?) b.1943. Missa Brevis ?, , . 1969, 12vv, ?. 1, Kyrie. 2, Gloria. 3, Sanctus. 4, Benedictus. 5, Agnus Dei. http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~he8t-med/composer/F/ferneyhough.html | |
92. Mysterious Adventures Feldman, Morton Triadic memories Universal1987 Score Y7636729 Feldman, Morton Turfan fragments Universal1981 Full score Y963658X ferneyhough, brian Chute d http://www.birmingham.gov.uk/GenerateContent?CONTENT_ITEM_ID=1611&CONTENT_ITEM_T |
93. Biographie De Brian Ferneyhough Avec Gold-music.com Translate this page brian ferneyhough ( 1943 ). Il reçoit une éducation musicale traditionnelle à la Birmingham School of Music, et à la Royal Academy of Music de Londres. http://www.gold-music.com/fiches/fiche_19849.php | |
94. ChronoBio - Des Dates, Des Dates... Translate this page 1-brian ferneyhough 2-David Doyle 3-Jacques Martin (II) 4-Ross Davidson 5-François Périer 6-David Carradine 7-Philippe Martin (II) 8-Roger Whittaker 9-Pascal http://chronobio.asurtech.com/structure.php3?rub=3&id=17778 |
95. Das 3. Streichquartett Von Brian Ferneyhough (Jan Hemming) Translate this page Das 3. Streichquartett von brian ferneyhough. Voraussetzungslosigkeit oder Geschichtsbezug? Magisterarbeit TU-Berlin 1995. Online-Fassung. http://mlucom6.urz.uni-halle.de/~msegn/ferneyhough/ |
96. Kassetter F White on White (662) Ferlinghetti, Lawrence White on White (668) ferneyhough, brian Rabe om ferneyhough + citat ur brev fr Nidron (554) ferneyhough, brian http://home.swipnet.se/sonoloco/Kassettregister/kassetterF.html | |
97. ArkivMusic | Brian Ferneyhough Home Composers . Composer brian ferneyhough, 17 albums. See all recordings available (17) OR Select a specific Work below. Works. Adagissimo (1). http://www.arkivmusic.com/classical/Namedrill?&name_id=3720&name_role=1 |
98. Andrew Darlison, Flautist: Programme Note For Brian Ferneyhough (b. 1943): Cassa Andrew Darlison, Flautist. Programme Note for. brian ferneyhough (b. 1943) Cassandra s Dream Song. brian ferneyhough wrote Cassandra s Dream Song in 1970/71. http://www.andrew-darlison.co.uk/notes/fern.htm | |
99. Éloge De La Complixité (Sur Brian Ferneyhough) brian ferneyhough. Il n est pas aujourd hui de compositeur plus vilipendé que brian ferneyhough. http://www.entretemps.asso.fr/Nicolas/TextesNic/Ferneyhough.html | |
100. Kultur Musik Genres Klassische Musik Komponisten F Ferneyhough http://www.infopool-24.de/index.php/World/Deutsch/Kultur/Musik/Genres/Klassische | |
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