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61. Pomona College Includes short biography. http://www.pomona.edu/Welcome/AboutPomona/GradSpotlight/cage.html | |
62. Browse By Artist: CAGE, JOHN Artist cage, john. Title Cheap Imitation. Label AMPERSAND. Format CD. Artist cage, john. Title Empty Words (Parte III). Label AMPERSAND. Format 2CD. http://www.forcedexposure.com/artists/cage.john.html | |
63. John Cage Schriftliche Zusammenfassung des Referates vom 20.05.1999 im Rahmen eines Seminars ¼ber john cage mit weiteren Links, u.a. auch zum kompletten Werkverzeichnis. http://www.uni-weimar.de/~straub1/cage/ | |
64. Cage, John (1912 - 1992), Komponist (Composer) Translate this page john cage (Komponist) - Lebensdaten - Informationen - Werke - lieferbare CD-Aufnahmen Bücher - Noten - Biografien - weiterführende Links http://www.komponisten.at/komponisten/41.html | |
65. John Cage Selected Discography A short discography of some of cage's well known works http://www.eyeneer.com/CCM/Composers/Cage/cagedisc.html | |
66. Glbtq >> Arts >> Cage, John The music of controversial American composer john cage contains little autobiographical or gay content, but his ironic emphasis on the importance of silence in http://www.glbtq.com/arts/cage_j.html | |
67. John Cage, Atlas Eclipticalis Kommentare zum Werk von john cage, das von U. Krieger, T. R¼ger, R. Volker und V. Straebel im MendelssohnBartholdy-Park, Berlin am 9.9.2000 aufgef¼hrt wurde. http://www.straebel.de/a-cage-of-saxophones | |
68. Malcolm's John Cage Page: Cage On The Internet Links to cage sites on the internet. http://metalab.unc.edu/mal/MO/cage/ | |
69. Klassik.com: Cage, John (Komponist, 1912-1992) Translate this page Plattenbesprechungen der Redaktion, Buchempfehlungen, ein Werkverzeichnis, ausgewählte Internet-Verweise sowie weitere Artikel und Beiträge zu john cage. http://www.klassik.com/magazin/people/template.cfm?KID=162&people=composer&CFID= |
70. Cage ber dieses Werk und auch die Zufallsentscheidungen, die mit Hilfe des altchinesischen Orakelbuchs I Ching getroffen wurden und zu einer zentralen Komponente von john Cages Arbeitsweise wurden. http://www.bremen.de/info/dacapo/PianoAdventures/Cage.html | |
71. MSN Encarta - Cage, John Milton, Jr. cage, john Milton, Jr. cage, john Milton, Jr. (19121992), American experimental composer and leading figure of the avant-garde for more than half a century. http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761555675/Cage_John_Milton_Jr.html | |
72. WQXR: Classical Music Scene Biography with education and influences, early development of his own style, impact of Eastern philosophies, noted works, and summary list of compositions. From the Grove Concise Dictionary of Music entry at WQXR radio. http://www.wqxr.com/cgi-bin/iowa/cla/learning/grove.html?record=1474 |
73. RIF/T Review Composed In America edited by Marjorie Perloff and Charles Junkerman. Review by Kenneth Goldsmith http://wings.buffalo.edu/epc/rift/rift05/revi0501.html#goldsmith | |
74. John Cage - Artist Painting Prices, Art Appraisal, Artist Paintings [AskART.com] john cage AskART, an artist directory with john cage and 32000+ American painting and other artists - john cage artwork prices, valuations, appraisals and http://www.askart.com/artist/C/john_cage.asp?ID=76153 |
75. The Mattress Factory Photos of cage's installation at the Mattress Factory. (In collaboration with The Carnegie Museum of Art.) http://www.mattress.org/catalogue/91/cage/91.cage.00.html | |
76. Cage, John. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. cage, john. 191292, American composer, b. Los Angeles. A leading figure in the http://www.bartleby.com/65/ca/Cage-Joh.html | |
77. Welcome To AMERICAN BALLET THEATRE: ABT A short biography. http://www.abt.org/library/archive/composers/cage_j.html | |
78. Cage, John Milton, Jr. The American Heritage® Dictionary Of The English Languag cage, john Milton, Jr. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language Fourth Edition. 2000. 2000. cage, john Milton, Jr. PRONUNCIATION k j. http://www.bartleby.com/61/84/C0018400.html | |
79. Musica Classica - Classical Music - Klassische Musik - Karadar Bertoldi Ensemble Biography, photographs, musical highlights, and list of noted works from Karadar. http://www.karadar.net/Dictionary/cage.html | |
80. OAC: Finding Aids Browse UC Santa Cruz Special Collections and Archives cage (john) Mycology Collection. cage (john) Mycology Collection. Creator cage, john. http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/kt4w10133d | |
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