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21. Official Site Of Duke Ellington Greeting, Biography, News, Music, Quotes, Achievements, Photos, Library, Orchestra. © Estate of Mercer K. ellington c/o CMG Worldwide. http://www.dukeellington.com/ | |
22. TDES: Celebrating 100 Years Of Duke Ellington Official site. Includes biographical information plus appreciation, his interpreters, sound clips, information about the society, links. http://museum.media.org/duke/ | |
23. Edward K. "Duke" Ellington - Biography Home Composers Edward K. " duke" ellington. Edward K. " duke" ellington composer, bandleader, and pianist Edward Kennedy ("duke") ellington was recognized in his lifetime as one http://www.schirmer.com/composers/ellington_bio.html | |
24. Rude Interlude, A Duke Ellington Home Page Rude Interlude a duke ellington home page dedicated to the memory and musical legacy of Edward Kennedy ellington duke. duke ellington http://www.ilinks.net/~holmesr/duke.htm | |
25. PBS - JAZZ A Film By Ken Burns: Selected Artist Biography - Duke Ellington duke ellington. Courtesy of Jazz at Lincoln Center Edward Kennedy "duke" ellington was the most prolific composer of the twentieth century in terms of both number of http://www.pbs.org/jazz/biography/artist_id_ellington_duke.htm | |
26. Duke Ellington : Sylwetki @ Nuta.pl Notka biograficzna. http://www.nuta.pl/sylwetki/d/1/93/ | |
27. Ellington, Duke ellington, duke ellington, duke. Period Early 20th Century. duke ellington was born and raised in a middleclass environment in Washington DC. http://stevenestrella.com/composers/composerfiles/ellington1974.html | |
28. Official Site Of Duke Ellington He was The duke, duke ellington. Through the power of radio, listeners throughout New York had heard of duke ellington, making him quite a popular musician. http://www.dukeellington.com/bio.html | |
29. Rude Interlude, A Duke Ellington Home Page Biography, discography, essays, articles, links, and a personal memory of the author's daughter and the composer's music. http://www.arches.uga.edu/~rholmes/duke.htm | |
30. Artists: Duke Ellington Edward Kennedy duke ellington (1899 1974). Pianist, Bandleader, Composer. duke ellington s pre-eminence in jazz is not only because of the very high http://www.northwestern.edu/jazz/artists/ellington.duke/ | |
31. Discography: Duke Ellington Discography. Edward Kennedy duke ellington (1899 1974). Pianist, Bandleader, Composer. Due to ellington s many years as a prolific http://www.northwestern.edu/jazz/artists/ellington.duke/discog.html | |
32. Duke Ellington School Of The Arts High school providing preprofessional arts training combined with a college preparatory academic program. Site describes admissions, curriculum, and the ellington Fund. http://www.ellingtonschool.org/ |
33. Artists: Duke Ellington Edward Kennedy "duke" ellington (1899 1974) Pianist, Bandleader, Composer duke ellington's pre-eminence in jazz is not only because of the very high aesthetic standard of Lambert's book duke ellington. Discography by Justin Hall. duke ellington Mailing List http://www.nwu.edu/jazz/artists/ellington.duke | |
34. BOURBON STREET Jazz Band Das Septett aus Luzern spielt New Orleans Jazz, Dixie und Blues in eigenst¤ndigen Arrangements der Kompositionen von duke ellington bis King Oliver. CDs, H¶rproben, Konzertdaten. http://www.bourbonstreet.ch/ | |
35. Duke Ellington Fellowship At Yale of the program, roster of recipients and overview of projects....... http://www.yale.edu/schmus/DE/index.htm | |
36. Duke Ellington's Washington: Virtual Tour Of Shaw Directory of local schools, theaters, and other local landmarks in the Shaw and U Street sections of Washingon, from PBS. http://www.pbs.org/ellingtonsdc/virtualTour.htm | |
37. Index Traditionelle JazzBigband im Stil der Jahre 1926 bis 1932. Spielt Musik der Bands von duke ellington, Fletcher Henderson, Cab Calloway, Luis Russel und Charlie Johnson. http://www.kbjungleband.de/ |
38. TDES: Celebrating 100 Years Of Duke Ellington Founded in New York in 1959, The duke ellington Jazz Society was one of the first of many non A duke ellington Appreciation ©1997 GASO-LINE and TDES, Inc http://www.museum.media.org/duke | |
39. Bryan's Album Reviews A simple layout with less simple content. Contains a mixture of things, including Pink Floyd, Beethoven and duke ellington. Also has cinema, book, game, and website reviews. http://www.fortunecity.com/boozers/oldhouse/54/reviews.html |
40. Discography: Duke Ellington Discography. Edward Kennedy "duke" ellington (1899 1974) Pianist, Bandleader, Composer. Due to ellington's many years as a prolific composer and bandleader, an accounting of his work is beyond my http://www.nwu.edu/jazz/artists/ellington.duke/discog.html | |
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