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61. Artnet.com Magazine News - Duke Ellington Revival Chronicles the unveiling of the monument created by sculptor Robert Graham, in Harlem, New York. http://www.artnet.com/magazine/news/robinson/robinson7-1-97.asp | |
62. Duke Ellington Pictures, MP3, Lyrics, Tabs, Posters, Sheet Music, Biography, Wal duke ellington pictures, MP3, lyrics, photos, posters, sheet music, biography, tabs, wallpaper, discography, movies, videos. Home Music E ellington, duke. http://www.starpulse.com/Music/Ellington,_Duke/ | |
63. Free Time Music Deze bigband annex amusementsorkest brengt al meer dan 25 jaar nummers van onder andere Count Basie, Glen Miller en duke ellington. Op de site meer over de historie. http://www.freetimemusic.nl |
64. MSN Encarta - Ellington, Duke Advertisement. ellington, duke. Author of Beyond Category The Musical Genius of duke ellington. Editor, Ragtime Its History, Composers, and Music. http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761577553/Ellington_Duke.html | |
65. Jazzin´ DUKES Jazzsextett med duke ellington som huvudintresse. Framtr¤der med ellingtonkonserter, fr¤mst den ¤ldre repertoaren, i de nordiska l¤nderna. http://hem.fyristorg.com/jazzin-dukes |
66. MSN Encarta - Multimedia - Duke Ellington Appears in, duke ellington. American composer, bandleader, and pianist duke ellington endures as perhaps the most important pioneer in bigband jazz. http://encarta.msn.com/media_461525922/Duke_Ellington.html | |
67. Marvin Ford,Portrait Artist,Fine Art, Oil Paintings Portraits of men, women, and children in oil on canvas by artist trained at the duke ellington School of the Arts (Washington, DC), accomplished in sculpture and other media, and available for commissions. http://www.marvinford.com |
68. Claude Bolling Comments on his musical abilities with special emphasis on his friendship with and interpretation of duke ellington. http://www.musicprom.com/e_cbolling.html | |
69. Jazz Photos By Riccardo Schwamenthal Fotografie originali di Riccardo Schwamenthal di alcuni grandi del jazz tra cui Miles Davis, Chet Baker, duke ellington. http://art.supereva.it/lefotojazzdiriccardo.freeweb/ | |
70. Ellington, Duke ellington, duke. See his memoirs, Music Is My Mistress (1973); M. Tucker, ed., The duke ellington Reader (1993); biographies by B. Ulanov (1946, repr. http://www.factmonster.com/ce5/CE016707.html | |
71. Jazz: Anderson I. Biography of Anderson, one of the early female vocalists with duke ellington. http://www.ddg.com/LIS/InfoDesignF96/Ismael/jazz/1930/ivie.html | |
72. Ellington, Duke encyclopediaEncyclopedia ellington, duke. ellington, duke (Edward Related content from HighBeam Research on duke ellington. The duke ellington http://www.infoplease.com/ce5/CE016707.html | |
73. Herb Jeffries Lead singer with the duke ellington Orchestra during the BlantonWebster era, site features his cd The duke and I . http://www.herbjeffries.com/ | |
74. Artists: Duke Ellington (18991974) Biography, discography, links, reviews, mailing list information. http://town.hall.org/radio/Kennedy/Taylor/bt_duke.html | |
75. Sophisticated Gentleman (Imagination): American Treasures Of The Library Of Cong He captured this image of duke ellington s charismatic presence after a performance at New York s Paramount Theater in the late 1940s. http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/treasures/tri010.html | |
76. The Western High School-Duke Ellington School Of The Arts Alumni Association: Ho For the alumni of Western High School and of the duke ellington School of the Arts. Online registration, calendar of events, photo gallery, and list of class representatives. http://www.western-ellington.org/ | |
77. Charivari Jazzband, Dixieland Aus München Die M¼nchener Band spielt Dixieland mit Schu. Das Repertoire enth¤lt Titel der Swingra, vorzugsweise von duke ellington und Count Basie, aber auch deutsche Volkslieder und Schlager im Jazz-Gewande. Bandgeschichte, CD, H¶rproben, Konzerttermine, Kontaktseite. http://members.aol.com/ChariJazz/ | |
78. Yale School Of Music - About The School Links to the Chamber Music Society, Yale Band, Institute of Sacred Music, duke ellington Fellowship and other musicrelated sites at Yale. http://www.yale.edu/schmus/orgs/orgsframes.html |
79. Ellington, Duke Previous Question List Experts ellington, duke. Volunteer Answers to one of thousands of questions. Topic ellington, duke. Subject, Date, Expert. SST Suite, 10/19/2003, jack jones. http://experts.about.com/q/453/ | |
80. A Duke Ellington Panorama Project of the Washington, D.C. ellington Society. List of compositions, sessions, information on joining other societies and Love You Madly, an email discussion group, glossary, time line, centennial remembrances, news, and links. http://www.depanorama.net/ | |
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