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81. HIER KLICK Das Ensemble hat sich der Swingmusik verschrieben und interpretiert u.a. Kompositionen von duke ellington und Glenn Miller, konzertant oder auf Tanzveranstaltungen. D99510 Apolda http://www.bigband-apolda.de/ | |
82. Ellington, Duke At Musica.co.uk Early Years Born Edward Kenney ellington, duke ellington grew up in a middle class Washington DC suburb and began playing piano at the age of seven. http://www.musica.co.uk/musica/screen__FEATURE/category__duke_ellington.htm | |
83. CNN - Nation Remembers Duke Who Made Swing The Thing - April 30, 1999 CNN http://www.cnn.com/SHOWBIZ/Music/9904/30/duke.ellington/index.html | |
84. Biography - Ellington, Duke (Bio 494) ? . ? ellington, duke, www.dellington.org, Fun website. www.pbs.org/ellingtonsdc, duke ellington at Washington. http://musicbase.h1.ru/PPB/ppb4/Bio_494.htm | |
85. NCJRO Large performance ensemble playing arrangements by writers such as duke ellington, Don Sebesky, and Thad Jones, affiliated with the North Carolina Jazz Foundation. http://www.ncjro.org/ | |
86. MusicMoz - Bands And Artists: E: Ellington, Duke about submit item become an editor feedback. duke ellington. From United States Styles Top Bands and Artists E ellington, duke (9). Links (9). http://musicmoz.org/Bands_and_Artists/E/Ellington,_Duke/ | |
87. MusicMoz - Composition: Composers: E: Ellington, Duke duke ellington. Born Edward Kennedy ellington From United States Period Early_20th_Century Years 1899 1974. the entire directory. http://musicmoz.org/Composition/Composers/E/Ellington,_Duke/ | |
88. REDHOUSE HOT SIX - Oldtime-Jazz Der 20er & 30er Jahre Dem HotJazz hat sich die Kapelle aus Freiburg verschrieben. Louis Armstrong, King Oliver und duke ellington sind daher auch die Paten, wenn die Musik losgeht. Bandgeschichte, CDs, Konzerttermine, Kontaktseite. http://www.redhousehotsix.de/ | |
89. - Media Club - Ellington, Duke (Duke Ellington) (MP3, Photo, Lyrics, Covers) MediaClub, multimedia club / ellington, duke (duke ellington) (MP3, Photo, Lyrics, Album Cover). ellington, duke. Band/Artist ellington, duke. Country USA. http://mclub.te.net.ua/vcat.phtml?action=va&singer=843 |
90. Centre Stage Swing Band Featuring the music of Glenn Miller, duke ellington, Count Basie and others. Includes gig guide and reviews. http://www.leziate.demon.co.uk/cssb | |
91. Ellington, Duke (Edward Kennedy) ellington, duke (Edward Kennedy). US pianist duke ellington, in a photograph from the 1920s. ellington led his own orchestra for http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0005729.html | |
92. Duke Ellington Festival 2002 Promotional material for Honolulu event sponsored by the Hawaii Academy of Performing Arts. Includes various essays on his music and responses to it. http://hapa2.com/Duke/ |
93. Ski Storband Hjemmeside Amat¸rstorband som spiller musikk av duke ellington, Frank Sinatra med flere. Om bandet, historikk, repertoar, konserter og lydklipp (mp3). Nettstedet har ogs¥ en biografi for duke ellington. http://home.online.no/~bisyvert/ski-storband.htm | |
94. ELLINGTON, Duke : MusicWeb Encyclopaedia Of Popular Music ellington, duke (b Edward Kennedy ellington, 29 April 1899, Washington DC; d 24 May 74, NYC) Pianist, bandleader, arranger, composer; one of the greatest http://www.musicweb.uk.net/encyclopaedia/e/E27.HTM | |
95. Allexperts Ellington, Duke Q&A Internet. Category ellington, duke, Sort By None. Name, Expertise, Status. http://www.allexperts.com/getExpert.asp?Category=453 |
96. Vokalensemble D'accord: Ein Chor Singt Weltliche Musik In Saarbrücken Vorstellung des etwa dreissigk¶pfigen Chors aus Saarbr¼cken, dessen Programm von Haydn, Schumann und Ravel bis Ligeti und duke ellington reicht. Neben Konzertkritiken gibt es Informationen f¼r Interessenten, die im Chor mitsingen m¶chten. http://www.daccord-sb.de/ |
97. Songwriters Hall Of Fame and Satin Doll (1958, written with Billy Strayhorn, lyric by Johnny Mercer). duke ellington died in New York on May 24, 1974. http://www.songwritershalloffame.org/exhibit_home_page.asp?exhibitId=9 |
98. Down Beat Magazine Includes a biography, a photo gallery, lengthy discography with audio clips, four classic Down Beat magazine articles, and a message board. http://www.downbeat.com/artists/window.asp?aid=173&aname=Duke Ellington |
99. The Far East Suite - Ellington, Duke : Read Reviews And Compare Prices At Ciao.c The Far East Suite ellington, duke. Overall user rating This product has not yet been reviewed. Tips about The Far East Suite - ellington, duke on the web. http://www.ciao.co.uk/The_Far_East_Suite_Ellington_Duke__42122 | |
100. Hi Fi Uptown (J-Imp) - Ellington, Duke : Read Reviews And Compare Prices At Ciao Hi Fi Uptown (JImp) - ellington, duke. Tips about Hi Fi Uptown (J-Imp) - ellington, duke on the web. Tips about music on the web. http://www.ciao.co.uk/Hi_Fi_Uptown_J_Imp_Ellington_Duke__42062 | |
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